The Cheapskate's pop filter/pop shield


If only for a moment.....
Ive heard about making pop filters with ladies nylons and like a metal clothes hanger. Has anyone done this? Does it work?

Yeah, it will work. But, really, a nylon pop filter is only about $20, and the metal ones start at about $30.

oh like they use in the big fancy studios! the big round shields about 2 inches from the mic?

how do I make my own? if I cut a 2" circle out of a pair of panty hose, layed it directly on the mic head and wrapped a rubber band around it, would that work well?

If you make your own, I've grabbed a wire coat hangar, made a circle outta it about 8 inches around, and just took a pair of my wifes pantyhose and stretched it over it. It needs to be away from the mic a couple three inches for it to work. Otherwise your pops just go thru it.
Cheapskate pop shield.JPG

One of the things I've always personally liked about home recording, actually, the recording of music in general, is the way the proper 'pro' methodology sits comfortably alongside the homemade, maverick ways. Well, they're comfortable in my mind. I don't look down on gearsluts, each to their own. Neither do I condemn the mavericks. There's innovators and hacks in both crowds and if I'm honest, I'm a bit of both at different times. And I have a room in both camps......

There are some that conclude that because of availability and relative low cost (in comparison to yesteryear), that pretty much everything we need in pursuit of our musical paths is affordable. But that isn't always the case if the Newbie adjunct "I'm on a very tight budget", is anything to go by. Students, low paid workers, folk with dependents, those in's interesting how many of us can be strapped for even £30/$54 in a pinch. Not only that, there are times when it's actually enjoyable to make your own stuff or repair your leads or amps or whatever it may be.
So this is just an encouragement to anyone that may find this buried among a zillion tasty threads that are much more interesting, to not feel that everything has to be bought. Even if it ultimately is cheaper to buy, sometimes there is value in doing it yourself or with others.

This is just a cheapskate's pop shield/filter. DSCI0025.jpg

Literally put together in 15 minutes from imagining how it should look, I can tell you it's really effective. It's double sided and takes no high end away but plosives are dead in the water on this fella. I've had it for about four years. I made it in such a way that it's a few inches from the mic. If placed too close to the mic, you get something more irritating than plosives and sibilance - you get, in a singer's excitable moments, the wind actually knocking the shield against the mic so it sounds like a percussionist is right on their shoulder !

The end of the hanger is curled in a circular fashion and easilly slides off the mic stand once the mic holder is unscrewed. It's not pretty, but who cares ? It does the job. I blew really hard into it and could barely feel any wind on the other side.Face on.JPG
Sometimes, stories you hear about what can be done turn out to be false dawns (egg cartons on studio walls ?) but this is one that comes up trumps.
Interestingly, I don't personally use it. I try to control plosives by not emphasizing those Ps and Bs or if I do by singing across the mic or slightly under it. The preamp up to a good level takes care of any shenanigans. But most of the vocalists I record need one. 58, pop shield, singer.JPGThere often isn't time to give a lecture on mic technique, much less remember it all ! I'm just glad I've got friends with interesting voices that are prepared to sing and spare me the time, like my friend in these pics. There's a difference between singing for enjoyment or being able to hold a tune and actual recording. People often aren't confronted by that until they are actually at the mic !

I'm not sure if my question should be "Why use a pop filter?" because the answer is obvious. But I noticed that I don't need one. I try to get pops and can't get them even if I try. I sing about 6-8 inches from my mic (AKG C1000b..I know alot of people don't like those mics, so I hope this doesn't turn into a thread-debate about which mics suck and which don't). So, I'm wondering why I see videos of top artists using top equipment still using a pop filter. Or, if I don't need a pop filter, am I doing something wrong, like singing too far from the mic?

I'm always scared that a pop filter would cut some sibilence or muffle the sound a bit, but I've never tried one so I don't know. I figure it can't kill the sound as much as I fear if pros use them with top of the line mics.
right on dude, i made one, but the ex stold my black pantyhose so mines and ugly color of brown, i suggest black.

i read some dude just put towels over his singers heads. i figure the small place wuould make people feel more comfortible.

but thats not the real point is it, if you make something with your bare hands, you will have a more intimate relationship with it, thus increasing your oneness with your trade.

thanks for the justification dude.

i read some dude just put towels over his singers heads.

Yeah, that was probably me ! I was recording two friends and one has a powerful voice (she don't need no mic !) while the other has a lovely laid back voice but quiet. In order to capture as much of her voice, I turned the preamp up which had the effect of really pronouncing her Ps, Bs and Ss while my other friend was practically blowing the mic over and distorting all over the place. I held a towel up about 3 inches from the mic and hey presto, the plosives disappeared. But my arms hurt and I had other elements to attend so I suggested they wear the towel like a veil. But we couldn't get the towels to stay. As they would move as they sang, the towel would fall off. So it went over their heads ! It was a good session, most of it was spent laughing. And no plosives or sibilance. It was that that inspired me to have a go at making my own.
right on dude, brilliant inprovision, if you ask me. the veil idea has merit, just need some safty pins and a good elastic, maybe off an old pair or drours. everyone whould have to make their own of course. and why should the mic have to wear that uncomfterble thing i mean most studio mics are probably worth as much as the people spitting at them, so why should the mic have to suffer?

could cut eye holes in the have a ghost singer.

uncomfortable, uncompthterbill. nope cant spell it.
Gotcha. But our household has more hangers than insects in the summer. I thought it was a cool way to implement hanger reduction. Some governments might do well to take note !! :)
I used to use pop filters but found that they screw up the sound. Mics already have pop filters and if you learn how to sing without popping your p's and b's the sound you get without a pop filter is much better. It's clearer and the high end sounds much better.
Yo y'all! Simplify your lives for $.67! You can get plastic ones, but wood has nice ambience- This is what you use to mount the panty hise (or for heavy duty poppers- dance tights). Enjoy.


that wont work, ho you gunna mount it to the stand? yer still gunna need a coat hanger, and your out 67 <wheres the cents key?> + shipping.

Grim, i see your into bob the builder, whats he been building lately? last i seen it was a pen for some rabbits so he could knock down an old barn.

I used to use pop filters but found that they screw up the sound. Mics already have pop filters and if you learn how to sing without popping your p's and b's the sound you get without a pop filter is much better. It's clearer and the high end sounds much better.

Ha, I will never be able to accomplish this. I sing about "pepperoni pizza" and my mic needs to be dehumidified.

I love DIY stuff. I'm finally investing in some real recording equipment, but for the lo-fi demos I've recorded with my AT2020 USB mic, I used a pop filter my art-major friend made from scrap metal and pantyhose. Definitely does the job...and earns you ghettofab points. *cha-CHING*