Rumble III, Let's Rock!

Timothy Lawler said:
That backing track has some fine guitar playing. I think rhythm guitar playing is hugely undervalued. Wish it was a stock because I'd buy it all up. John Lennon's playing, for instance. Was George better? Was Clapton better? No. Just doing a different thing, at least to me. It's a separate instrument. You're good apl.


I agree wholeheartedly! I look back to when Tom Fogerty left CCR and how empty their music sounded after that. Not only how empty but how much it changed the music itself. No more long guitar solo's or jams!
A hot chick said:
Timothy...I could picture myself at an evening outdoor concert at a park, laying back, looking at the stars, letting the music take me to places mellow.

true, thank you. I'd want to kiss you if you were here, mellowly (and gentlemanly).

Timothy Lawler said:
OK apl, I'm going back right now and deleting my post about your rhythm guitar playing.


I'm just confused Tim; not sure how the Rumble shifted to smoochin'.
David Katauskas said:
This is friggin' much talent. There wasn't one version that I didn't like...each so unique. I only wish I had seen this thread earlier to jump in and contribute.

So jump in already.

You dudes are great!..I love listening to your everchanging sounds, and your informative post about the playing.

DOG..your very welcome...You da DOG!!! :cool:

APL...The JAM track is what I was referring to. You did a wonderful job! :)
I wrote a song about overlooked BASS players called "BASS LINE MAN"...Guess I'll have to do one for you Rhythm players. I would not want to be in a musical world without rhythm... :(

Timothy... Thanks for calling me a hot chick, and the nice kiss. My day started out crappy, now its happy! Hope your wife didn't wack you on the head with your geetar! :D

Spaceboy...LMAO!!!...You DO have a quick wit about you. I wondered if you would get what I meant, since I had edited the first remark I made. And you DID!! Now THAT is Sweet!!! ;)

You dudes have a great day...TRUE
true-eurt said:
Timothy... Thanks for calling me a hot chick, and the nice kiss. My day started out crappy, now its happy! Hope your wife didn't wack you on the head with your geetar! :D

LOL! He plays classical! That’d be like getting hit with a cardboard box! If he played a real guitar like a Les Paul or a CT6, then it’d be worrisome.
(70's psychobabble "active listening" turned on and a very compassionate facial expression) apl, you sound concerned that your electric guitar isn't "real", but proud of the fact that it's very heavy.

:p :D :p :D :p :D :p :D

Timothy Lawler said:
(70's psychobabble "active listening" turned on and a very compassionate facial expression) apl, you sound concerned that your electric guitar isn't "real", but proud of the fact that it's very heavy.

:p :D :p :D :p :D :p :D


Actually, it's only about seven and a half pounds; most who pick it up remark about its lightness.
apl said:
LOL! He plays classical! That’d be like getting hit with a cardboard box! If he played a real guitar like a Les Paul or a CT6, then it’d be worrisome.
LOL...Hey..those ARE some gorgeous geetars, especially The brown with black tiger stripes....I'll take one!! :D
after studying the historical documents...

I'm not gonna call up another older thread so I'll make the comments in this one since it's related and already up nearer the front. A little competition’s not a bad thing… so I wanted to say that in the 2nd Rumble, "Let's get ready to rumble again" the solo that grabs me the most is the one by Kainz. Gentle... melancholy, ... turns into funky in-your-face, huge rich sound throughout, spot-on but easy intonation, and mostly the lyrical phrasing that lets just enough of the backing track through and creates almost a statement/response phrasing that really sounds composed. And it's got that gesture right at the end that just eases it back to within an inch of the ground.

To my ear, CGibson's first one and 7string's first one stand out for some of the same reasons. Finster's and Purge’s were intense and artfully executed, and others were hot as well, but I think in hindsight many of us, like me, fell into the trap of playing too many damn notes. Just my biased opinion.

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Timothy Lawler said:
I'm not gonna call up another older thread so I'll make the comments in this one since it's related and already up nearer the front. A little competition’s not a bad thing… so I wanted to say that in the 2nd Rumble, "Let's get ready to rumble again" the solo that grabs me the most is the one by Kainz. Gentle... melancholy, ... turns into funky in-your-face, huge rich sound throughout, spot-on but easy intonation, and mostly the lyrical phrasing that lets just enough of the backing track through and creates almost a statement/response phrasing that really sounds composed. And it's got that gesture right at the end that just eases it back to within an inch of the ground.

Hey thanks :o

(btw I ended up doing the Metalhead rumble afterall.. It is so out of my style, but he desperately wanted more solos, so what could I do? hehe Check it out. Kainz and his stratocaster going heavy :D)
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My entry for this Rumble is called My III. Over the weekend I had the chance to put a different pickup in my Carvin DC135. The guitar came with a C22T, which always seemed kinda harsh. I swapped it to a C22B. I also traded up to a Line 6 Spider II 112 amp and for this I used the Mesa Dual Rectifier model recorded direct. The backing track was recorded with the DC135 with the old pup and the Spider II 15. So I’ve got a chance to compare pups and amps. I like the tone of the new pup.

Whatcha think?
apl said:
My entry for this Rumble is called My III. Over the weekend I had the chance to put a different pickup in my Carvin DC135. The guitar came with a C22T, which always seemed kinda harsh. I swapped it to a C22B. I also traded up to a Line 6 Spider II 112 amp and for this I used the Mesa Dual Rectifier model recorded direct. The backing track was recorded with the DC135 with the old pup and the Spider II 15. So I’ve got a chance to compare pups and amps. I like the tone of the new pup.

Whatcha think?

APL, that was sweet!!! Wish you would have had it done for the cd.....Killer tone. Fits excellently. Great playing....
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