The Peaceful Political Roundtable

30 years from now no one is going to be ogling the under hood of Tesla Plaids at a Friday or Saturday night gathering of enthusiasts in a parking lot. I'd be surprised if even a single example of any current model Tesla is still on the road 30 years from now.

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Oooh baby... :cautious:

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Just my opinion but I’ll say it without any shame. This world severely lacks beauty.

That Camaro engine bay is a work of art. An engineering and aesthetic marvel. Great love went into the restoration of that car.

Why do I say the world lacks beauty? Because most of everything is shit.
Modern music is shit. Modern art is certainly shit, modern architecture is shit. Modern cars all look the same. Even people look like shit. Where in earlier times people dressed nice, now people dress sloppy which they call casual. Obesity is at an all-time high. if you dare to mention it, you’ll get accused of fat shaming.

Look at any of the classic music, buildings, paintings, sculptures etc. these were things of beauty. Now everything is the same and devoid of any emphasis on aesthetics.
Go to any town in any state in the US and you’re guaranteed to find a suburban neighborhood that looks exactly the same as yours back home.

The world needs beauty as much as we need clean air to breathe. Beauty in the world around you feeds your soul.

You all may disagree, but that’s my opinion.
30 years from now no one is going to be ogling the under hood of Tesla Plaids at a Friday or Saturday night gathering of enthusiasts in a parking lot. I'd be surprised if even a single example of any current model Tesla is still on the road 30 years from
That’s probably true, but sometimes cars are just tools. Between my wife and I we have a Tesla and a hybrid. We only use the Tesla for around town and only charge it at home (and we have solar panels). For road trips we use the hybrid. We buy gas once or twice a month. Had the Tesla 3-4 years and has had zero service, except for a set of tires. I’d love to have a corvette or something fun to tinker with, and someday I might. I don’t give a rat’s ass where any of our cars will be in 30 years. I just want safety and reliability right now, along with low cost.
And that’s fair; there is no one size fits all in most things. I typically fill my RAM 1500 V8 once every 2 months unless I have a trip down south to my storage unit (which is rare). I bought that big of a truck when I had a boat to haul but have no use for the size any more. Then again since I drive so little I really have no reason to sell and it’s been a great truck.
Global politics topic…a North Korean rocket with their 2nd spy satellite exploded before reaching orbit this morning. I wonder if some of the reputation is true about the Kim Jon family and their ruthless brutality of rule. If so I’m guessing some rocket scientists are facing the gallows.
When's the last time you questioned the impartiality of a Dem-appointed justice or the Dem members of the J6 committee or Nancy Pelosi who appointed them?
Can't honestly say I can recall an incident/trial that made me question this before. I'm sure you'd agree that a judge of any level should never appear even remotely political, so it just looks terrible for a member of the supreme court be flying an upside down flag in the days after Jan 6th. Then to see he was flying the pine tree flag outside his summer home/property.
Highly controversial IMHO.
I know what's coming next of course, but to me it's not a good look at all considering what they will be hearing arguments regarding Jan 6th.
Supporting rigged election lies isn’t illegal. Criminal acts committed by Hunter are.
Hunter is not Joe. The upside down flag was at Alito’s home. He may say it was his wife, but it was HIS house. A political statement at the place where he lives. Furthermore, a president is not selected for impartiality. They are partisan. A justice is not supposed to be. Failure to recuse when appropriate is judicial misconduct. In the case of it being a SC justice, would probably be governed be a senate inquiry / possible impeachment. Being a Republican senate…not bloody likely.