What do you think is worthy of praise regarding Joe Biden?

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I was saying the same thing at the beginning.

Most of the fearmongering came from Neil Ferguson’a wild computer models.
So are you saying that you had an understanding early on about the seriousness (or lack thereof) of the Coronavirus that the medical and disease experts did not?
Overall though, I see you struggling to admit it to yourself that you are slowly but surely morphing into the group of Independent voters.
And by the way, there’s a shit ton of people like me. Hell I can count about 20 in my extended family. People like me are why Trump lost his second term. Many of us were republicans until republicans went too far.
And by the way, there’s a shit ton of people like me. Hell I can count about 20 in my extended family. People like me are why Trump lost his second term. Many of us were republicans until republicans went too far.
Hopefully there will be a shit ton of people who have figured it out that Biden's handlers have gone too far.

Do you agree that neither Biden or Trump should be the nominee of their party?
So are you saying that you had an understanding early on about the seriousness (or lack thereof) of the Coronavirus that the medical and disease experts did not?

Aren’t you the witty little bastard. What a cleverly worded question. Very similar to the question “do you still beat your wife”.

My earlier statement that you quoted still stands. Word for word.
You can interpret it how ever you like. ;)
It was an honest question. Yes or no would have been fine. But you tend not to answer direct questions I've noticed.

And FWIW - I am neither little - nor a bastard.;)
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What's more expensive in the Biden admin than it was when Trump was President? GAS. Seriously? This has to be pointed out? FOOD. My brother who literally counts pennies has said his food bill has almost doubled since Biden became President. My wife spends over $100 more a month for the same or less food. The restaurants we go to on a normal basis, gave larger portions for less money pre covid than after covid. The prices got even higher after Biden took office.

Biden admin takes credit for the jobs of people going back to work after the covid lock down was lifted.

Anyone who doesn't know all of this is beyond delusional, you're fucking stupid or insane. Or your basic lying liberal. I'm going with liberal for most.
What's more expensive in the Biden admin than it was when Trump was President? GAS. Seriously? This has to be pointed out? FOOD. My brother who literally counts pennies has said his food bill has almost doubled since Biden became President. My wife spends over $100 more a month for the same or less food. The restaurants we go to on a normal basis, gave larger portions for less money pre covid than after covid. The prices got even higher after Biden took office.
I may have missed it. Was someone making the argument that recent increased inflation is not real, not true?
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