Recent content by jethani

  1. J

    Best CD-ROM set for orchestral brass?

    Hi Gang. I have an opportunity to score for an upcoming TV show, but I need to create convincing orchestral brass sounds with my Emu ESI-4000 sampler. What's the best CD-ROM set for this kind of sound? I'm looking not only for solo instruments, but also sampled sections (trombones, trombones &...
  2. J

    OMS and Cubase... help!

    Hi gang. Hoping you can help me. For the past two years, I have been using a Roland XP-50 keyboard in Cubase without any problems. Last week I purchased my second MIDI device-- an Emu ESI-4000 sampler. I figured that Cubase would need OMS to help it find both peices of gear, now that my MIDI...
  3. J

    Latest version of OMS?

    G'day, Everyone. Does anyone have the latest version of OMS? I need the version that includes Patches for the Roland XP-50 keyboard and E-mu ASI-4000 sampler. Your help is much appreciated!!
  4. J

    What's the best extension set for Mac?

    Hi Gang. I'm running Cubase VST 4.0 on a Mac PPC 8500. What is the best set of extensions to load for Cubase? I have a secondary hard disk dedicated for audio, and I have a Mark of the Unicorn 2408. I know that in general, the fewer extensions loaded, the better. I'd appreciate your help on this.
  5. J

    How do I set up my new MOTU 2408?

    Hi Everyone. I'm sure this has come up before, but my searches are proving fruitless. I am using Cubase on a Mac PPC. I bring all audio into my computer by way of a Fostex mixer. I just bought a MOTU 2408, and am excited to get it hooked up properly. I have installed the PCI card & installed...
  6. J

    Home Recording magazine??

    Hi Everyone. Been away a while;-- got married in India! It's good to be back. Does anyone know what happened to Home Recording magazine? I used to pick it up at the newsstand across the street every month, and now it looks like it's gone. Haven't been able to find it anywhere. Very sad if it...
  7. J

    G4s are out!

    Hi Gang. I just ordered my 500 Mhz, 20-Gig G4 from Apple. It will ship at the end of October. Any thoughts? Hesitations? Concerns? Opinions? I still have time to cancel the order if someone can come up with an Achille's heel! Cheers, jethani
  8. J

    Soundcard tips for B&W G3?

    Hi Everyone. My new B&W G3 should be arriving this week. Very exciting! I will be running everything from within Cubase, and have resolved to only install music sofware/hardware on this machine. On my old 120/7200 (from where I now type), I never bought a soundcard. I dialed in my vocals...
  9. J

    Samplers-- software or outboard f/x?

    Greetings, all. I have decided after much deliberation to invest in a nice sampler for my Mac-Cubase home studio. The canned string sounds on my keyboard just don't cut it anymore. Being fairly new to the world of samplers, I have been studying up on several units, as well as demo-ing some of...
  10. J

    My first sampler...advice?

    Hi Gang. Been in India for a month-- got married! Life is grand! Wish I could invite all of you to the reception; we'd definitely have the best in-house band! =-) I'm looking to buy my first sampler, and I need your advice. I need great orchestral samples as well as a strong variety of world...
  11. J

    Alesis MEQ-230 --any good?

    Hi Gang. While looking for a nice graphic eq, I came across a guy on the web selling one of these for about $120. It's a dual 30-band unit, which means I can devote 60 faders to a single track, or give 30 each to two different signals. Each fader controls 1/3 octave. It looks like it's in...
  12. J

    Analog vs Digital - yadda yadda...

    Hi Gang. Maybe because my experience behind a recording console is limited, or because I am a member of the Gen-X digital era (or both), I simply cannot tell the much-discussed difference between an analog recording and a digital one. I have heard musicians like Lenny Kravitz make the case for...
  13. J

    Tricks to run Cubase on an old Mac?

    Hi Gang. I'm running Cubase 4.0 on a PPC 7200/120. While I dream of getting a new G3, the reality is that I will pick up a G4 if and when they ever go on the market. I've maxed out the RAM on this puppy, but doing any serious amount of digital audio is still tricky. I found that the CPU can't...
  14. J

    Darn Compressor Stuff, part 2...

    Hi Everyone. I know that some of you have been debating the merits & drawbacks of compressors, and now that I am getting signal into mine, I though maybe I could get your insight into something. Since some of the veterans around here have been telling us that the mark of a good compressor is...
  15. J

    D.I. Boxes-- worth it?

    Hey Gang. Thanks to all who replied to my earlier post re: balanced/unbalanced lines. I'm printing out all of your replies as I type. I plug my electric guitar directly into my recording console when I want to record. My audio teacher recently recommended I use a D.I. box instead-- plug the...