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  1. R

    my pride and joy - Little King Studio in Toronto, Canada.

    Here are some pics we took yesterday of the live room. It's not very "live" with all that carpet but that's how it came and I actually like how it sounds until I can afford to do something else with it.
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    An EP I mixed. I particularly like Track 5, but they're all good. These guys wrote and recorded everything really quickly using the small studio at their school (focusrite pres, apex mics, etc). They brought it to me to see if I could bring it to the next level. I'm...
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    Where to buy s/pdif option for Joemeek TwinQCS?

    Anyone know where I can get this digital option? My unit came without one and I'd like to take advantage of that option now if I can find the part.
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    Earlier this week, my brother and I decided to take the day off work and head west to Detroit and to find the Motown house. We had no map or address and just figured we could find it and we did. Being in Studio A refreshed all my feelings about why I got involved in music in the first place...
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    Multi-channel preamps with Adat option?

    I'm looking at getting a multi channel preamp with the adat option to add another group of channels to my Motu recording rig. Right now, the Focusrite Octopre looks the most appealing but I'm wondering if anyone knows of any others that could compete. Price isn't that important, as long as the...
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    Working in headphones?

    I just bought some new headphones that seem to be lacking in the bass. Is this going to go away with a few hours of heavy usage? They are the ATH-m30 model. I wanted a closed design without spending a fortune. Still, they sound quite... dull in the low end. More dull than "flat" monitoring. I'm...
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    Written and recorded in an hour.

    I had some song ideas and wanted to jam them out with a friend while testing out some new equipment this morning. Turns out, the jam space was booked by another band but we ended up getting an hour. What do you think? Tascam 238. Mackie 1604. Studio Projects C4 overheads AKG kick. shitty snare...
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    Behringer Magician?

    Anyone have one of these? Are they worth buying to beef up a Mackie?
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    Anyone selling Tascam 238?

    I'd like to own one of these. I've seen a few on ebay, but I'd rather buy from here if someone is selling one. Email me:
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    Digital vs Analog

    Now, I don't mean to open up this can of worms again as I know we've all been through this a million times before. However, before this week, I was talking out of my ass. Let me explain. I've been doing "home mastering" services for indie bands from an ever-growing home studio for the past...
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    Computer programs for mixing.

    If I were to purchase a program to set up for mixing recordings for other bands - mostly from Cubase, but could be from any program - what program should I purchase. Do they communicate well with each other?
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    Delta 1010LT help with stereo.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this. I just installed the Delta 1010LT today. I'm not using any inputs, just WAV file output to 1/2 going out to some powered BX8s. For some reason, output 1 is quieter than the output 2. I've got all the stereo effects locked in the mixer...
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    How much RAM is enough?

    Hey people. I've been focusing on only 2 channel editing and mastering for the past couple years and I'm starting to get my feet wet with digital recording. I'm looking at buying the Delta 1010LT and I'm wondering what sort of computer you'd recommend to use with this if I'm doing 8 inputs at...
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    Using Wavelab to space and burn CDs?

    Is there anyone here who is experienced with using Wavelab for burning CDs? I'd like to learn how to set pre-track time and stuff like that, and I know it'll only take a couple minutes with the help of someone who's done it before. I'm a fast learner. Just email me at
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    amps for non-powered monitors

    I'm looking for a nice, clean, stereo amp for some non-powered monitors. Something meant for a mastering environment would be ideal. Anyone have any suggestions?
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    UAD-1 Studio PAK

    Anyone using these plugs for mastering? I'm very interested in buying them. The company site doesn't seem to have an all-inclusive price... does anyone know of a site that does?
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    Building a mastering studio on an $8k budget.

    If you were to build a mastering studio on $8k, what pieces would you purchase? Exact model numbers and brand names would be a great help. I've been doing the DIY home studio thing for a while, and I'm looking to get a bit more serious with some outboard gear, monitors, etc. Hardware primarily...
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    alesis 2216 16 channel studio mixer

    Does anyone have a picture or description of this mixer? Someone is selling it in my area and I'm wondering what it's all about. The price is right, so I'm curious.
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    Mastering sample from my home suite.

    This is a track from an album I just mastered in my home editing suite. I'm not usually one to submit a sample to be critiqued by the masses, but this seems to be a pretty talented group of people on these boards, so maybe I can get some useful advice. Here's an mp3 of one of the songs...
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    We really have to do something about this word. "Micing" just doesn't look like it sounds, and I suggest changing to either "mic-ing" or "miking". Who's the big man upstairs I have to convince to get the ball rolling on this one. Of course, I'm half-kidding. I just think the word is spelled funny.