Trump on Trial!

brassplyer said:
Come back when you've got something rational to say.
My good man... insulting me and/or others will further nothing.
A broader perspective is what we all need. Not one sided.
Help me out here.
I didn't insult you, what you said isn't rational. There's no "perspective" that changes what Joedaughtershowers is. PHM is either engaging in trollery regarding this or genuinely lacks the capacity to grasp this. Maybe you also lack the capacity to comprehend what Racial Jungle Joe is. What he *isn't* is the mind directing "his" administration.
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There is one more Presidential debate scheduled unless it is cancelled. Dg thought this one would be but there was too much on the line. The next one notsomuch and probably the same with Kamala vs Tim Scott (my assumption as VP). A lot of liability if those debates move forward but a lot of fallout if they don’t. It’ll be interesting to see.

Americans got to see live what they requested and it was good that it took place. I have respect for both candidates agreeing to the debate terms, the moderation, and for generally stopping at the ends of their allotted times, several instances with a lot of time left on the mic.

I could quote myself many times but won’t, but leading up to I’ve said to ‘just show us man-to-man live what answers you have to topics and prove you are the best choice’. No vid clips of Trump haters or gaffes and non-Bidenists, just get in the ring and show us what you’ve got. They both did so respect was earned for both in my book.
I don't think there should be any more debates. It's dangerous to parade a demented and declining Joe Biden on the world stage. It portrays vulnerability and weakness to friends and adversaries alike.
This past debate told everybody in the world everything they need to know.
The only thing follow up debates do is show the people which candidates clearly have the best grasp on current issues and the best game plan going forward. Sometimes it takes more than 1 debate to sort that out. This isn't one of those times.
Biden is clearly shot. He is finished....there is no bouncing back from that debate disaster for him

I have never seen as lopsided a presidential debate in my life. Biden isn't fit to debate.
What would be the point of another debate?
To double down on projecting weakness and disorientation, at the helm in the USA, to the world?
That's just common sense not to have a repeat.
Politically speaking, if I were Trump there is no way I would debate him again. There is no upside for Trump to debate him again.

I would give this as the reason:
"Look, I love to debate and I believe my plan for the future is solid and our best course forward. I have no problem articulating that. But honestly folks, Joe Biden isn't well, he is obviously in mental decline, and he can't keep up with a debate.
I won't be a part of any further pile-on of a guy who doesn't have the capacity to keep up with the topics at hand and retain a train of thought. It's a horrible look for the USA, in my opinion, and bordering on elder abuse. Please pray for Joe Biden, his family, and the USA.
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I don't think there should be any more debates. It's dangerous to parade a demented and declining Joe Biden on the world stage. It portrays vulnerability and weakness to friends and adversaries alike.
This past debate told everybody in the world everything they need to know.
The only thing follow up debates do is show the people which candidates clearly have the best grasp on current issues and the best game plan going forward. Sometimes it takes more than 1 debate to sort that out. This isn't one of those times.
Biden is clearly shot. He is finished....there is no bouncing back from that debate disaster for him

I have never seen as lopsided a presidential debate in my life. Biden isn't fit to debate.
What would be the point of another debate?
To double down on projecting weakness and disorientation, at the helm in the USA, to the world?
That's just common sense not to have a repeat.
Politically speaking, if I were Trump there is no way I would debate him again. There is no upside for Trump to debate him again.

I would give this as the reason:
"Look, I love to debate and I believe my plan for the future is solid and our best course forward. I have no problem articulating that. But honestly folks, Joe Biden isn't well, he is obviously in mental decline, and he can't keep up with a debate.
I won't be a part of any further pile-on of a guy who doesn't have the capacity to keep up with the topics at hand and retain a train of thought. It's a horrible look for the USA, in my opinion, and bordering on elder abuse. Please pray for Joe Biden, his family, and the USA.
I would agree this time around if DG’r said the next debate won’t happen because it’s likely questionable. Trump has a lot to lose after this last one if Biden recovers during the second, and Biden has little to lose on another if he does well; but Biden has even more to lose if he chokes again. The next one is September and much closer to Election Day, both candidates have agreed and ABC will mod, but it’s like a game of chicken between them at this point.

Poor RJK Jr has been ostracized from the dinner table. I like some of his ideas but it would concern me, as it does with Joe, him being the iconic frontman of the nation.
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I didn't insult you, what you said isn't rational. There's no "perspective" that changes what Joedaughtershowers is. PHM is either engaging in trollery regarding this or genuinely lacks the capacity to grasp this. Maybe you also lack the capacity to comprehend what Racial Jungle Joe is. What he *isn't* is the mind directing "his" administration.
How unfortunate for you sir...
Dystopian huh? It feels more like fair and constitutional to me.

I suppose it depends upon what side of the tracks ( reality) you reside.

I personally feel the latest SCOTUS rulings are directly on track to saving democracy.

In my eyes/ears, this current administration has been weaponising the judicial system in a way that has never been abused before.

Seems great to me that the Supreme Court is taking notice.

If that gets lost, we become a marxist/communist country ruled by those who only want power.

Ironic how the Dems blame the Republicans for wanting that, when it is them cheating on Americans. So many lies. So much bullshit.

It's very tiring...
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Dystopian huh? It feels more like fair and constitutional to me.

I suppose it depends upon what side of the tracks ( reality) you reside.

I personally feel the latest SCOTUS rulings are directly on track to saving democracy.

In my eyes/ears, this current administration has been weaponising the judicial system in a way that has never been abused before.

Seems great to me that the Supreme Court is taking notice.

If that gets lost, we become a marxist/communist country ruled by those who only want power.

Ironic how the dens blame the Republicans for wanting that, when it is them cheating on Americans. So many lies. So much bullshit.

It's very tiring...
What you advocate can be applied/used by Biden, right?
I’m unclear how the words “probably inappropriate” from a child indicate damning proof of sexual assault more than the testimony of dozens of adult women who claim actual rape.
Only if you believe the bullshit the media you trust is accurate.

Watch some old school Dr Phil.

Cheaters tend to blame others for what they do themselves. Seems fitting in this administaration/media orgy of lies.
I'm sorry, I do not understand.
The ruling applies to "the President". That would include the CURRENT POTUS, n'est pas?
It's NOT a ruling just for Trump, correct?
I’m unclear how the words “probably inappropriate” from a child indicate damning proof of sexual assault more than the testimony of dozens of adult women who claim actual rape.
I believe this were verbatim the words she used or maybe ‘possibly inappropriate, can’t remember. Was the situation of a father showering naked with a young child that still needs or wants help washing hair? Or was she a teen and he groped her genitals? To me it depends on the context and not sure if that has been revealed, and I also believe in context two distinctly different situations.
I'm sorry, I do not understand.
The ruling applies to "the President". That would include the CURRENT POTUS, n'est pas?
It's NOT a ruling just for Trump, correct?
I suppose I am misunderstanding you.

Yes, that would apply to Biden as president as well.

I did not make any comment in any regard to Biden. He is not the one being charged (yet) with any crime that was allegedly committed during his presidency.

Why are you re-directing? For a similar crime, Biden was deemed unable to be charged for the same crimes as Trump, because he is a frail man with issues. How does that seem fair in any way? And Biden did it without any presidential privilege because he was only the VP, and had documents when he was neither the POTUS or the VEEP.

So I ask, what is your point here?

Maybe we have a different set of facts because we watch different media sources?
I suppose I am misunderstanding you.

Yes, that would apply to Biden as president as well.

I did not make any comment in any regard to Biden. He is not the one being charged (yet) with any crime that was allegedly committed during his presidency.

Why are you re-directing? For a similar crime, Biden was deemed unable to be charged for the same crimes as Trump, because he is a frail man with issues. How does that seem fair in any way? And Biden did it without any presidential privilege because he was only the VP, and had documents when he was neither the POTUS or the VEEP.

So I ask, what is your point here?
I was just "turning the tables" and suggesting that Biden could use this new ruling to make Trump (and/or others) miserable in numerous ways.
This is most decidedly NOT a good idea.
I was just "turning the tables" and suggesting that Biden could use this new ruling to make Trump (and/or others) miserable in numerous ways.
This is most decidedly NOT a good idea.
Turning what tables man?

Why are you spinning obvious constitutional decisions into something that is good for your favor?

Man, you now are not making sense here.

Neither party is without severe issues. I try to keep it all real and just. You seem to just argue for no apparent reason other than you just dislike one of the views.

Open your eyes man, I respect your intelligence. But please try to listen to the other side. We both can't be all right, nor can we all be wrong. It shouldn't be this hard if you open your mind...
It's NOT a ruling just for Trump, correct?

Correct and still relies on lower District Courts in interpretation of whether something was done acting in the ‘official capacity of Presidential duty’ so it doesn’t exonerate killing an annoying neighbor that crossed you years ago or jacking something from a store while in office, buying/doing illegal drugs or purchasing time from a whore, etc.

It was a tough question to pose and formulate a ruling on, but a former or current President couldn’t be charged, at least evidence not used to indict, for something like assassination of a rival leader that was not deemed a terrorist maybe to conceal the fact that plans were underway and lesson the chances of reaching the target. If Putin or Netanyahu were assassinated (unlikely but…) and it was later suspected that it was by Biden’s directive, Biden cannot be charged with murder because evidence that may lead to an indictment is now protected and immune as such. Wouldn’t exempt him from a world criminal court ruling but we’ve seen how effective those have been against Putin thus far.
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Turning what tables man?

Why are you spinning obvious constitutional decisions into something that is good for your favor?

Man, you now are not making sense here.

Neither party is without severe issues. I try to keep it all real and just. You seem to just argue for no apparent reason other than you just dislike one of the views.

Open your eyes man, I respect your intelligence. But please try to listen to the other side. We both can't be all right, nor can we all be wrong. It shouldn't be this hard if you open your mind...
Take a pill mate, yeesh...
What I am trying to say is that by allowing Trump to skate for what we all know he's done, you open the floodgates to allow any Pres to do the same/similar shit.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And it's a fuckin' BAD idea IMHO...
Naw man, you take a pill. The charges are bullshit and you know it.

It was never even an issue until Dems took control of the justice system. They opened Pandora's box.

Bill Clinton had oral sex in the White House by an intern. Trump denies even having sex with Shitstorm Dan. How is any of that proven or even an issue for him?

Oh yeah, Lawfare by the current administration weaponizing the supposedly impartial judicial system.

Sorry, but this and the Dems are the threat to democracy. It's not Trump. Trump is an excuse for them to abuse their need for power and money. And the only way liberal news makes any money. Fair and unbiased my ass...