amp simulator

I admit; I did not read every post in great detail, but I ask there ever a true need for an AMP SIMulator? I mean does anyone know for sure that Simulator is sounding like that particular amp? To me, it's all Bullshit! I've been playing in public for 40 yrs., with several great guitar players who never NEEDED an amp SIMulator. It's ALL marketing HYPE to get us to buy Their expensive Shit. :mad: Do you attack that string exactly the same everytime you hit it? I didn't think so. That was one of the hardest things to Learn for studio recording. Back then; you learned to use the same technique, pressure, attack if you wanted to make a decent recording. NOW, evidently, is Pay for this so-called SIMulator? What happened to the talent? :confused:
Slowrider said:
I admit; I did not read every post in great detail, but I ask there ever a true need for an AMP SIMulator? I mean does anyone know for sure that Simulator is sounding like that particular amp? To me, it's all Bullshit! I've been playing in public for 40 yrs., with several great guitar players who never NEEDED an amp SIMulator. It's ALL marketing HYPE to get us to buy Their expensive Shit. :mad: Do you attack that string exactly the same everytime you hit it? I didn't think so. That was one of the hardest things to Learn for studio recording. Back then; you learned to use the same technique, pressure, attack if you wanted to make a decent recording. NOW, evidently, is Pay for this so-called SIMulator? What happened to the talent? :confused:

don't you know, the new talentator plugin will makeup for that. it sounds kind of harsh to my ears though. others may like it.
Slowrider said:
I admit; I did not read every post in great detail, but I ask there ever a true need for an AMP SIMulator? I mean does anyone know for sure that Simulator is sounding like that particular amp?
The true need for an amp sim is when your environment doesn't allow for a cranked amp IE:an apartment dweller, sleeping babies, asshole neighbors, night recording, etc...
Slowrider said:
It's ALL marketing HYPE to get us to buy Their expensive Shit.
Amp sims are far less expensive than even a cheapo amp.
Slowrider said:
Do you attack that string exactly the same everytime you hit it? I didn't think so. That was one of the hardest things to Learn for studio recording. Back then; you learned to use the same technique, pressure, attack if you wanted to make a decent recording.
So you are saying to make a decent recording you need to learn to play without dynamics? A guitarist that doesn't vary the attack and string pressure would sound fake like a keyboard trying to imitate a guitar. You should go and find the person that told you to hit the strings the same every time and give him/her a blanket party. That person obviously doesn't know shit from shinola.
Slowrider said:
What happened to the talent? :confused:
It was replaced by laziness and greed.
ocnor said:
So you are saying to make a decent recording you need to learn to play without dynamics? A guitarist that doesn't vary the attack and string pressure would sound fake like a keyboard trying to imitate a guitar. You should go and find the person that told you to hit the strings the same every time and give him/her a blanket party. That person obviously doesn't know shit from shinola.

He's actually mostly correct in this respect IME.

For the vast majority of studio work you need to take a much more even approach to your dynamics than you would live.

If the guitar is solo, or part of a small jazz group you can afford to introduce more dynamics and play normally.

Otherwise you're just making more work for the compressor and more mixing work.

This approach is especially relevant for acoustic rhythm parts, which sound horrible when over-compressed, but can be unusable if they're all over the place dynamically.

Live of course, you let it all go.
That's what's nice about playing live :)
rayc said:
Whomsoever dropped it on me used his name - if it's not him it's an awfully decietful person.

I didn't neg rep any single person in this thread until this very minute. I hit OCNOR THE TERRIBLE for hitting me. Isn't there a way to verify if it's me? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that somewhere.

Telepaul, you smart guy you, read my earlier comments. I do currently own two lovely tube amps with fantastic sound. And I've owned many others through the years.

Travis, I'll post some more clips soon. Did you check out the demo of Alien Connections Revalver II? You should download it and then post your reaction, I'm curious to hear it.
warrengtype said:
I didn't neg rep any single person in this thread until this very minute. I hit OCNOR THE TERRIBLE for hitting me. Isn't there a way to verify if it's me? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that somewhere.

Telepaul, you smart guy you, read my earlier comments. I do currently own two lovely tube amps with fantastic sound. And I've owned many others through the years.

Travis, I'll post some more clips soon. Did you check out the demo of Alien Connections Revalver II? You should download it and then post your reaction, I'm curious to hear it.

