Rumble III, Let's Rock!

Dogman said:
7, can't find any of your rumbles. Did you take them down? You want to put up some new links, and I'll download them.

I took them down. Needed the space on my server. I'm not sure I even have a copy of them anywhere but I'll look around. Sorry!
VSpaceBoy said:
Allright guys here what I came up with.

*DISCLAIMER* - I'm not a shredder and I don't know scales so taker her easy on me! :)

SpaceBoy Rumble III

Thanks for listening!! Space

Hey man, sounds great! I really like that little melody line that keeps coming back. Also some very cool rhythmic things happening too! Good one!
apl said:
Hey, Dogman, I've got 14 Rumble III entries on my thumb drive. Let me know if you can't get a particular one, and I'll e-mail it to ya.
I'm missing shiatzu, and 7string right now. If you have them, PM me.
7string said:
I took them down. Needed the space on my server. I'm not sure I even have a copy of them anywhere but I'll look around. Sorry!
Ok, looks like all I'm missing are the solo's from 7string. If anyone has these, let me know. I'd like to get them.
Werners, good job. Sounds like you used lots of flangeing, or a wah. Which is it, or both? By the way, just in time to get put on Short Bus Records Rumble Compilation disc.
That's the freakiest sounding effects chain I've heard in a long time - since the first Rumble actually. If you haven't heard Purge's first Rumble solo you should. Listened a couple times so I could track the lines better as they're a little low in the mix. Great playing with a Punk feel. My cat was going crazy though... climbed up the Ultimate stand and tried to hump the speaker.

Sounds like a freaked out env filter on flanged steriods with delay and verb.

Heck though, its by far the most original.
don't know the effects exactly anymore but i had to use them to disguise the fact that i can't play solo's (tough i love to do it)
I just finished listening to all you dudes....
It was a good listen
Couldn't get Shiatzu or 7strings.

Apl..that was really good....I didn't know you played that well. :cool: go'll get there sooner than you did some fancy finger work on that one part.And hey DOG, sounds like ya got a very cool wife.Your a blessed man. So when IS she gona post somethin'? :cool:

Finster......I really enjoyed the strumin' part, added a cool flavour. :cool:

Kainz....Took me back to my *bowl* days. :D :cool:

Lbanks...were you drunk? ;) That was a Bass wasn't it? Liked it.What was in the back ground? :cool:

Lurgan liar...loved that banjo thing :cool:
The geetar was classical rock to my ears..sweet :cool: word came to mind as I listened...rumble... liked it :cool:

Timothy...I could picture myself at an evening outdoor concert at a park, laying back, looking at the stars, letting the music take me to places mellow. :cool:

Insightnsound...Southern rock sound...loveed it. :cool:

Jack real...Felt like I was crusin' down some deserted hwy just listenen' to some good jams and chillin. :cool:

Werners...I loved it!..shroom blues man :cool:

Space boy..made me want to throw roses(not really roses) on stage.. :eek: .well not quite..but close :D
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True, I have all the Rumble solo's now, and plan on doing something with them soon. And thanks for the compliments. I'll let you know...
Insightnsound said:
Should I go back and do the first Rumble? :rolleyes:
Insight, do them all. If you can get it done in the next few days, then I'll put em on a cd. Go for it. Do them all. DO IT!!!! DO IT!!!!!!
I only did the jam track.

That backing track has some fine guitar playing. I think rhythm guitar playing is hugely undervalued. Wish it was a stock because I'd buy it all up. John Lennon's playing, for instance. Was George better? Was Clapton better? No. Just doing a different thing, at least to me. It's a separate instrument. You're good apl.

Dogman said:
Insight, do them all. If you can get it done in the next few days, then I'll put em on a cd. Go for it. Do them all. DO IT!!!! DO IT!!!!!!
I'm on top of it, Just saved the track.

I can tell this one is gonna take a few beers. :D