The Walking Dead

I've liked the past 2 episodes. This last one was nice because things moved fast, I thought. Like, even the scenes themselves were shorter and more numerous. I can't wait till everyone ends up at Terminus next season....should be awesome.

The Daryl/Beth story this week was pretty cool and freaky with the mystery person dressing up the zombies like that. Was hoping they'd expand a little more on that plotline!
The Daryl/Beth story this week was pretty cool and freaky with the mystery person dressing up the zombies like that. Was hoping they'd expand a little more on that plotline!

No kidding, I can't believe they didn't reveal anything about who was keeping the funeral home tidy and stocked. Maybe that was who made off with Beth.
I binge-watched seasons 1-3 in digital format, and I really enjoyed it. But I've been watching seasons 4 & 5 week-to-week and it really exposes how little substance is in each episode. Slow movement and cliffhangers aren't so bad when you can get some instant gratification by simply queuing up the next episode. But the level of frustration these past couple of seasons is really starting to piss me off.

I'm the same. I watched series 1-3 back to back for an entire weekend, it was great. But I'm finding this series 4 a bit slow. I'm a week behind you guys, but this study into pairs of characters is a bit boring/tiresome. It's like the zombies have become less scary to everyone, and people are all casual about them. That blond singer song writer MJB refers to held one back with one hand in episode 11. That was ridiculous. They didn't make it that easy before. They're zombies. Seems they're getting a bit too casual about it if you ask me.
This series is still better than the second, that was snoozeville. And lol at casual zombies. Sorry mate, those innards are too casual.
Yeah I've known she was a songwriter for a year or two now. I follow her on teh twitter :)

I was thinking the other day how impossible it would be for a zombie to sneak up on you (outside or even in a house)...can you imagine how bad those things would stink after like 2 years or whatever it's been in the show now? I'm sure you would smell bad too from not showering a lot, but they would have a STAAAAAANK. You'd be able to smell them like 500 feet away! And in a house all you'd have to do is put your head in the front door and sniff. Big roadkill reeks after like 3 days in the sun...and those people have been straight up rotting for years.

Just yet another plot hole :D
Her songs are weird. I don't quite know how to describe them...first off they sound kinda strange anyways because her voice is pretty thin. They aren't quite pop-ish...more like upbeat singer-songwriter stuff I guess? The subject matter is strange sometimes. She has one about her masturbating. lol
No reactions here?

I knew one kid was going to get it, didn't expect both, nor how it happened. Tyrese's 'wanting to stay here because I can't be with people' schtick was pretty stupid.
I thought it was a good episode. Much more intense than I expected given the previews for it. I thought the actress who plays Carol was outstanding on this one, but everyone else kind of so-so. The second half certainly provided some shock value.

A lot of little nagging questions got answered this week, which is kind of cool. The char broiled walkers were pretty awesome.
Yeah that episode was perplexing. It was pretty twisted, yet boring, then blam - dead kids. I think we all knew the older girl was fucked in the head, but I can honestly say I didn't expect them to get killed off. Not yet anyway. Kudos to the writers for finally doing something interesting.
After Mika got killed, I was like "Shoot that girl in the head!" Then once Carol was actually about to do it I kinda changed my mind because I felt bad. But in the end I was at peace with my hypothetical decision :D