Working in headphones?


New member
I just bought some new headphones that seem to be lacking in the bass. Is this going to go away with a few hours of heavy usage? They are the ATH-m30 model. I wanted a closed design without spending a fortune. Still, they sound quite... dull in the low end. More dull than "flat" monitoring.

I'm putting audio through them for the night to see if that makes a difference... loosens them up or something.
How does commercially printe music sound on them?

I'm not going to be the first to tell you that mixing with headphones is a BIG no-no. You're better mixing with your stock computer speakers than w/ headphones.

I'm going to copy this link from Blue-Bear...Whad'ya Mean I Can't Mix With Headphones????

That said, I don't think that playing them all night will improve their sound> You're not really going to "break" them in. One thing you can do is burn a copy of your music you mixed with the phoes and listen to the difference between what you heard through the phones, and what came out on disk.
I have those cans and I like them alot for $50 headphones. I use them mostly for tracking and as one of many listening systems to check mixes. Many consumer headphones have a boosted bass response, which these do not seem to have. Perhaps you are just used to that kick you are not getting with the ATs. I doubt that the bass response will improve with time, as with speakers. Like others have said, primarily mixing with headphones is a bad idea, as it gives you a false separation of the stereo field that you don't have listening in a room. As always, your mileage may vary.
Yeah, I'm not using them to mix. Just tracking and another point of reference. Maybe I'm getting more used to them or maybe my "breaking them in" is working, but they're opening up a bit, sonically.