the behringer chronicles....

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it's not often i laugh out loud when i'm reading on the net, but you're credited with a good number of them when i have!

be aware that the noisedude infidel state is armed with long-range BEHRINGER deployment capabilities. one more bomb out of you and your ass is gonna be bomb-arded by cheap flimsy mixers burning out and razing your studio complexes to the ground. so keep looking over your shoulder, you crazy schizo.
you wouldn't dare Corporal Q. i know you're all talk and no nukes. i see through your phoney diplomacy (oops that comment meant for GWBush) and i repeat that you're entering a world of pain if you take on the Mighty Nation Of People Who Use Behringers As Bomb Ballast.
We hi-jacked poor, radiorickm's BEHRINGER thread and for that I truly apologize to him! I did not mean that to happen! Again , I'm sorry dude!

................. but a monthly review on the UB's !!???

Sheesh!:p :p :eek: :p :p

sheesh to you too, you ungrateful terrorist!!

i'll give you a monthly review on the Behringer UB(insert number here) mixer:

Month 1: ooh look it's silver and it was very cheap too! i'm very happy and can't understand why that noisedude wasn't keen on his!
Month 2: hmm ... seems to still be working, the dust has taken the sheen off that lovely silver though.
Month 3: yes it's definitely working, i wonder why my recordings all sound so thin and distant though?
Month 4: see Month 3, continue until ...

Month X: X stands for Xpletive. which is what you're doing now you're mixer's broken. by the way the value of X is a small fraction of the lifetime of an equivalent mackie or yamaha.

will that do, sir?
noisedude said:

sheesh to you too, you ungrateful terrorist!!

i'll give you a monthly review on the Behringer UB(insert number here) mixer:

Month 1: ooh look it's silver and it was very cheap too! i'm very happy and can't understand why that noisedude wasn't keen on his!
Month 2: hmm ... seems to still be working, the dust has taken the sheen off that lovely silver though.
Month 3: yes it's definitely working, i wonder why my recordings all sound so thin and distant though?
Month 4: see Month 3, continue until ...

Month X: X stands for Xpletive. which is what you're doing now you're mixer's broken. by the way the value of X is a small fraction of the lifetime of an equivalent mackie or yamaha.

will that do, sir?

ROFLMAO & PIMP !!!:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :D :D :D :D :p :p :D :D :p :p :p :p :D

Noisedude, you're a nut!!!!:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
you the man, Q. if any of you boys wanna club it all together and get my ass stateside for your next annual ligging crash, y'all are most certainly welcome! the cool thing bout this board seems to be people getting it together but there's too few over in this backwater and i can't afford to get over there (and all the flights keep getting pulled cos of terrorists like mustafa).

just re-reading ... i guess there's no chance of an actual brokehinger chronicles now. sorry mister rick guy.
Remeber guys, this IS

I get such a kick out of some of these guys who think that you're being a gear snob because you try to steer someone away from Behringer gear. :D

If I were to bump in to you guys at the grocery store and you were about to buy a gallon of milk that was beyond it's expiration date -- and known to be of a very low quality brand with diseased cows and what not . . .

. . . And I very politely pointed out to you a better brand right next to it that wasn't past it's date and came from healthy cows and cost exactly the same, what would you do? Thank me?

bang on, dude.

damn milk snobs, goddamit if the milk is off why the hell do the shop keep it in?! pisses me off every day.
Re: Remeber guys, this IS

chessrock said:
I get such a kick out of some of these guys who think that you're being a gear snob because you try to steer someone away from Behringer gear. :D

If I were to bump in to you guys at the grocery store and you were about to buy a gallon of milk that was beyond it's expiration date -- and known to be of a very low quality brand with diseased cows and what not . . .

. . . And I very politely pointed out to you a better brand right next to it that wasn't past it's date and came from healthy cows and cost exactly the same, what would you do? Thank me?



