the behringer chronicles....

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StevenLindsey said:
By the time the next installment gets here, this thread's going to be 50 pages. If I were the guy, I'd start a new one.

I agree.

radiorickm, please let this thread die with dignity. Start a new thread with your next update.




DKMurphPr said:
radiorickm, please let this thread die with dignity.

I feel I should refer you back to the previous four or five pages, and question whether you are locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Whilst there is much fun, there is little dignity in comparing a Behringer mixer to a pint of sour milk, or a Behringer mixer purchaser to a moron with defective tastebuds and sense of smell.

:rolleyes: let's just carry the damn thing on!
My god. Shouldn't you people be recording things, anything, instead of spattering this drivel and spewing sour milk?! I started reading this thread because it is, or was, of serious interest to me. Now I'm just disgusted. Highly amused, yes, but still disgusted. So not JUST disgusted. Amused and ...actually more amused... anyway...

I bought a new computer a month ago and just today loaded studio software. I've never even dabbled in homerecording and, even after being a musician for, uh, many years, am about as untechie as one can be. After a brief tutorial with a friend, I lost 4 hrs this afternoon recording 30 seconds of djembe, vocals, guitar, and loud, whining buzzing from an amplified mixer. I went to a couple of local music stores, then this evening I got online to check out reviews and prices of, among other things, mixers. My needs are very small at this point--tho I intend for them to grow as I become more proficient--and I pretty much had decided to buy a Behringer Eurorack UB1202. Then...

...I stumbled on this...this...thread...this cheese-curd encrusted, slander-jammed, mind-numbing "DISCUSSION" of the merits and demerits of ... Behringer...

And so, I actually found it to be of some (limited) use. After spending way too much time reading thru, and then between now and when I started my own rant-response, I browsed and found the Yamaha mg10 for $100, $20 more only than the behringer, and, so, I'm swayed by various of you fools herein to go with the yamaha. I'll see if my local music merchants can match the price or I'll buy online.

Now I have to buy some monitors...I'll save that for another thread...or...have any of you had experience with Nady sm250... can be had for $180...? I'm not trying to start somethin or nothin...

I wonder if I'll be the fool who kills this... Or maybe by posting I will have added meaning to all of your clearly boring lives...
perple said:
I wonder if I'll be the fool who kills this... Or maybe by posting I will have added meaning to all of your clearly boring lives...

Ok. Let's just calm down for a minute.

I wonder if I'll be the fool who kills you ... or maybe in doing so I'd be adding meaning to your boring life.

I mean, you can't just go around making crass statements like that. How long have you been here? Do you know chess, MrQ, MJ or any of the others?

There's a damn good argument to be read in this thread and we had a lot of fun writing it.

So the bottom line is, I guess, "fuck you" if you don't want to be a part of it. I'm sorry you feel you must cast aspertions about our lifestyles, and I would remind you how little you know of both the subject matter and the participants.

Refer back to my comments on Yamaha MGs. You've made the right choice for essentially the same money. I big those boards up the whole time because they are far better than B for the price, and you've heeded that advice and gone the Yammy route.

I guess that makes your life boring too. Hard luck.
Whoa, Dude, slow down!

Okay, for the record, since at least one dude did not get it: Much of what I wrote was in jest. There's no way I'd buy a crappy Yamaha. Anyone giving that advice...

No, just kidding. Sometimes tone is lost in e-exchanges. I have no idea if your lives are boring or not. In fact, I really don't care. It was late, I'd spent far too long reading thru the info and insanity contained in this thread, and I thought I'd add to the banter. My main point was this: I found the info regarding the original topic of the thread to be helpful, and I found the insanity at times, well, other than helpful. Whatever.

So, noisedude, relax. I hope I didn't make you kick your dog, or worse. No need to make threats of death. No offense intended with the "boring" line. Jeesh...

And by the way, fuck you too. I can make any kind of crass statement I want. Obviously, lack of crassness is not a prerequisite for contributing here. Obviously, as I stated pretty clearly here and in my first post (and in answer to your question, I've been here exactly as long as it took me to read thru this topic and to reply), I agree that "There's a damn good argument to be read in this thread," and it does appear that you "had a lot of fun writing it." So what I don't get is your angry statement, "So the bottom line is, I guess, "fuck you" if you don't want to be a part of it." Um, guess what? I'm in. I'm part of it. Deal.

I acknowledge that what I wrote about your "boring lives" sounded judgemental, was judgemental, even tho I was simply putting it out in jest.

Now this is also judgemental, and I own it as my judgement: noisedude, you seem awfully high-strung and reactive. Get a grip.

And chessrock, I dug the spoiled-milk chronicles. Masterful use of metaphor, I must say. (this is neither jestful nor ironic, tho I suppose it is my judgement.)

Anyway, Peace, All.

perple said:
Whoa, Dude, slow down!

Okay, for the record, since at least one dude did not get it: Much of what I wrote was in jest. There's no way I'd buy a crappy Yamaha. Anyone giving that advice...

No, just kidding. Sometimes tone is lost in e-exchanges. I have no idea if your lives are boring or not. In fact, I really don't care. It was late, I'd spent far too long reading thru the info and insanity contained in this thread, and I thought I'd add to the banter. My main point was this: I found the info regarding the original topic of the thread to be helpful, and I found the insanity at times, well, other than helpful. Whatever.

So, noisedude, relax. I hope I didn't make you kick your dog, or worse. No need to make threats of death. No offense intended with the "boring" line. Jeesh...

And by the way, fuck you too. I can make any kind of crass statement I want. Obviously, lack of crassness is not a prerequisite for contributing here. Obviously, as I stated pretty clearly here and in my first post (and in answer to your question, I've been here exactly as long as it took me to read thru this topic and to reply), I agree that "There's a damn good argument to be read in this thread," and it does appear that you "had a lot of fun writing it." So what I don't get is your angry statement, "So the bottom line is, I guess, "fuck you" if you don't want to be a part of it." Um, guess what? I'm in. I'm part of it. Deal.

I acknowledge that what I wrote about your "boring lives" sounded judgemental, was judgemental, even tho I was simply putting it out in jest.

Now this is also judgemental, and I own it as my judgement: noisedude, you seem awfully high-strung and reactive. Get a grip.

And chessrock, I dug the spoiled-milk chronicles. Masterful use of metaphor, I must say. (this is neither jestful nor ironic, tho I suppose it is my judgement.)

Anyway, Peace, All.


ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...... :o :o :o
Perple, if you were jesting so much, why are you still blabbing on now making the same points that you were before? Why apologise and say the same stuff again?

If you're in, cool. In that case, as my sentence you quoted says, no "fuck you".

By the way, I strive to be responsive rather than reactive and vulnerable rather than a victim. I'm 'me' on here, and when I typed that I was in a bad old mood cos I couldn't sleep last night! If you're in, deal with it!

Anyway, justifying myself to a newbie is boring at best. Q's right, maybe now IS the time for this thread to die.

Go offer some advice or ask some questions, perple, there's nothing more for you here.
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