what's wrong with a heated disscussion?

Now don't go pointing your right big toe towards your left foot and acting all Aww Shucks on us ;) :D.


lol...yeah I was thinking about it at first just to be carrying on the spirit of the "heated discussion trap" joke, but then I thought, ah actually you've been fine since when I first came on here, so I changed it someone who is actually a real asshole, for better comic effect. Seriously though, have you seen sweet's sexy chest nubs? They look just like Richard Speck's set before he died.
A wise forum poster once said, "A heated discussion on an internet forum is like running in the special olympics. Although you may win, your still retarded".

Sorry for being a little non-PC.

I roast retarded crack babies on a spit over an open flame. Then I force their mothers to eat them as a punishment for having a retarded baby (that sounds like some Anal Cvnt lyrics, doesn't it?)

Is that non-PC? :D
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I used to be a Royal Canajun Kilted Yaksman, but the smell of trees got to me nostrils something awful, especially when sand blew up my skirt.
Your son killed himself because you suck...and other timeless classics...I actually read the other day, he ended up going into a month long coma and almost became a vegetable...so he's on tour doing as many of his retarded person bashing songs as he can...hee larious.
A few observations about the recent push for "anarchy" in forums. All strictly personal observations, of course :):

- It's (in general, there are exceptions) the "anarchists" who seem to take it the most personally and who have the shortest fuse. "Anarchy" is OK as long as it is imposed upon others and not imposed upon them *by* others. The sad, funny, thing is thes kids have no idea what REAL anarchy really means, and would be among the first ones to be eaten up and spit out like Bambi's mother in a real anarchy.

- Contrary to the opinion of many of those "anarchists" who have been on this BBS for a long time and gotten spoiled by their freedom from responsibility for their actions, the childish idea of hiding behind a fake personna so one can just throw all the rules of social public behavior away and act like a drunken asshole in a public forum is a very recent abnormality and not an accepted part of "the online culture". Some of us have been participating in online forums - public and private - since the days of the Byte Information Exchange (BIX) and Compuserve, and were ground floor user group activists on the Internet back when it was mainly in the domain of Archie and Veronica. Sure there are always going to be some assholes in any group, but it was never considered acceptable behavior, and the "anarchists" and assholes were usually the first ones to get booted.

Of course, that was back when when people were actually attracted to forums based upon the quality of the moderator. Dictator moderators had boards that didn't last very long or weren't very interesting, but the unmoderated boards were considered even worse, rather like "the bad part of town". The best boards were the ones actively moderated by hosts who knew how to take care of the assholes and posers and yet also took an active role in keeping the board interesting. Kind of like moderator as party host who knew how to direct the party and keep things rolling, yet knew they had to act as a bouncer as well to keep the party from getting completly out of control.

That art of quality moderation seems to have been largely lost or forgotten these days. "Moderated" has somehow turned into a bad word, and the words "free" and "responsible" have somehow become antonyms.

- There is a rather signifigant difference between the normal human nature of being facinated by the warehouse fire down the street, and the abnormal behavior of comitting arson in order to satisfy that facination. We all may slow down or stop to rubberneck the car accident as we drive by, but most of us don't purposely throw a case of ball bearings across the road in the hopes that maybe one will happen or purposely cut off the other driver to try and get them to spin out.

In the same way, it's normal for people to be - at least initially - attracted to a quality argument, but it's pretty abnormal and irresponsible for someone to hang around a public forum attempting to provoke or prolong them for their own amuesment.


wow.... a novel about nothing. That thats worth a heated argument.
They sunk so low that they used Benny Hill quotes instead of Month Python. No BBS owner would stand for that.

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funny see, i'm all about a "heated argument" (a term that is a bit removed from my intention at this point) but when something becomes useless i just bail for a greener thread (as it were) but some of the people that seem to be so anti "heated" also seem to be the very people propagating those things they rail passionately against.

funny that.
funny see, i'm all about a "heated argument" (a term that is a bit removed from my intention at this point) but when something becomes useless i just bail for a greener thread (as it were) but some of the people that seem to be so anti "heated" also seem to be the very people propagating those things they rail passionately against.

funny that.

True, and yet you felt the need to post the above? Maybe you're not as apathetic as you think.

Maybe we're all a bit hypocritical yes?

Nah ...

BTW To be clear I enjoy a good "passionate argument" that has a goal which bring us closer to truth. Trolling on the other hand is just a form of cheap cyber terrorism. It's so much easier to destroy than create.
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The Internet tends to bring out the worst in human nature.

I hope cello pudding doesn't mind my quoting him, but here's something he just said in another thread that I think has some relevance:

"you people are just little mousetraps ready to snap"

I don't necessarily exclude myself from that 100% of the time. Nor do I exclude anybody else.

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True, and yet you felt the need to post the above? Maybe you're not as apathetic as you think.

Maybe we're all a bit hypocritical yes?

Nah ...

BTW To be clear I enjoy a good "passionate argument" that has a goal which bring us closer to truth. Trolling on the other hand is just a form of cheap cyber terrorism. It's so much easier to destroy than create.

true enough, but i'm not claiming to be altruistic.
that would be nessessary (as a technicality) for me to be hypocritical.

more hypocritical is to rail against something as you participate in it.

at this point i will vote with my feet as it were, because my intention was never to get into a pissing contest with any particular member of the bbs.

it's just funny when people yell at each other, then ask to be locked out of the room they did it in.

it's not the rooms fault.
my intention was never to get into a pissing contest with any particular member of the bbs.

it's just funny when people yell at each other, then ask to be locked out of the room they did it in.
Gosh, I wonder which particular member of the bbs that was not directed to ;). As that is not something that happens around here very often, it sounds awfully particular to me ;) :).

It's no secret to anybody why this thread popped up in this forum rather than the cave or the feedback forum and why it was started to begin with. To pretend that this is just a general gripe and not directed towards a specific incident and person is, if not incredibly hypocritical, incredibly self-deciving.

We are all guilty of something in these forums. The big difference is between those who slip into occasional train wreck, recognize their guilt, and try to get back on track, and those who feel or admit to no guilt whatsoever and in fact feel they are Gomez Adams and this board is their train set to dynamite.
