So who wants to collab?

bknot1 said:
you would have to send it to me in .wav or mp3 format.. since i dont use software so i can upload it to my Akai DPS (.wav file is preferred) ..if you can do that send it to

As for you Mr. BK, I'll have to upload the Wav to my website, which I'm doing right now.

It's not available yet, but it should be in about 10 minutes, since it's 25MB

here's the link, just keep checkin it


EDIT: IF it auto plays the song, rather than downloading it, just right click the link and click save as.
I'd join in, but that means I'd have to work on something other than finishing my current project, and that's not gonna happen. So, this is a free post. :)
Change of POETS said:
I'd join in, but that means I'd have to work on something other than finishing my current project, and that's not gonna happen. So, this is a free post. :)

BING! New E-mail, Change of POETS has left a comment on the thread titled "Who wants to collab?"

Got my hopes up for nothing?!?!?! Darn you! DARN YOU ALL TO HELL!!! :P

S'all good.

Thanks for posting, never the less.

lapse i sent u the flp back all i did was a add a little bass and re arrange some things to make it move more smooth, also added sumthin a little funky at the end that u can take out lol, but do you mind if i post the beat up on here so i can show people what i meant by how you can make boo bass sound good? or you can post it up it don't matter, i just them to hear what you can do to boo bass and how powerful it really is
DesertEase said:
lapse i sent u the flp back all i did was a add a little bass and re arrange some things to make it move more smooth, also added sumthin a little funky at the end that u can take out lol, but do you mind if i post the beat up on here so i can show people what i meant by how you can make boo bass sound good? or you can post it up it don't matter, i just them to hear what you can do to boo bass and how powerful it really is

Way ahead of you man, here's DesertEase's version! Good goin' homey, I like it.

what up Re-Lapse.... aight i went way to left field with this one... honestly i couldn't work with that guitar sample as it was, so i chopped it up a little (actually a lot) and made a whole new track around that... I WAS DRINKING A "BUD LIGHT" 40 ounce WHEN I MADE THIS. sooooo maybe that's why it turned out like it did... ;) :cool: :rolleyes: IT'S JUST A SAMPLE... I DIDN'T REALLY BREAK IT DOWN BECAUSE I WENT SOOOOOOO FAR OFF TRACK, BUT LET ME KNOW WHAT YA'LL THINK
Call Me Cell said:
what up Re-Lapse.... aight i went way to left field with this one... honestly i couldn't work with that guitar sample as it was, so i chopped it up a little (actually a lot) and made a whole new track around that... I WAS DRINKING A "BUD LIGHT" 40 ounce WHEN I MADE THIS. sooooo maybe that's why it turned out like it did... ;) :cool: :rolleyes: IT'S JUST A SAMPLE... I DIDN'T REALLY BREAK IT DOWN BECAUSE I WENT SOOOOOOO FAR OFF TRACK, BUT LET ME KNOW WHAT YA'LL THINK

I don't hear one thing that resembles any of the things in my track, so you can probably rename that as your own. Since it pretty much had NOTHING to do with me, haha. However, that is a really good track I'd enjoy workin' with that one. Keep it real man, good stuff.

yeah, i started out with the .zip file but after i got done tweaking i guess the music just came out of my head and that's what i came up with :confused:
