Trump on Trial!

Orange man is bad. He's a pathological liar. He thinks it's ok to sexually assault women. He tried to overturn the results of an election. All true. All bad.
And I rather have Biden taking orders from whomever he’s taking orders from, than Trump taking orders from Putin.
Orange man is bad. He's a pathological liar. He thinks it's ok to sexually assault women. He tried to overturn the results of an election. All true. All bad.
How about that Donna Karan dress?

And I rather have Biden taking orders from whomever he’s taking orders from, than Trump taking orders from Putin.
Let's ask Laken Riley's family about the orders he's taking.

Neither of you care whether the 2020 election was stolen.
He's THE MOST obvious example of potential autocracy EVER. Democracy dies with this sick fool.
He tried to steal the last election for christ's sake. He's been indicted for doing that very thing. He's been able to convince a huge portion of people that he won win he absolutely did not. That should be - in every citizens eyes - absolutely 100,000% - grounds for disqualification. I cannot understand why anyone would think otherwise. Trying to explain it won't help. He did that. He still maintains he was robbed - without a shred of evidence - the kind that would help his case in a court of law.

Dozens of audits and recounts, millions of dollars spent, 60 something court cases. NONE of it went in his favor. HE LOST. And I'm so glad he did.

Alas.... enough people don't know and/or don't care. So it looks like there's a very good chance that we'll have him back in office for a second term. It's absurd. Horrific.
He tried to steal the last election for christ's sake. He's been indicted for doing that very thing. He's been able to convince a huge portion of people that he won win he absolutely did not. That should be - in every citizens eyes - absolutely 100,000% - grounds for disqualification. I cannot understand why anyone would think otherwise. Trying to explain it won't help. He did that. He still maintains he was robbed - without a shred of evidence - the kind that would help his case in a court of law.

Dozens of audits and recounts, millions of dollars spent, 60 something court cases. NONE of it went in his favor. HE LOST. And I'm so glad he did.

Alas.... enough people don't know and/or don't care. So it looks like there's a very good chance that we'll have him back in office for a second term. It's absurd. Horrific.
His "supporters" are too busy wearing diapers to his clown show rallies, freaking out about Biden putting a "hit" on him during the raid on his Mar A Lago property, and sending him grift money.
Way too busy to notice, look at, or care about the truth of the matter.
Blind cultish buffoonery. And it's scary AF.
He tried to steal the last election for christ's sake. He's been indicted for doing that very thing. He's been able to convince a huge portion of people that he won win he absolutely did not. That should be - in every citizens eyes - absolutely 100,000% - grounds for disqualification. I cannot understand why anyone would think otherwise. Trying to explain it won't help. He did that. He still maintains he was robbed - without a shred of evidence - the kind that would help his case in a court of law.

Dozens of audits and recounts,
If you recount the same fraudulent votes you're going to come up with the same result.

60 something court cases. NONE of it went in his favor.
More like 93 - below is a link to an overview of them. The results in green in the Disposition column are cases they prevailed on. The overwhelming majority of those they didn't win weren't decided on their merits. Contains citations of the cases so you can look up the details yourself which I realize is far more effort that you have any interest in exerting since you don't care what the truth is.

By all means share with the class how 104 year old Maryl Barrett and various other non compos mentis nursing home residents voted of their own volition.

How many people would have to be coordinated to orchestrate large scale voter fraud? What are the chances that no one at any of these facilities saw something wrong and reported it to authorities prior to the election? After all, these were absentee ballots that were filled out weeks ahead of time. How many people are walking around with very damning evidence that would be worth a lot, who are all just keeping their mouths shut? How did all these people communicate? Shouldn’t there be some pretty damning emails or recorded calls? No one decided to try to profit from having solid evidence while Trump was fighting all his court battles? There were no republican infiltrations in to the scheme at all?

Compare getting a hold of enough absentee ballots to swing elections in multiple states and filling them out without anyone getting caught and nothing “found” until AFTER Trump lost to:

A handful of republican operatives that could have perpetrated a few cases of fraud to create evidence to frame democrats. After all, Trump had been floating the “stolen election” idea from before 2016. He was prepping for this.

