The Siefer Vs. Cloneboy Mix

Stavencrows said:
or at least a good old fashioned bare knuckle fight?
Agreed. Arguing in the interweb never solved anything. Violence is the only way.

Now in all reality, I don't think that votes will count for shit here. I mean I havn't been around here long but even I can see that its not like siefer has a big fan base or anything. Poeple will most likely vote for who they like better and thats it. I say let them post their best so that anybody that cares can form their own opinion about who has more skills and be done with it. The voting wont prove anything except who has more friends.

...but thats just me
distortedrumble said:
well anything can happen as long as everyone brings their A-game

You know what they say. "on any given Sunday" :)

Some of you seem to think that the two of them mixing the same tracks will make it an even contest but I think Cloneboys whole point to this is that The "S" says he can get better results with the gear he has than Cloneboy with his pro studio. He mentioned that he was a better producer from start to finish. This should include tracking as well.
MrKwik said:
Agreed. Arguing in the interweb never solved anything. Violence is the only way.

Now in all reality, I don't think that votes will count for shit here. I mean I havn't been around here long but even I can see that its not like siefer has a big fan base or anything. Poeple will most likely vote for who they like better and thats it. I say let them post their best so that anybody that cares can form their own opinion about who has more skills and be done with it. The voting wont prove anything except who has more friends.

...but thats just me

I am pretty sure the BlindTest aspect should take care of that.
EdWonbass said:
Some of you seem to think that the two of them mixing the same tracks will make it an even contest but I think Cloneboys whole point to this is that The "S" says he can get better results with the gear he has than Cloneboy with his pro studio. He mentioned that he was a better producer from start to finish. This should include tracking as well.

Siefer has already said that he can "take me" with his home studio stuff versus whatever professional stuff I have access to. He's already conceded that the equipment doesn't matter because I suck so much. He wants to do different songs to prove who's better all-around. So I say let him.

I'll beat him down mixing the same song, but I will crush him by bringing our own songs we tracked.

Of course, the only mixes anyone here has ever heard were home studio mixes except for the last one which was basically screwed by the band's opinions (and is getting remixed), and was only posted to counter their opinion to get them to pay for having it mixed right.

My ONLY concern is that he actually provides material he tracked--and therefore demand that both of us provide about 5 raw tracks from the song such as the vocal track, maybe the kick, a guitar line and so on. Just to prove that Siefer doesn't try to pull someone else's recording and engineering to claim as his own.
chris-from-ky said:
when are the deadlines again?

Since I haven't tracked the material yet I can have mine next Sunday or Monday. Band comes in this Sunday for about 35 hours, so I won't have everything recorded from the session until around Saturday. Plus there are 2 other bands I'm doing that week.

Siefy hasn't agreed to a deadline. I guess his workload is just *so* heavy that he can't commit yet. :)
Seifer just PM'd me asking if I would contact Bruce at Blue Bear Sound for some mastered tracks by bands that sound great, but have had no commercial success. (Would not have been heard publicly)

I guess he's going forward w/ this contest after all...

Bruce??? Got anything for the Seifer???
cloneboy, i was just reading some of your old posts because i truly can't believe how much of a dork you are. you posted your 'vintage 70's music' or whatever, and it's incredible how defensive you got when faced with criticism. you are one excuse after another. cat burglars stole your gear..... it's all the band's fault....... there's too much sonex on the walls, etc. it's almost cute. you refuse to consider criticism. THIS is a piece of criticism. and i reckon you'll refuse to consdier it

ANYWAY... the real reason i'm posting today is to shake up some more drama so let's do this......

cloneboy: you're taking this challenge really seriously. is it because seifer questioned your ability? are you really that hurt by his opinion of you?

i'm not sure i'd put it past you to hire a skilled team of engineers and producers to make your song sound good. i'm honestly not sure. and why are you putting so much thought / time into something so fruitless? time is money, right? precious, precious money ......remember? i hate you

bruce: you still haven't produced the ip numbers. you are a liar and a dope

everybody else: who loves ya, baby?
e-penis.... another new word for Webster's dictionary.... you heard it here first, folks. Rememeber to give sile2001 authorship credit!
cat-eggs said:
bruce: you still haven't produced the ip numbers. you are a liar and a dope

As far as I know, IP addresses can only be checked by a moderator of the board. Last I checked, Bruce is not a moderator.

The moderator/admin/whatever here.. he isn't around too often. Chances are, there won't be a way for Bruce to check the IPs. Unless he emailed the Dragon and he checked it.

It's not worth it.