amp simulator

I think we could all contribute to the buy-warren-gtype-a-real-valve-amp fund. Maybe then he'd fuck off and exerience some quality tone. Warren I'll pledge $5 if it means you'll go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.

Love and sunshine forever,
Is anyone else getting neg rep from darling warrentype?
Dearest darling wazza,
I was responding to someone else NOT YOU.
I don't neg rep unless the person has been abusive or set out to give wrong info etc. You seem to use it as a tool for retribution against those who disagree with you (oh, no that can't be as you rebuke others for challenging people who disagree with them), that'd be double tooling wouldn't it?
This time I'll apologise FOR you as you don't seem to have the nouse to follow the thread or manage it yourself.
rayc said:
Is anyone else getting neg rep from darling warrentype?
Dearest darling warren,
I was responding to someone else NOT YOU.
I don't neg rep unless the person has been absuive or set out to give wrong info etc.
This time I'll apologise FOR you as you don't seem to have the nouse to follow the thread or manage it yourself.
He neg rep'd me too. I also don't neg rep very often but in his case I'll make an exception. Don't apologise for him just because he's an idiot. Let's just neg rep his ass right back.
Whomsoever dropped it on me used his name - if it's not him it's an awfully decietful person.
Sigh... I got to spend a month with the Digitech RP200 about 5 years ago, and I loved it. So when I was looking for a church effects rig a few weeks ago, I saw this in a pawn shop and picked it up.

Apparently my ear has matured a lot since then, because I can't get anything that sounds realistic out of it. Even with all the effects turned off, I can't seem to find a natural sounding amp sim...
wait a second, the thread was ASKING for tube amp sims, warrengtype simply responded with his opinion on the topic at hand, and people started attacking amplitube- most of whom haven't used the program!!!!! Then some go into wild hyperbole about how amp sims are useless and how a cheap and shitty solid state amp is better than a program they likely haven't used?

Please counter his amplitube clips with stuff YOU'VE recorded with your tube amps. Then tell which amp model it is, the price, and what equipment was used. This will help out the original poster more than arguing over something you haven't heard. Actual samples that you did where you know the exact signal chain, room, etc. Do you think the original poster will get that kind of sound out of an epi valve Jr. if it was recorded using a neve pre, a vintage Les Paul, vintage or modded 57, and in an acoustically treated specially built studio room, if he's recording in a bedroom with really cheap gear? Most likely not.

I hate random samples on the websites or from companies, etc, because you have no idea what went into them. Posting on here would be cool because there's feedback and you can make a more educated decision.
wait a second, the thread was ASKING for tube amp sims, warrengtype simply responded with his opinion on the topic at hand, and people started attacking amplitube- most of whom haven't used the program!!!!! Then some go into wild hyperbole about how amp sims are useless and how a cheap and shitty solid state amp is better than a program they likely haven't used?

Please counter his amplitube clips with stuff YOU'VE recorded with your tube amps. Then tell which amp model it is, the price, and what equipment was used. This will help out the original poster more than arguing over something you haven't heard. Actual samples that you did where you know the exact signal chain, room, etc. Do you think the original poster will get that kind of sound out of an epi valve Jr. if it was recorded using a neve pre, a vintage Les Paul, vintage or modded 57, and in an acoustically treated specially built studio room, if he's recording in a bedroom with really cheap gear? Most likely not.

I hate random samples on the websites or from companies, etc, because you have no idea what went into them. Posting on here would be cool because there's feedback and you can make a more educated decision.

You obviously didn't read much of this thread and it's flat out ridiculous to claim "most" of us haven't used it. You'll clearly see that most of us have used at least one of the two versions of Amplitube. Warren is claiming its really close to a tube amp sound and it isn't, at all. BTW I did post a clip using a real tube amp and he gave samples which clearly sound like a crappy amp sim. His playing's good, his "amp" isn't.
Here's a couple freebies at Kvr that I like alot!

If you click on my sig',I used Guitarsuites JCM900 and Cortex on "Blood and Circus" and the JCM 900 on one of the rythm guitars on "Bleak".
beezelbubba said:
Here's a couple freebies at Kvr that I like alot!

If you click on my sig',I used Guitarsuites JCM900 and Cortex on "Blood and Circus" and the JCM 900 on one of the rythm guitars on "Bleak".

Guitarsuite is really good especially for being free.

I've actually gotten usable overdrive/blues tones and good clean tones out of it.
wait a second, the thread was ASKING for tube amp sims, warrengtype simply responded with his opinion on the topic at hand, and people started attacking amplitube- most of whom haven't used the program!!!!! Then some go into wild hyperbole about how amp sims are useless and how a cheap and shitty solid state amp is better than a program they likely haven't used?