Some people don’t care that they’ve been had, and our democratic process has been damaged.
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How many people would have to be coordinated to orchestrate large scale voter fraud? What are the chances that no one at any of these facilities saw something wrong and reported it to authorities prior to the election?
Enough family members complained that the the Racine County sheriff held an investigation and recommended charges. I've cited all of this before including a video statement by the Sheriff - it's not going to change just because you pretend otherwise.

Your wall of words still doesn't explain how Maryl Barrett whose family is one of many who complained voted of her own volition.

Funny thing about conspirators is that they don't generally announce their intentions publicly and the time frame of the election process doesn't allow for a thorough investigation particularly when there's a judiciary that's demonstrated it isn't interested in getting involved - which Dems are well aware of. The Sheriff's investigation took over a year.

Joseph Fried's book which you're never going to read and are content to instead cite others who hand-wave about it cites instances where election officials blocked efforts of auditors.

You and the rest of the TDS squad here along with Rob Reiner and all other Biden voters don't give a damn about a "damaged democratic process", you don't care if the election was stolen as long as it was stolen in favor of Whoeversnottrump.
Enough family members complained that the the Racine County sheriff held an investigation and recommended charges. I've cited all of this before including a video statement by the Sheriff - it's not going to change just because you pretend otherwise.

Your wall of words still doesn't explain how Maryl Barrett whose family is one of many who complained voted of her own volition.

Funny thing about conspirators is that they don't generally announce their intentions publicly and the time frame of the election process doesn't allow for a thorough investigation particularly when there's a judiciary that's demonstrated it isn't interested in getting involved - which Dems are well aware of. The Sheriff's investigation took over a year.

Joseph Fried's book which you're never going to read and are content to instead cite others who hand-wave about it cites instances where election officials blocked efforts of auditors.

You and the rest of the TDS squad here along with Rob Reiner and all other Biden voters don't give a damn about a "damaged democratic process", you don't care if the election was stolen as long as it was stolen in favor of Whoeversnottrump.
I’m not willing to spend $20 on his book yet, but I’m giving this a listen:

Joseph Fried's book which you're never going to read and are content to instead cite others who hand-wave about it cites instances where election officials blocked efforts of auditors.
His first couple of claims:

Lack of signature matching - not all states had requirements for signature matching so not sure his exact accusation. Someone still needs to have a bunch of ballots. If someone managed to get a stack of ballots and a list of names, where would they get them? Would they have been copies? If so, you’d have a lot of people who voted more than once if the people on the list cast a legit vote. Were they legit ballots that were gathered? Then wouldn’t there be a bunch of people asking where their ballots were?

His next point about a stack of military absentee ballots all being for Biden. I’m having a hard time finding anything on this one. I found one story that said that did happen, but the ballots were taken after being sorted by potus vote. If you have anything please link it.

I’ll keep watching.

Again though, you have to tell me how widespread fraud can happen across multiple states without anyone screwing up and getting caught red-handed or no one coming forward with a smoking gun. This would truly be the crime of the century.
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His first couple of claims:

Lack of signature matching - not all states had requirements for signature matching so not sure his exact accusation. Someone still needs to have a bunch of ballots. If someone managed to get a stack of ballots and a list of names, where would they get them? Would they have been copies? If so, you’d have a lot of people who voted more than once if the people on the list cast a legit vote. Were they were legit ballots that were gathered? Then wouldn’t there be a bunch of people asking where their ballots were?

His next point about a stack of military absentee ballots all being for Biden. I’m having a hard time finding anything on this one. I found one story that said that did happen, but the ballots were taken after being sorted by potus vote. If you have anything please link it.

I’ll keep watching.

Again though, you have to tell me how widespread fraud can happen across multiple states without anyone screwing up and getting caught red-handed or no one coming forward with a smoking gun. This would truly be the crime of the century.
That video isn't a substitute for reading the book.
*Another* lie.

That " I"m not playing dumb"? Uuuh, thank you?

I just asked a question, if you got answers, feel free. You won't, because you're scared to engage, because you're a soft no-balls coward that would rather, "a liar".

It wasn't about you, or me,...until you made it that way. Now that we got that out of the way, go ahead and tell me what I already know.