Recent content by traw

  1. T

    Audio tags-

    Who here has experience with audio Tags. I wanna make some but don't know the direction. Some people have some nice sounding ones like Johnny Juliano and such and some have some that are kinda as%. But umm u know any feedback counts.
  2. T

    Where is Tone_Aot???!!!

    Long time no see if any of ya'll even remember me here. Does anybody know where Tone_Aot at or even if he still here? Or betta yet anyone got any contacts for him. Im back on here its been a long time.
  3. T

    Please feedback on vocal mix and track

    What it do HR. I'm back looking for a little feedback on the vocal mix and the track itself. Ok I re-did it it check out the song Centerfold!
  4. T

    New Track

    This is me and my partner hes on the hook and goes first I go second. Oh and I made the beat.
  5. T

    How can I get the vocals to come up clearly?

    bounceback-stay_fresh.mp3 - 3.36MB What Can I do to bring the vocals up clearly? I used this as a guideline . 1. urs 1980 compressor, using the preset "Fairchile#1" this works as a thickner 2. SSL Channel, using the preset "lead vox" and adjusting from there, this is really the main plug in...
  6. T

    I wanted in the beat contest

    Shit I missed it start another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. T

    Can anyone help me with this beat

    Anyone who has heard jodeci-Forever my lady could you help me remake the beat? I play by ear and I am having a hard time laying the bass down and like the piano chords at least. I tried one of those wav to midi programs but that shit never worked. Can someone lay those down and like send the...
  8. T

    Making Vocals Stand over beat and sit well

    What settings do I used to make the vocals stand out from the original beat in CEP? I am having a hard time with them not being drowned under or sounding wrong over the beat. It is killing me. Please help. Any special plugins I should consider. I use a reverb,compressor,parametric...
  9. T

    Mbox Vs Setup For Recording

    I was looking at an Mbox Setup for protools or is my current setup better? it consists of a Grace101Pre->Apogee 48k->Digi96/52 with RME D/a Expansion??????
  10. T

    Any luck knowing how to shift the chorus?

    help moving the chorus anyone?
  11. T

    How to move chorus in cool edit pro

    I always have trouble moving the chorus in cool edit pro....Is there a trick to this?
  12. T

    Help me with my recording gear

    Ok this is my current setup. I have a Digi 96/52->RMEAEB Expansion Board 8-0->Grace 101 Pre-amp->and an Apogee Rosetta 24bit A/d. I cannot get this setup to work for anything. Well right now I cant get any sound out of my AEB 8-0 whatsoever....and currently I cant get my apogee to sync. I have...
  13. T

    Stable computer settings intel

    Whats good for doing audio and maybe big vstis like colossus spec wise. I have been looking for a new pc and I see these dual core processors and core 2 extremes and all and i'm just getting confused. How fast does a processor need to be and what type of ram and such?
  14. T

    Vocal Recording Booth

    Where is that link someone posted of like a fiberglass or something sound booth you could put in your room to do vocals? I need it to order one.
  15. T

    Fiberglass portable booth

    Where is that link someone posted of like a fiberglass or something sound booth you could put in your room to do vocals? I need it to order one.