Another Mixing Contest: Back By Popular Demand

OK I've narrowed it down to six finalists out of 13 mixes submitted. Do you guys want to vote, or do you want me to pick? It's going to be a tough decision from here. It might be kind of fun if I just number them 1-6 and post blindly and then let people vote. Whaddya think?
Oh man. I'm late to the party. Oh well. I'm still gonna download for some practice.

And that's a very cool song, Zero.
The six finalists will have their mixes posted blindly as mix 1 through mix 6, and you guys can vote. Identity revealed after the final tally. I'll pick my top three as well. Fair enough?
Blind Mix Off

OK, here's the six finalists: Please vote for first, second and third place. Feel free to add comments about what you like or don't like about the mixes. Try to get volume as close as possible when listening, it makes a difference.

Mix 1:

Mix 2:

Mix 3:

Mix 4:

Mix 5:

Mix 6:
ok, voting my own mix doesn't make sense, so i would pick #5 as 1st.
but i think frequency balance is not perfect, since the bass-area is too dominant (& a little bit peaky), but i like the rest (esp. the vox) of this mix most, since it sounds quite natural. so optimizing/decreasing bass-area could help here much to bring out the other instruments & the vox a little bit more. i think then this will turn out very fine.

2nd would be #2:
- frequency balance is quite good
- tambourine could sound a little bit softer

3rd would be #3:
- good frequency balance
- i like how vox & instruments are equalized
- a little bit "phasey"

the decision was quite hard, since each mix had something i liked. good work guys!
I would also say, If your mix wasn't selected as one of the finalists, don't be discouraged, but use this experience to get meaningful feedback and get better at hearing what other people hear when they listen to your mix. My first mixing contest was a complete disaster, and I still have a lot to learn. However, each mixing contest I take part in, I learn something new, and get better and better. Don't be afraid to re-post your track and ask for specific feedback. It's all about helping each other get better, right?

There is no magic formula for mixing, but I've found this to be extremely helpful in getting mixes to sound better: EQUALIZATION PRIMER Before you can use this effectively, you have to learn to recognize too bright vs. muddy vs. honky, etc. I personally wish we had more mixing contests here. They are invaluable to learning to mix well, for those of us who don't get a lot of mixing experience.
Tough choice indeed, It's really a toss-up between my first three choices but if I had to put it in order it would be as follows:

1. mix 2
-clear and balanced
2. mix 5
-very smooth with good depth
3. mix 4
-good balance but a bit bassy
4. mix 1
-too much high bass/low mids but it kind of works for the song style
5. mix 6
-Too much processing on the vox in my opinion, but the mix has nice space
6. mix 3
-kind of messy overall but nice vocals

Nice work guys, good mixes, and a big thanks to guitar zero for hosting this fine event.
This is a tough one to judge. Most of these mixes are pretty close, so my comments are more knit picking around the edges.

1) Mix 4: Great mix; everything is well balanced. The vocals have the right amount of presence.

2) Mix 6: Great mix; everything is well balanced. The vocals have the right amount of presence. Banjo a tad hot, but that is more of a personal preference.

3) Mix 1: Electric guitar a bit too loud. Banjo is inconsistent volume throughout the mix (too soft or too strong in different parts). Good overall mix.

4) Mix 5: Overall low end freq a little too heavy sounding and electric guitar to loud. Good vocal presence.

5) Mix 2: Vocals seem to sit on top of the mix. Instrument mix sounds good.

6) Mix 3: Guitars mono and strong in the middle of the mix; Vocals weak.
A very special thanks to Guitar Zero for putting this on! Much appreciated. We need more of these mixing contests.

Mix 1: Overall, felt this mix was a little dull and lifeless. No high end sparkle. Vox lack presence. BU vox overpower main vox at times. Electric guitar is too hot in some areas.
A tad bit heavy in the low end.

Mix 2: Vox are crisp and clear but tend to be isolated from the mix, they don't sit well in the mix, more on top of it. Whipser tracks at the end are a little bit buried. Instruments are well balanced good mix.

MIx 3: Kick drum is weak and flat. It doesn't balance well with the bass. Bass could be tamed down a tad. I feel like the bass is too heavy and stealing from the other instruments, most noticably, it takes away from the life and sparkle of the acoustic guitar. Mix seemed a little bit crowded.

Mix 4: Nice balanced mix. Kick could be more dominant, tends to get lost in the song. Vox have a nice presence, even in the whisper tracks at the end.

Mix 5: The low end crowds the mix, not much room to breathe, and lacks life in the mids. Spoken word vox could come up, they lack a small amount of presence. Whisper tracks are buried they need to come up in volume and need definition.

Mix 6: Vox are a just a touch too loud. Over all very nice mix, don't need to concentrate to hear what each instrument is doing.

1st. Mix 6

2nd. MIx 4

3rd. Mix 2

Top 3 picks for me were hard, all 6 mixes were all good in their own way. After rereading the critiques, sounds really negative, next time I will work hareder on pointing out things I really liked about the mix instead just listing the things I dislike.

I would like to see more of these contests, what a great way to learn!

This is a great song! Good performance and capture.

Thanks again GZ for all time you put into this.
When does this contest end? I just got my control surface today, don't even know if it works correctly yet (another Ebay bargain). Gonna take a couple of days to get up to speed.

Edit: Aw, never mind. Looks like I snoozed and loozed.
I haven't read through this thread in it's entirety, and didn't participate in the contest(i'm not worthy)...

But wanted to say, catchy little tune G-0....smooth vocal delivery(wish I could sing that well)...nice instrumentation, banjo and all. You really gave everyone something worthwhile to work with.

Very nice job.