Trump on Trial!

Again, Ashley Biden’s words:

“Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”
Again, Ashley Biden’s words:

“Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”
Man these guys badly want to believe that Joe Biden is a incestual child molester. Maybe he is. But, I would guess not. It's so absurd. If he was a republican it would have never come up. Not once with any of those people here. Not a peep. That's just the way it goes. People are radically dishonest that way. It's rampant.
Again, Ashley Biden’s words:

“Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”
She should do a press conference and clear things up for the record. Or a 60 minutes interview.
In the case of misinterpretations of her diary, her speaking out could do a lot to clear her family’s, particularly her father’s, name.
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Man these guys badly want to believe that Joe Biden is a incestual child molester. Maybe he is. But, I would guess not. It's so absurd. If he was a republican it would have never come up. Not once with any of those people here. Not a peep. That's just the way it goes. People are radically dishonest that way. It's rampant.
Ugh... Such false judgment...

Impossible to have honest debate with such prejudiced minds...

Have fun being so stubborn.
brassplyer said:
He refuses to acknowledge that showering with one's daughter who said she avoided showering because of it is an inappropriate form of abuse. We know the diary is real, she's never retracted or denied what she said - it happened.

He's been a consistent apologist for this - just another example that he's got a really screwed up moral compass and is always on the wrong side.
I explicitly said I’m not saying whether there was or was not any abuse. You are saying there was. Neither of us knows for certain. I have only pointed out the hypocrisy that you claim to know Ashley was abused and you also claim to know Trump’s accusers were not. We can’t know either with 100% certainty.
You're explicitly happy to ignore the glaring evidence. You've explicitly said you think it might be weird behavior but others might find it acceptable. It's not acceptable, period - the fact that you don't know that says a lot about you, none of it good.

You're happy to ignore that Elizabeth Carroll's story doesn't hold water - she's a liar.
You're explicitly happy to ignore the glaring evidence. You've explicitly said you think it might be weird behavior but others might find it acceptable. It's not acceptable, period - the fact that you don't know that says a lot about you, none of it good.

You're happy to ignore that Elizabeth Carroll's story doesn't hold water - she's a liar.
If people like you don’t like me, I’m doing life right.
Excellent question.
I think so. Hypothetically, I’d never say that any of our fine presidents would be guilty of such a thing……… but let’s just say hypothetically ‘IF’

A president would be accused of war crimes involving the killing of thousands of civilians, say like in a place like Iraq or Gaza.
If this SCOTUS ruling was retroactive the the POTUS would be immune from any judiciary action.
I did not claim any evidence about anything man.
For fuck sake take the time to learn to read.
Maybe not name-calling, but you and BP consistently say caustic things like this. With everyone else it’s mostly peaceful and respectful. Then you say I’m the one hurling insults. Browse the recent pages and see what I mean. Let’s keep it peaceful and not lose this discussion for good. If I’ve said anything caustic, look at to what it’s a response.
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I think so. Hypothetically, I’d never say that any of our fine presidents would be guilty of such a thing……… but let’s just say hypothetically ‘IF’

A president would be accused of war crimes involving the killing of thousands of civilians, say like in a place like Iraq or Gaza.
If this SCOTUS ruling was retroactive the the POTUS would be immune from any judiciary action.
On second thought, I can't see it being retroactive. What would someone/anyone do/say about Nixon?
I think so. Hypothetically, I’d never say that any of our fine presidents would be guilty of such a thing……… but let’s just say hypothetically ‘IF’

A president would be accused of war crimes involving the killing of thousands of civilians, say like in a place like Iraq or Gaza.
If this SCOTUS ruling was retroactive the the POTUS would be immune from any judiciary action.
And that is my understanding of it. It would not absolve them of accusation, trial or conviction in the international court but would protect them from indictment in the U.S. but ONLY omitting evidence that could be construed as done in official capacity of POTUS. But again, it is not a blanket ‘stay out of jail free’ card. Just because they were in office lower courts can determine what constitutes an ‘official Presidential act in capacity of POTUS, which is what Trump is now facing with Judge Chatkan.

IMO the ruling has less effect on Trump’s indictment (though possible some) and more is a vague blanket of protection over less bickery situations former current, of that US Presidents may face. The SCOTUS is wise and was sure to delegate to lower courts in the applicability of the ruling.
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People are radically dishonest...
You're charting at the #1 position of radical leftists here at HR who refuse to accept the fact that Biden falls way short of performing the 24/7 requirements of being a competent POTUS.
Mainstream media itself, is all of a sudden, now reporting it that Joe is only capable working as POTUS between 10 a.m and 4 pm. 6 hours per day? Who is in control of the country for18 hours per day during those 18 hours daily?
That's the question you should be asking yourself.