Feedback appreciated

The whole thing is quite unique, more of a mood than a song... I really like the mix you have here - some excellent effects and playing. The distorted vocals are cool - and placed well.

It tends to be a bit montonous in the vocals. The last line where you scream was the best - as it was less monotonous. That's the only part that I thought was less than excellent. The lyrics themselves are good but the delivery could use some variety for me.

Overall good job.....
The whole thing is quite unique, more of a mood than a song... I really like the mix you have here - some excellent effects and playing. The distorted vocals are cool - and placed well.

It tends to be a bit montonous in the vocals. The last line where you scream was the best - as it was less monotonous. That's the only part that I thought was less than excellent. The lyrics themselves are good but the delivery could use some variety for me.

Overall good job.....

Ok cool, thanks for the feedback. I agree about the monotonous part on the vocals. I'll have to go back and change the lyrics some to allow for different deliveries I think. I felt that was a weakness, but I got dead set on that vocal delivery and those lyrics and wanted to try them out first. Now I know for sure.