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  1. B

    Anyone interested in doing a short guitar part/solo?

    I figured it was best to ask this in the guitar forum. Is anyone interested in doing a short guitar part on this song? From 2:12 to 2:45 on this... I wanted this part to be kind of like a mini climax leading into...
  2. B

    Is this too similiar to another song?

    Alright, so this is something I made up tonight, and wanted to work more with. But I kept thinking I had heard it before. So I kept racking my brain, and finally I realized which song it reminded me of. Which is...
  3. B

    Am I out of key with the guitar part?

    I'm still working on everything. So mainly I'm just looking for feedback on the guitar from about 4 minutes, is it in key? If you have any other suggestions they are welcomed of course. Thanks.
  4. B

    Feedback appreciated

    A new song I'm working on "pregnant planet". Any sort of feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  5. B

    "Forests"- Feedback please

    Any and all comments appreciated. I'm just starting out, so really any sort of feedback will help me quite a lot. Thanks.
  6. B

    Combining two .wavs as one song

    I have a song I'm working on, and I decided to split it in half and use two different sessions of cool edit. Now, my question is, will I lose sound quality by mixing down each sessions tracks, then combining the mixdown of each sessions, and then again mixing it down to create the final .wav...