Trump on Trial!

I’m not willing to spend $20 on his book yet...
Yeah me neither. I doubt my local library will have it either.

I find it a bit far-fetched. Seems to me if the fraud was that widespread it would be too hard to hide. I will say this though - there is far too much absentee balloting. Allowing it on the scale we do invites accusations of fraud. Voting should be in person with positive ID. Absentee should only be allowed for serious, documented disability or verified international travel. This country has the resources to make voting easy and easily verifiable.
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As I understand it the supposed falsifying of business records even it were real is a misdemeanor the statute of limitations had already expired on with the caveat that unless it was in furtherance of a more serious crime. The current political persecution kangaroo court is based on the claim that it was election interference.
It is, unless it is proven that it was committed to conceal another crime or crimes. That’s what the prosecution is trying to prove.
And if found guilty as I suspect, I still plan to vote for him. If there is a secret tape of him and Stormy yet to be leaked, that would be crazy and hard to believe there isn’t, or at least some sexy elevator security cams juiciness
Alan Dershowitz gives his thoughts on the closing arguments. Also comments on lies and inconsistencies by Michael Cohen.

Dershowitz has been highly critical of this case from the beginning which you'll see reviewing other videos of his as well. He isn't a Republican or Trump supporter, just a prominent attorney who's interested in fair, honest and impartial application of law and recognizes that this trial isn't fair, honest or impartial.

So the jury is out! We know payment was made by Cohen with then power of attorney from Trump’s account. Let’s see what the jury decides on Trump having direct knowledge of, and consenting to the source of those payments and whether doing so was to facilitate another crime(s).

I’m following the polls from last week to current as I don’t think the jury will take more than a day or two to reach verdict, and I’m curious how the verdict will affect Trump’s poll standing. No matter the outcome I think it will be a boost but curious whether guilty will be more of a boost that not guilty or a hung jury. No way to know for sure end of the trial will definitely affect the poll ratings. Talk about a backfire strategy 😂😅🤣🤣😂

At least there are people with intelligence and common sense that now realize ‘witch hunt’ is a real thing
I think the takeaway is that no matter how much you dislike Trump this is a bullshit case that should never have been brought. I Find this bullshit embarrassing for the country. We are reduced to this? This is Democratic electioneering in the modern world? Shameful.
It is definitely embarrassing. The judge is the biggest embarrassment of all. Chastising a defense witness in front of the jury in open court. Sustaining almost every objection by the prosecution and over-ruling almost every objection by the defense. Basically licking the prosecution's ass and overtly loathing the defense attorneys. Putting that bullshit gag order on Trump and nobody else. Knowing he donated a lot of money to the Biden campaign and his daughter stands to profit from a trump conviction....and STILL presiding over the case. Waiting until after the defenses closing arguments to to identify the supposed crime. Not allowing the defense to call an election law expert as a witness.
The biased mutherfucker should be impeached and never allowed to set on the bench again.
I won't even get into the issues with that fat fuck democrat gangster Alvin Bragg.
I'm in utter disbelief that this kangaroo court railroad job is actually going on the the USA.
It is a horrible stain on our justice system.
If it was Joe biden on trail and ot was unfolding like this I would feel the same way.
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jimistone said:
Not allowing the defense to call an election law expert as a witness.

That one right there. Wouldn't allow the expert witness because it would/could undermine he the judge's authority and confuse the jury. Says a lot about that judge. Never mind the law(s), I am the law. No, you're not the law, you're there as a safeguard that the accused gets a fair trial before a fair & impartial jury.
We can only imagine how large Bill Clinton's yearly hush money budget was and perhaps still is. Clergymen, themselves, have been guilty of allowing their little head to do their thinking for them. It's not a felony, or a capital offense. It's their stupidity and their own social arrogance at fault here, not to mention the harm and untenable positions they have put their spouses, family, and supporters in.

Does anyone here not know about FDR and his secretary, or JFK and RFK simultaneously tapping Marilyn Monroe or Eric Swalwell and his Chinese spy girlfriend?

There are multitudes of problems in this country that citizens, and politicians at every level should be focused on in lieu of sorting out who has been sleeping with whom.

As it stands today, nobody cares any longer about Tiger Woods and his stable of overpriced hookers, and how he destroyed his family in the process of his indiscretions. Everyone forgave him.

It's weird that Democracy, itself, wasn't in jeopardy during the Clinton/Lewinsky episode, but now, Democracy, itself, is in extreme jeopardy if Trump isn't convicted, goes to prison, thus preventing him to be elected again as POTUS.

Us Americans are rapidly becoming our own worst enemies.
It wasn't in jeopardy because a politician paying off a women they had sex with, to keep her mouth shut, isn't illegal.
Using campaign money to purchase a bogus
dossier, you in fact know is bogus, and handing it off to the FBI in order to destroy you opponent...
Claiming that to be a legal expense may be a election finance violation.

I don't know, I'm not an election law expert
It wasn't in jeopardy because a politician paying off a women they had sex with, to keep her mouth shut, isn't illegal.

Correct, but perjury (lying under oath) and obstructing Justice by doing so is/was with Clinton. He worked out a plea deal with DOJ his last day in office so it never escalated beyond that. I don’t know details of the deal but he should’ve be indicted for that if fair is fair across the board.
The ironic thing is that Trump is on trial for election interference and this democrat fueled farce is election interference the likes of which is unprecedented in American history
They always accuse the other what they themselves are guilty of.

Dem election interference started on day one of the announcement to run and continued throughout his term. On a grand scale I might add, could be bordering on an attempted coup.