Vaginasaurus Rex - another retarded disasterpiece from the mind of Greg

Loved your Sloop John B cover, Greg. Much prefer it to the Beach Boys version (but then, I'm a sucker for overdriven guitars). These guys (Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends Official Site) do the best version I've heard.

Your mixing has come a long way since then (no idea how long ago it was). It's not that it's a bad mix (and far superior to my noob skills), but you get a much more accomplished sound now. I guess you've improved at playing, recording, mixing and mastering along the way.

With reference to a comment you made earlier, I think your vocals are fine. Sure, you won't win X-Factor (or even get through the first audition), but then you're not an identikit clone as per their requirements. You're vocals suit what you do and you know how to get the best out of them, and you have a hell of a talent for writing, arranging, recording, etc.

Anyway, enough sycophancy - starting to sound like a fanboy! Suffice to say, I'm suitably impressed by (and jealous of) your results and if I could even get a quarter of the quality you do, then I'd be happy.
Loved your Sloop John B cover, Greg. Much prefer it to the Beach Boys version (but then, I'm a sucker for overdriven guitars). These guys (Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends Official Site) do the best version I've heard.

Your mixing has come a long way since then (no idea how long ago it was). It's not that it's a bad mix (and far superior to my noob skills), but you get a much more accomplished sound now. I guess you've improved at playing, recording, mixing and mastering along the way.

With reference to a comment you made earlier, I think your vocals are fine. Sure, you won't win X-Factor (or even get through the first audition), but then you're not an identikit clone as per their requirements. You're vocals suit what you do and you know how to get the best out of them, and you have a hell of a talent for writing, arranging, recording, etc.

Anyway, enough sycophancy - starting to sound like a fanboy! Suffice to say, I'm suitably impressed by (and jealous of) your results and if I could even get a quarter of the quality you do, then I'd be happy.

Well thanks for the kind words and compliments. My mixes have come a long way, and if what I'm getting now is good, then it's because of constant practice and applying what I've learned in here from other home recorders with more experience than me. You wanna get better? Post your shit in here. Let others tear it up. Don't worry about impressing anyone or being a n00b. Figure out who can back up what they say with good mixes of their own, and learn from it all. And then don't get complacent. Don't accept good enough and keep trying to get better. I'm a firm believer in having your shit sounding good before you even think about putting a mic on it. Get good source sounds, record them properly with good mic choice and placement, and the rest is pretty easy. You'll see tons of threads in here about trying to fix bad shit with editing and plug-ins. It blows my mind how much effort people will put into fixing things in a mix. I say fuck that. If you have so much time and patience that you can spend hours trying to fix a shitty kick drum or guitar track, then you could have just recorded it properly to begin with. That's just my philosophy anyway. I've done a lot of mixes for other people using their tracks. It's often a pain in the ass. My own mixes come together way easier, and I think it's because I track better sounds to begin with. That's really all there is to it as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks for coming back to it heat.

1) Yes, it's a real mexican wrestling mask. :)

2) That sound you're talking about is just feedback and I'm flipping the pickup selector with the kick/snare beats. Using the bridge pickup with the neck pickup vol rolled off, the switch basically becomes an on/off switch, and that's what I'm doing there. There's a little lead line before that second verse and I just held the last note and let it go into feedback and started flipping the switch all the way through. It eventually morphed into some harmonic shit that sounded pretty cool so I left it.

There's three, really four, lead gtr tones happening in this song. None of them were done at the same time and I fiddled with shit inbetween the takes. There's the underlying lead bits that sort of run through the chorus and do that feedback part mentioned earlier. Then there's the main lead break after the "she's coming" part which isn't even really a solo per se. And then in the ending chorus/build up part there's two cleanish palm-muted harmonizing accompaniment arpeggio things that kind of run underneath everything. Which one do you think is too buried?

Thanks for the explanation. So the on/off thing is cool, but I think it was the morphing that I liked best! Cool.

Ok, so there's the single note stuff under the chorus, then there's the toggle thing described above, and then the payoff comes around 2:45 where we get to what I think of as the "solo". I guess it is that section where you do some bends and then some flourishes at the end (wrapping up around 3:15) where I thought there was an opportunity to have a bigger, meatier sound. I just listened to it again more quietly then when I first commented, and the level sounded better to me. I dunno, maybe it was the tone...sounds like a bridge pickup vs. a neck pickup on the earlier parts. More grainy or something. It's more of a taste thing I guess.
Thanks for the explanation. So the on/off thing is cool, but I think it was the morphing that I liked best! Cool.

Ok, so there's the single note stuff under the chorus, then there's the toggle thing described above, and then the payoff comes around 2:45 where we get to what I think of as the "solo". I guess it is that section where you do some bends and then some flourishes at the end (wrapping up around 3:15) where I thought there was an opportunity to have a bigger, meatier sound. I just listened to it again more quietly then when I first commented, and the level sounded better to me. I dunno, maybe it was the tone...sounds like a bridge pickup vs. a neck pickup on the earlier parts. More grainy or something. It's more of a taste thing I guess.

Gotcha thanks. I think I know what you mean, and you're not the first person to think my lead tone needs something more. I guess this is the result of spending my entire life listening to music that doesn't give a shit about guitar solos. Lol. I don't really know what makes a good lead guitar tone or good lead style. I don't have good technique or vibrato or any of that stuff. All I do is use the same settings I use for the rhythms, but bump the gain up a little. That's it. I know what I don't want to sound like though, and that's the dripping wet delayed tone of the 80's. Or metal. I don't want to sound like either of those. :o
Gotcha thanks. I think I know what you mean, and you're not the first person to think my lead tone needs something more. I guess this is the result of spending my entire life listening to music that doesn't give a shit about guitar solos. Lol. I don't really know what makes a good lead guitar tone or good lead style. I don't have good technique or vibrato or any of that stuff. All I do is use the same settings I use for the rhythms, but bump the gain up a little. That's it. I know what I don't want to sound like though, and that's the dripping wet delayed tone of the 80's. Or metal. I don't want to sound like either of those. :o
actually I believe I mentioned that I really liked this lead tone ...... there, it's settled!

actually I believe I mentioned that I really liked this lead tone ...... there, it's settled!


Lt Boob has spoken!

It's all good. Tones are subjective. Liking it is up to the listener, but as long as it doesn't sound ear killing bad, then I'm good with it. I really never have put much thought into leads or lead tones. Maybe I will from now on.
Ha excellent stuff man - from reading the backstory, it's even more impressive with the short timescale between conception and completion.

Vaginasaurus Rex by Gregor the Terrordactyl :)
More to miss about this place is we continue to displace what makes this place this place.
A true disasterblaster tune.
More to miss about this place is we continue to displace what makes this place this place.
A true disasterblaster tune.
yeah ..... it's amazing some of the useless debris they keep around while getting rid of truly helpful useful members like teh gerg.