Please counter his amplitube clips with stuff YOU'VE recorded with your tube amps. Then tell which amp model it is, the price, and what equipment was used. This will help out the original poster more than arguing over something you haven't heard. Actual samples that you did where you know the exact signal chain, room, etc. Do you think the original poster will get that kind of sound out of an epi valve Jr. if it was recorded using a neve pre, a vintage Les Paul, vintage or modded 57, and in an acoustically treated specially built studio room, if he's recording in a bedroom with really cheap gear? Most likely not.

I hate random samples on the websites or from companies, etc, because you have no idea what went into them. Posting on here would be cool because there's feedback and you can make a more educated decision.

I've used amplitube. What makes you think most of the posters haven't? Is it because we disagree?

Warrengtype does say himself that amplitube is crap and that amplitube 2 is a major improvement (it should be at $400 + the price of a di). From what I heard in his clips, I'd say he's right. The modelers are sounding better with every new generation. Let's say in 5 years that modelers are indistinguishable from real amps. They will still lack the feel of a real amp thru real speakers in a real room, which alone is a major reason to have the real thing + the choices that someone can make with mic selection and placement. You will always be settling for a model of the real thing. In my experience, tube amp guys don't like to settle. :D

Alot of guitarists have spent half their lives or more working on their guitar sound. Do you think they will be able to emulate that sound thru a plugin? Come on, let's be real. I think Warrengtype is realistic in his use of modelers. He says, that he prefers to use real amps and uses the modelers for mucking around and when he wants a different amp sound. The thing is, most guitarists only really use 1 or 2 amps. There's a reason for that. It takes alot of time and effort to find your own sound. Imo, there's really not a need to have emulations of 20 different amps. It's fun to play around with but when it comes do to it, a guy's sound is his sound and it won't happen thru a different amp and it sure as hell won't happen thru a modeler. I'd rather see people dropping their money toward a real amp that will aid in defining their sound.

If you're a studio guy and need alot of different amp sounds, modeling seems like a valid option to me. The thing is, if you have a need for all those amp sounds then you've probably used the real thing and could make use of a modeler. I don't think you should expect anyone walking into your studio to be plugging into a modeler over a real amp though. Most guitarists are likely to tell you to eat shit. I think modelers have other valid uses but it's always a compromise to the real thing.

Apart from the samples from the mercury magnetics site, the other samples were created by guys that just love tube amps. I'd bet that if you dropped any of those guys an email, they'd share their recording chain details with you. Tube amp guys are usually pretty open like that in general. Matter of fact, ask the guys how they built those amps, which tubes were in them, etc., etc. I bet you'll find out all kinds of cool info. Matter of fact, those aren't random samples from the net. Those are samples that I was lead to when conversing with guys about tube amps in other forums......and I've talked to the guys that created those clips. Another thing you should know, those clips are all of low budget tube amps.

One more last point. In my experience with modelers so far, each modeler has a particular model or two that it it's best at. If you really need decent models of 20 amps, you might need 20 modelers to achieve it. I've seen alot guys mention having multiple modelers.
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I just like a cool sound.I don't give a shit how it gets done!
Cheap or free trumps a $1000 tube amp or a $400 plugin for me, though!
beezelbubba said:
I just like a cool sound.I don't give a shit how it gets done!
Cheap or free trumps a $1000 tube amp or a $400 plugin for me, though!

Build yourself a little champ type amp and I'll bet you never use that free plugin again. :D Or at least you won't want to.
beezelbubba said:
My value system is quite different than yours,I believe!

I think you may just be unitiated. For example, I can go down to the homeless shelter and get a free meal but for $5, I can eat some killer chinese. I think if you were exposed to that killer chinese dive, you'd quit eating the free soup.
TravisinFlorida said:
I think you may just be unitiated. For example, I can go down to the homeless shelter and get a free meal but for $5, I can eat some killer chinese. I think if you were exposed to that killer chinese dive, you'd quit eating the free soup.
I've been playing for 25 years.Do you think I've never played a guitar through a tube amp?
My brother is much like you.He is very into his tube amp and has been developing(obsessing over) his sound for years.I've simply never been that hard to please.I love the fact that I can plug pretty much into the computer and get the sounds I'm looking for.
beezelbubba said:
I've been playing for 25 years.Do you think I've never played a guitar through a tube amp?
My brother is much like you.He is very into his tube amp and has been developing(obsessing over) his sound for years.I've simply never been that hard to please.I love the fact that I can plug pretty much into the computer and get the sounds I'm looking for.

I think you were dead on beez, our values are different. I envy you. :D