amps for non-powered monitors


New member
I'm looking for a nice, clean, stereo amp for some non-powered monitors. Something meant for a mastering environment would be ideal. Anyone have any suggestions?
for poweramps for mastering? I'll leave that to a mastering engineer...i'd like to build on that question....i know theres a difference between monitors people mix with and monitors that studios master there any difference in the power amps that mastering houses use? i wouldnt think there would be.
My understanding is that all amps should do the same thing; amplify the audio without altering the sound or introducing noise. I don’t see why it would be different between mastering and mixing. The Important thing is to make sure that the amp has a higher RMS average than the monitors. Give yourself as much headroom as you can so that your not adding distortion to the sound before it hits the monitor.
thats what I'm thinking...but i could be wrong....i do know that i decided to go with powered monitors instead of unpowered ones because most poweramps have fans and the fans on my computer make enough noise.....i have a bedroom studio...the quieter the better
This is true. I have powered near-field monitors right now, but I'm looking for an amp to power some hi-fi loudspeakers. Something clean, stereo, designed for a studio environment would be nice, and somewhere around $1000 would be ideal.
Stay away from fans. Convection cooling is the way to go. For 1000 dollars you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a good amp (depending on the RMS average of your monitors). I got a Hafler P3000 for half that. Granted, Haflers are cheaper than most good amps, bit it sounds gooood. Also, I forgot, when looking at the RMS average, make sure it’s into the same ohms as your monitors.
ryanlikestorock said:
I'm looking for a nice, clean, stereo amp for some non-powered monitors. Something meant for a mastering environment would be ideal. Anyone have any suggestions?

Bryston seems to be a popular choice in a reasonable price range.
does anyone know how the alesis RA series compare in the larger scheme of things? I was thinking of picking up a ra-100..
YO Amp-seeker of the Stereo realm:

:D The Yamaha AX-592 is an excellent stereo amp [no fan] that will go for about half of the $1000.00 post.

I use this amp in my home studio; it will allow you to connect two sets of speakers/moniotrs with banana plugs available in one set and wire in the other. I use the banana plugs for my KRKs. Nice and tight.

This amp will also let you run two tape decks, recorded either way back and forth, etc. Also, there is a great CD input, a phono input, [radio if you want it.] There is an AUX input. These are all RCA inputs.

For around 500 dollars it's a great piece of gear. Might be hard to find one but you can check out the net.

Green Hornet :p :D :cool: