Recent content by Qwerty

  1. Qwerty

    "The Cull Will Not Be Live Streamed"

    Hi - Been a while since I've been over in these parts... Hope everyone is well. Here's a new track, The Cull Will Not Be Live Streamed - a little bit jazz, a little bit metal. A lot demented. Appreciate any thoughts - mix or otherwise. Cheers! Q.
  2. Qwerty

    Acoustic + string quartet

    Bloody hell! Don't have children if you don't want to stop making music! :D Here's the first thing I've had a chance to do in a long while. Started life as an acoustic guitar + vocals track but I felt it was missing something. I tried going down the bass and drums path but couldn't make it...
  3. Qwerty

    Hey Dachay!

    Do you remember going around and around the mulberry bush when they released Sonar v4? I said it sounded better, you pointed out that different didn't necessarily equal better. Well, a new version of Sonar is released and it seems another audio engine is being spruiked as sounding...
  4. Qwerty

    Sound cards/converters - what's everyone lusting after?

    So - I am currently using an Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96 - 4ins and outs, balanced or unbalanced. Works great. Trouble is that Aardvark have gone out of business and I can't see a 64-bit driver being developed by anyone in the open source community... Given that 64-bit architecture, both...
  5. Qwerty

    What gives with the belvee thread?

  6. Qwerty

    Sonar 4.01 Patch out now Q.
  7. Qwerty

    Tombuur Seen this? VSampler .PDF 'manual'

    Haven't checked it out yet, but seems to be received well on the Cakewalk forum and I remember you complaining about a lack of VSampler documentation. Ciao, Q.
  8. Qwerty

    Sonar 4 PE - Now I'm excited

    Just found a bunch of stuff which clarifies some of the outstanding questions I had concerning the support of MPEX and other stuff in Sonar v4. I am now getting quite excited, I think this version will offer a lot of benefits. - Has some demo files showing...
  9. Qwerty

    Sonar: Using the Tuner

    Anybody able to get the tuner to work? I get nothing, zip, nada, zilch when I try and use it. I have tried with the track armed, not armed, soloed, not soloed, with input monitoring on and with it off. Speaking of which, my input monitoring only seems to work on my first pair of outputs, not...
  10. Qwerty

    Sonar 4 - To upgrade or not to upgrade. That is the question.

    So, what are your thoughts? Jump in the whole hog with Producer, just go to Studio or stay with what ya got? I was thinking about Studio Edition because I don't care about the surround or video stuff, but then I looked a little closer at what's in and what's out. => POW-R dithering and WL...
  11. Qwerty

    Sonar 4: Configurable Panning Law

    Whenever we get down and dirty and have one of "those" discussions about sound quality of various sequencers, the topic of 'Panning Law' always raises its head. Ron Kuper, one of the lead tech. guys at Cakewalk, explained that all sequencers will pump out identical information whilst summing and...
  12. Qwerty

    It's here........ Sonar 4.0 Q.
  13. Qwerty

    IRQ Sharing: Interesting Lesson Learnt

    I recently upgraded my PC and used the old bits and pieces to build a DAW for my guitarist and partner in crime. P4 1.8GHz, 1G Ram running Win2K. I just did a normal ACPI install and let Win2K work out the IRQ assignments. Installed everything and it was smoking along, giving me a WDM latency...
  14. Qwerty

    CakeFX: TapeSim Thingy

    Anybody found a use for this in their mixes? What do you use it for? What works? What sucks? ?? Q.
  15. Qwerty

    PODxt + Studioware = Locked Solid

    Anyone have any clues on how to troubleshoot this? I am attempting to hook up my PODxt via it's USB midi capabilities and use the Line 6 PODv2.Studioware panel that comes with Sonar 3. I can load the studioware panel and map the parameters back to my POD. Everything works correctly, but after...