How much RAM is enough?


New member
Hey people. I've been focusing on only 2 channel editing and mastering for the past couple years and I'm starting to get my feet wet with digital recording. I'm looking at buying the Delta 1010LT and I'm wondering what sort of computer you'd recommend to use with this if I'm doing 8 inputs at once. Probably using Cool Edit Pro 2 if it will work.

Is 256mb RAM enough or would you suggest a minimum of 512mb?

Also, anything else I should know about hooking this up?
If you have Windows XP, you're definitely gonna want to go up to at least 512M. This will more than double the memory available to your DAW, since XP itself uses a lot of memory.

I've seen metrics that show the greatest performance gain is the jump from 256M to 512M. Obviously, you're still gonna improve performance at 768M or even better at 1G, but the gain supposedly isn't as noticeable, probably because those instances where you're really pushing it and actually making use of those extra Megs aren't as common as those instances where you're using just an extra couple hundred or so Megs over 256.

I guess it all depends on how hard you intend to push your computer. Zillions of tracks all with effects and automation and softsynths to boot... you'll probably see quite a benefit from having 1G.
ryanlikestorock said:
what sort of computer you'd recommend to use with this if I'm doing 8 inputs at once.

Is 256mb RAM enough or would you suggest a minimum of 512mb?
2.0 Gig or better, Pentium III
I recommend a build rather than off the shelf
ASUS Mobo's, Kingston or Micron Ram, ASUS Video
512 Mb Ram minimum

or you could go the Mac G5 route ;)
Don't get anything less than 512MB, my moms computer is pretty new with 256MB, and after you get some antivirus programs, and some other minor programs running in the background as well as Windows XP, the thing feels far from being new!

I really enjoy having my 1gig of Corsair ram, everything is just so fast even with a good number of programs running in the background, but 512 should be okay. 768 wouldn't really make sense because it's an odd number of ram, meaning that in order to have 768, you would be running single channel. I'd say if you have 4 slots for ram sticks, start off at 512MB of matched ram, and see how that works, if you need more you can still add more. But I've read for dual channel to work best, it's best to always use the same brand of matched memory, so that might be something worth knowing before you buy.
I am using 1536mb right now and feels pretty ok with it, anything below 256 is not good cos your windows OS needs atleast 256mb to run properly.