The Siefer Vs. Cloneboy Mix

cat-eggs said:
cloneboy: you're taking this challenge really seriously. is it because seifer questioned your ability? are you really that hurt by his opinion of you?


I just accepted the challenge he threw down. He seems pretty reluctant to "battle" (to use his terms)... hrm... I wonder why *that* is? :)

I'm a bit more annoyed at his multiple handles pretending to be different people, and the insults he's thrown at BlueBear and Fletcher--two of the most knowledgable and helpful members on this board.

Plus I want to expose him for the shit talker he is. He talks a LOT of shit... now's the time for him to back it up.
cat-eggs said:
i'm not sure i'd put it past you to hire a skilled team of engineers and producers to make your song sound good. i'm honestly not sure. and why are you putting so much thought / time into something so fruitless? time is money, right? precious, precious money ......remember? i hate you

Except the fact that I'm hired to engineer and produce music. Trust me, I wouldn't waste the cash hiring someone else for a measly pissant like Siefer.

When I'm on I tend to focus on the "home" portion of that phrase and post the stuff I did at home, and stuff more applicable to home recording. Every mp3 I've ever posted was from home studio material, or stuff recorded live and mixed at home.

Sometimes bands want to record that can't afford 50/hour, so I oblige them with my personal equipment. Sometimes bands can afford to track their material but couldn't afford 50/hour to edit and mix--so I'd do it at home for 10/hour.

However, these days I have 3-4 sessions per week. I don't need to drum up business by selling myself cheap the way I did last year and the year before.

Of course, hobbyists like yourself won't understand these types of business decisions because you record for fun. That's cool... I did that for 15-16 years until recently.

When I post my song to trounce Siefer it *will* be something I did professionally in the studio, and it will force certain individuals like you (if you actually are an individual... which I doubt Mr. Siefer II) to kindly STFU and maybe get enough of a clue to respect your betters.

You may kiss the ring now. :)
The way I see it, it's a win-win deal for you, Cloneboy, as far as time and money, because the band is already paying you to record and mix them. It's just the time that it would take to convert it to MP3 and post it....
Well, i hope hope Seifer mops up on Cloneboy to be honest.

Cloneboy talks alot. But i havent heard shit to back it up besides some electro goth track he posted.

Id like to see hear some proof as to how great the boys skills are./

If you do win cloneboy, post your winning tracks for PMC 9.

That would be good fun huh>? :D

Cumon dude, put us home rec'ers to shame man.

_Finster :cool:

Ill Battle you dude.
I'm also kinda curious to see what kind of product Cloneboy comes out with.

It'd be very interesting if The Seifer posted an awesome sounding track, too. Heh.
I'm not bothered what the Seifer comes up with - this cat-eggs dude is fine for me. Let's check the ticklist:

- Big mouth - check!
- Doesn't like Cloneboy - check!
- Disses Bruce Valeriani - check!

Who needs the Seifer? Even the Seifer doesn't need the Seifer cos he has cat-eggs instead!
posting a professional-sounding track wont make me stop disliking cloneboy. he's ultra-defensive and he's a big dork and he's really full of himself. those are personality problems. not professional ones.

noisedude: do you ever think for yourself? do you ever use your own brain to decide the way you feel? i think you're content to go with what's fashionable. take a step back and look deep within yourself, jerk. your 'spectacular aura' is maybe affecting your ability to see

let's be honest. most of you are assholes. it's that herd instinct thing. and anybody who calls you on it is ostracized. power in numbers!!!! corrupting absolutely or partially or whatever. i'm the judge from now on
..or maybe more people think Seifer's a c ock because he is just that. I read his site before I read people's opinions here and I think's it's pretty clear cut.
cat-eggs - you're right, I have no capacity for independent thought. Look how cool I am ... I even look like a South Park character!

You leave my spectacular aura out of this :)
I don't come here to marvel at the personalities. I come here for advice and tips on making my recordings sound better. (And occasionally to just disagree with Jimi in the cave :D ).

If your personality clashes with lots of people in a particular place (virtual or otherwise) then why continue to hang around? I'm not teling you to go away, it's a free internet, but why would you want to spend time here if you don't like most of the people?
imagine if MLK or gandhi shared that sentiment. my purpose is to help you discover your potential, friend. and to place your inner ugliness upon the stage of public scrutiny. to cleanse you. and to help you see
My purpose is to spend less time typing replies to losers like you hanging around on internet forums! cat-eggs is a liar!
I'm fascinated by the drama here...

Is cat-eggs really the Seifer?

Is Cloneboy really as self-absorbed as Seifer?

Could their e-penes be more real than their worldly schlongs?

Could we be more pathetic for even caring?

Tune in next week to see the results!
turnitdown said:
Seifer just PM'd me asking if I would contact Bruce at Blue Bear Sound for some mastered tracks by bands that sound great, but have had no commercial success. (Would not have been heard publicly)

I guess he's going forward w/ this contest after all...

Bruce??? Got anything for the Seifer???
Ha! The last thing I would do is help that little psycho with anything, even though I'd know how badly he'd have cat-egg on his face from losing....

Sorry - but I must decline any involvement.......
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Geez - is this the Mr. Cool thread - or is it just the way you usually talk to each other :)
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I'm still convinced that Bruce is the Seifer's alter ego and doesn't really exist at all.

Well, not really, but it'd be pretty f*cked up, yeah?
I'm feeling really bad and a bit ashamed of myself right now because it's only now that I have come to the conclusion that this site is a complete waste site and for the most part nearly completely void of human beings that have actually have a clue what it means to peacefully cohabitate and demonstrate respect to others.

This entire conflict between Cloneboy and Seifer adds nothing of value to the site. It's also a deterrent to new members who possibly may have considered posting files for critique....perhaps.

Personally, I think that neither of these two clowns are old enough or mature enough to have acquired the degree of talent and expertise they both claim to possess.

Noisedude, get a clue will you? You're only 20 years old. You've a long way to go sonny boy. Oh! And by the way, resign your position within The Nice Brigade. It's plainy obvious you are nothing more than a pot stirrer. Here's hoping you graduate from school and actually learn something along the way.

Good grief! What a joke this place has become. It's quite sad....if you think about it.