Tempo Changes When Using A Click

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You still don't get it. Posting some blog doesn't make you smarter.

I'll briefly explain it for you because you are way out in left field: Recording to a click doesn't mean that it's going to result in a sterile lifeless robotic performance. It can, but it doesn't have to. Most musicians that have any degree of competence - in other words, not you - can easily stay on the click, and move around the click. The click track is a guide, not a rut.
What were you recording?

1st up was a singer songwriter. Guitar and vocals live. No click.
Next I mapped out tempo changes manually so I had a click matching his live performance.
Then I recorded banjo parts, piano parts and mapped midi drums. I think I did bass and sparse guitar too. It's an old session.

If I didn't intend to map midi drums I wouldn't even bother constructing a variable click because there'd be no real need for a grid.
I'd just play the parts over the top of his performance.
Again, it has nothing to do with any of my music.

Your attitude does....

You want everyone else to post-up, and you mock the music of other members in order to prove something.....so why don't you post-up?

Let's hear some of this tempo-difficult music and vocal doubling precision that you're doing......
You still don't get it. Posting some blog doesn't make you smarter.

I'll briefly explain it for you because you are way out in left field: Recording to a click doesn't mean that it's going to result in a sterile lifeless robotic performance. It can, but it doesn't have to. Most musicians that have any degree of competence - in other words, not you - can easily stay on the click, and move around the click. The click track is a guide, not a rut.

Doesnt make me smarter, but it shows that maybe the way you think is not right
Just like yesterday, you've got more than enough information here to answer your questions.
Whether you chose to accept it is entirely up to you.

I'm out though.

And yes, I could create a click track to any Beatles' song. I'm sure there'll be some extreme example where it's awkward or difficult, but there'd still be a way.
If it's very difficult to play certain sections seamlessly, you either practice to that click, or track it in a couple of takes.
Doesnt make me smarter, but it shows that maybe the way you think is not right

The way I think is the way competent musicians think. The only people that completely shun click tracks are incompetent and/or scared of being outed as a hack. Click tracks are not evil. They don't hurt music. Time and place, my man. You don't understand any of this.
You can not play even drums to uneven pieces of music, that simple

Well...why is the music "uneven"...because you can't play it any other way or because it's written that way?
If it's the latter...no problem, just give the instructions and set the drum maps accordingly.
If it's the former....that's on your end.
1st up was a singer songwriter. Guitar and vocals live. No click.
Next I mapped out tempo changes manually so I had a click matching his live performance.
Then I recorded banjo parts, piano parts and mapped midi drums. I think I did bass and sparse guitar too. It's an old session.

If I didn't intend to map midi drums I wouldn't even bother constructing a variable click because there'd be no real need for a grid.
I'd just play the parts over the top of his performance.

Im not denyiing you may have done this, but if I pay a guy 100 bucks to play drums, I want to be done with it, i dont want the whole prject to be about fixing the tempo, that would be stupid. If you enjoy that, more power to you, I enjoy playing and playing back
Im not denyiing you may have done this, but if I pay a guy 100 bucks to play drums, I want to be done with it, i dont want the whole prject to be about fixing the tempo, that would be stupid. If you enjoy that, more power to you, I enjoy playing and playing back

Well, you were, or at least you were strongly challenging it.
Now you've backpedalled and said, OK Ok it CAN be done but you're making out like it dominates the project or something?

Seriously man, I'm trying to help. Mapping a tempo track to a song takes about 5 minutes per 3 minute song.
Could you just, at some point, say "I didn't know that; Thanks."

If I had access to a kit and drummer, I wouldn't even bother, like grohl/kurt/vig didn't bother.
They just enjoyed playing and playing back. ;)
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