My ancient cpu doesn't support sse2. I'll have to see if I can try it out on another machine.
warrengtype said:
Telepaul, you smart guy you, read my earlier comments. I do currently own two lovely tube amps with fantastic sound. And I've owned many others through the years.

Play whatever amp you want, just don't come in here and get all angsty.
TelePaul said:
Play whatever amp you want, just don't come in here and get all angsty.

This was my big bad attack that I was accused of:

"I gotta say, I've done some searches on some of you who're claiming this software is crap. Without calling any one of you out specifically, if you really believe the tones you're getting are SO much better than what these sims are producing, ha, you're out of your minds."

I know! It was horribly mean of me to say that, right? I'm ashamed. Truly. I mean, clearly my feewings were hurt to say something so horrible and unthinkable.

But that's me, mr angsty! Not like you! You're sweet and lovely. For example:

not angsty at all said:
Maybe then he'd fuck off and exerience some quality tone. Warren I'll pledge $5 if it means you'll go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.

Yeah, that's good stuff. Hits me right here *points to heart*. Warm and fuzzy, y'know what I'm sayin'?

jonnyc said:
Yeah but some of us listened to his clips, which pretty much shot his arguement all to hell, so in the end, we were right. Tubes fucking kick your ass.

I really, really, really want to hear ONE single clip of you playing guitar that shows us you know how to get this god-like tone that's so far above anything I've shown. Please. Just one. That's not asking much, is it? I did the searches, you have not one single clip. I found a clip you posted which was another band that you apparently watched play, but I didn't bother listening because it wasn't you. Please, show me the way, jonnyc. No, seriously. One heavenly mp3, from you to me.
warrengtype said:
This was my big bad attack that I was accused of:

"I gotta say, I've done some searches on some of you who're claiming this software is crap. Without calling any one of you out specifically, if you really believe the tones you're getting are SO much better than what these sims are producing, ha, you're out of your minds."

I know! It was horribly mean of me to say that, right? I'm ashamed. Truly. I mean, clearly my feewings were hurt to say something so horrible and unthinkable.

But that's me, mr angsty! Not like you! You're sweet and lovely. For example:

Yeah, that's good stuff. Hits me right here *points to heart*. Warm and fuzzy, y'know what I'm sayin'?

I really, really, really want to hear ONE single clip of you playing guitar that shows us you know how to get this god-like tone that's so far above anything I've shown. Please. Just one. That's not asking much, is it? I did the searches, you have not one single clip. I found a clip you posted which was another band that you apparently watched play, but I didn't bother listening because it wasn't you. Please, show me the way, jonnyc. No, seriously. One heavenly mp3, from you to me.

I've stated many times before, I don't play guitar, but if you'd like next time Tim Reynolds is in town I'll see if I can have his nephew bring him by and show you what a god-like guitar tone is. Hell is nephew's damn near as good, might just have him do it. To me it's more about capturing the sound and reproducing it to cd properly and IMO a modeler will never do it as well as an amp with a mic on it. My goal in music is a be a damn good engineer, not a guitar player.
warrengtype said:
I really, really, really want to hear ONE single clip of you playing guitar that shows us you know how to get this god-like tone that's so far above anything I've shown. Please. Just one. That's not asking much, is it? I did the searches, you have not one single clip. I found a clip you posted which was another band that you apparently watched play, but I didn't bother listening because it wasn't you. Please, show me the way, jonnyc. No, seriously. One heavenly mp3, from you to me.

Check any one of these tunes out.

This is not the be all end all of tone but I can tell you there's no way I could have done these tunes with a modeler and have them come out like this. The stuff I heard from you was ok. I was still too fuzzy/fizzy with no balls. No articulation if ya know what I mean.
HangDawg said:
Check any one of these tunes out.

This is not the be all end all of tone but I can tell you there's no way I could have done these tunes with a modeler and have them come out like this. The stuff I heard from you was ok. I was still too fuzzy/fizzy with no balls. No articulation if ya know what I mean.

Those guitars do sound pretty fucking nice man, what's the chain on that?
jonnyc said:
Those guitars do sound pretty fucking nice man, what's the chain on that?

Mesa dual rect --> 2x12 75W celestion cab --> Beyer M201 --> Allen Heath gl2200.

There's alot of different tones on those tunes too. Same setup with different guitar/mic combinations.

Nothing fancy but there's no way to get that many guitar tracks to sit well together if they come from a modeler. I don't care which one you use.
warrengtype said:
This was my big bad attack that I was accused of:

"I gotta say, I've done some searches on some of you who're claiming this software is crap. Without calling any one of you out specifically, if you really believe the tones you're getting are SO much better than what these sims are producing, ha, you're out of your minds."

I know! It was horribly mean of me to say that, right? I'm ashamed. Truly. I mean, clearly my feewings were hurt to say something so horrible and unthinkable.

You just have an attitude problem; I get alot of help from cool guys like JonnyC because they know what they're talking about. If you're gonna come here and start flaming, fine. You're just isolating yourself from a potential plethora of information.
I know a lot of guys here hate DI but I've got some pretty nice tones before by putting my rig through a Palmer PDI-03 amp sim straight to the desk. Sure it still doesnt sound like an amp or stack mic'ed up but it still sounds cool and can add a different element to a track. I agree that most modelers sound terrible but again they have their place and can work nicely sometimes. If you click on my sig file and select the track called 'Axetacy' you can hear a track I did with a Boss GT-Pro for the lead parts over a DI'd Triaxis > 2:90 > PDI-03. I'm not a pro and it's far from a grail tone but it still sounds ok for a recording done late at night while the kids were sleeping. DI is a god-send for timewarp metal dads like me BUT whenever I do get around to re-recording my tracks I will be taking dry DI straight from the pickups (through a Radial DI box) and reamping them in a proper studio through a variety of chains and settings.
Superhuman said:
I know a lot of guys here hate DI but I've got some pretty nice tones before by putting my rig through a Palmer PDI-03 amp sim straight to the desk. Sure it still doesnt sound like an amp or stack mic'ed up but it still sounds cool and can add a different element to a track. I agree that most modelers sound terrible but again they have their place and can work nicely sometimes. If you click on my sig file and select the track called 'Axetacy' you can hear a track I did with a Boss GT-Pro for the lead parts over a DI'd Triaxis > 2:90 > PDI-03. I'm not a pro and it's far from a grail tone but it still sounds ok for a recording done late at night while the kids were sleeping. DI is a god-send for timewarp metal dads like me BUT whenever I do get around to re-recording my tracks I will be taking dry DI straight from the pickups (through a Radial DI box) and reamping them in a proper studio through a variety of chains and settings.
Very nice! :)
This last page was fun. The feelings surrounding both mic'd amps and modelers are fierce. But let's not forget....what sounds like a "Holy Grail", "God Like", "Pretty Nice" or "Pretty Fuckin Nice" tone to one group of people sounds like ass to another. The Pop Rock guys will find little in common with the Bluegrass guys. I've been to concerts where the guitar players were using modelers live..and the sound was pretty fukin brutal (that's a good thing) IMO.

Our gear is our tool box. Each tool has it's purpose. We choose our tools based on what we want our end product to be. It is silly to insist that one tool is flat out better than another tool when you have no clue what I want my end result to be. Do I want my audience to listen to my stuff and KNOW that I'm using Marshall amps? Then it would be silly to try to use a modeler. Do I need a guitar sound that is unmistakably a mic'd acoustic?'s pointless to use a modeler for that. But I've heard some modeler tones that are just plain badass.

And this little bit about studio recording floored me:

"So you are saying to make a decent recording you need to learn to play without dynamics? A guitarist that doesn't vary the attack and string pressure would sound fake like a keyboard trying to imitate a guitar. You should go and find the person that told you to hit the strings the same every time and give him/her a blanket party. That person obviously doesn't know shit from shinola."

There is a lot of info missing from that. From my experience in playing, recording, and listening to guitar music, dynamics are critical. However,they are easily overdone. In fact, dynamics is probably the #1 most often abused element. But of course, that too is a matter of taste. But in a studio environment, I have found it 100% necessary to play the guitar parts EXACTLY the same over and over again....timing, touch, attack, intensity...all the same as required for the part. Dynamics need to be as precise as the timing of the notes themselves. If the bridge part is just a *touch* lighter than the chorus part, then the *touch* lighter must be the exact same touch evey single time the bridge is played. Otherwise, the mix is fuxored and you can tell there are mistakes. Mistakes are NOT cool! mistakes do not add that "human" touch!! People say that shit to justify their inability to play their own shit without screwing up. Mistakes SUCK!! So.....yes, dymanics are very very important, but there are far too many guys using dynamics as an excuse to not be precise in their playing and the results are less than impressive.

Of course, everything is a matter of taste. :D