I too had purchased "Spoiled Disease Milk" along with "Rotted Cheese","Maggot-Infested Hamburger Meat" and "Penicillin-Ready,Molded Bread" looking to save here and there. All the while rite next to these inferior products were a hi'er quality and price-equivalent alternatives but instead chose the crap. Hey, I didn't know any better and had no-1 to pull my collar and give me the low-down.
Several years ago,after singing hi praises for Beh's AutoComm, Cuzzin' Brucie Blue-Bear hipped me to the RNC stating that while the AutoComm is an adequate processor, the RNC provides great transparency and clarity during processing and improved perf than
what the AutoComm can offe. I finally got me 1 and he was right (He's also the reason why I bought the LexMPX500 rather than use beh's DSPPro 1000). And thanks to U Chessy-Baby, your answer to my question some months agor for a mod-priced pre w. excellent perf led me to get the DMP3 (even though I just purchased a Grace 101)!!
If you dont have the oppty to A/B comparison a product, the next best thing is to ask for advice & opinions from others who know.
Also, a simple comparison of specs bet unit 1 and unit 2 may also assist in helping in the decision process, especially when it comes to BEHRINGER gear! I don't hate ALL things Behringer nor do I care that Beh copied Mackie's designs;meaningless to me. It's just the way they horribly CUT CORNERS in construction,quality and overall perf to sell to the public and trying to justify thier strategy by selling thier crap at a cheap price.
I just wish I had some-1 holla' @ me b-4 I wasted my ded
prez-i-dints on a Beh mixer!
BTW, I'm no possessor of hi-end gear nor am I blessed with total knowledgeable engineering skillz but I have enuff experience where I can tell if somethings cheap or not!
at least the presidents were dead. i can't imagine bill clinton would be delighted about you trading him for a Behringer MX. clearly bush would be a fair swap though for maybe an MX502 or summat, or a pint of sour milk.
After 2 years I have finally ditched my Berry ddx32 for live use (still use it for recording).

What went wrong in the end????
Nothing the sucker is just too heavy.

During its 2 years on the road it has been showered with Guiness, Piss, Big Macs, Indian curries, and the bastard still works.

Bought me a UB2442, seems quite good but the FX sure are noisy.

the first report

well, the behringer mixer arrived.
i have heard horror stories about them not working, so i carefully unpacked it and checked everything out.

Everything did work as it was intended. off to a good start at least.

about 90% of the operating controls are self explanitory and easy to use. everything is well labeled in english and pretty easy to use.

i put it to it's first test by using it as a front end to my 4 track recorder. it has plenty of routing options to get the signal where you want. i went off the beaten path a little and fed a mike thru channel 1 into the subgroup, and applied the (insert) fx (compressor) only to that subgroup. the rest went to the direct outs. everything worked out pretty well.

two thing i did notice right away.

the fx is noisey. get anywhere above unity gain and you might as well be listening to a HF RECEIVER.! it is workable though, by keeping the RETURN gain down.

the second thing is the shelving eq's. gonna take some learing with these. as i understand it, it effects everthing from the marked frequency down (or up on the hi's) instead of being centered on that frequency. that being said, you have a low control that works from 80 hz down. kick in the 75hz rumble filter and you pretty much have no lo eq. seems to me that 80 is way to low for the bass eq...have to research other mixer specs...

so. i got , it worked. the fx is a little noisy, but MOST of them you want to use with the return way below unity anyway. so. it is useable. and so far i love the flexibility of the routing.

'ntil next month.... good recording...
Thanks Radiorickm

It's sunday and I'm on my bestest behaviour today but I gotta say a few things jumped right outa your post at me.

everything is well labeled in english

You did buy it in an english speaking country, right?

i went off the beaten path a little and fed a mike thru channel 1 into the subgroup, and applied the (insert) fx (compressor) only to that subgroup.

Now that IS going right off the beaten track. I'd never have thought of puttin a mic through channel 1. I like to put my mics in from channel 17 upwards and keep 1-16 clear for my tape returns

Ah hell man am just yankin your chain, good luck with it, I've got a behri V-ampII that the jack input broke away from the PCB the 2nd time I plugged a lead into it cause it was soldered poorly. Doesn't mean it's shit and I sure am happy is says Behringer in english on the front. :D
The spoiled milk Chronicles Volume I :

So I opened up the milk that I just bought at the grocery store the other day. Much to my delight the label clearly read "milk," in English on the front. I put it to the first test by putting my nose to the opening and inhaling through my nose, so as to capture and ascertain the aroma . . .

Hmmm. So far, it didn't seem to smell so bad. So I proceeded to take a small drink.

This shit's spoiled. Tastes like crap. I think I'm gonna' hurl. Now I realize this is a minor complaint, considering that one doesn't always buy milk for drinking purposes. So I proceeded on to my next test: making pancakes.

This proved to be a very simple task. You see, wherever it is in the recipe that it calls for fresh milk, you simply substitute an equal amount of the diseased, spoiled milk. It's pretty neat how that works.

Anyway, the pancakes turned out great. I couldn't even tell they were made with rotten milk. My next challenge is to try making sour dough with it. I figure this might be a test where the spoiled milk might prove itself equally useful.

So I'll be keeping the milk in my fridge untill next month, where I'll try it out on a few other things, and I'll keep you posted on it's progress each month. Untill next time! . . .
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