Roe vs Wade Overturned

Not in the least. It was a stupid and baited question.
A woman's right to choose, but what is a woman?
The new SCOTUS justice is UNABLE to tell us what a woman is.
How could she even write an opinion without contradicting herself?
I think it's funny, and yes it IS stupid.
It seems every point from the left ends up that way.
The adverse experiences from the covid-shot are like 400x higher than flu shots, but you don't have a choice if you want to tour as a musician.
THAT is the point.
We already covered this on the Eric Clapton USA-tour that was canceled after his AstraZeneca shot left him paralyzed for several weeks.
He was called a fascist because he complained.
The left has this thing about nasty labels, ya know.
It's rather uncivil, imho.

Ok, I'm officially unsubscribing from this thread. Have a good weekend.
The MAGA crowd lost the election and then tried to overturn it - first through corruption and lies, and then through violence on January 6th.

Had the MAGA crowd gotten its way, American democracy would be over. And they nearly did. In fact they're still working to install corrupt liars in key positions that would enable Trump to overrule future elections. Perhaps you don't realize this is what you are supporting.

It looks kind of hypocritical to talk about Jan 6 when the democrats are now in full support of the Supreme Court leaker.
Democracy is when people vote on things like abortion, but you don't want that as you tell us about the benefits of democracy.
The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.
I think your picture should go beside the definition of the word.
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It looks kind of hypocritical to talk about Jan 6 when the democrats are now in full support of the Supreme Court leaker.
Democracy is when people vote on things like abortion, but you don't want that as you tell us about the benefits of democracy.
The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.
I think your picture should go beside the definition of the word.

Americans agree with me, and disagree with you by a nearly 2 to 1 margin:
Then what are you worried about?

I'm worried about fascists taking away rights and using big Government to force major life altering medical decisions upon women.

Of course, the rights will only be taken from poor women. Rich women have always, and will always, have access to abortions and the associated professional medical care.

Let everybody vote.
It's democratic, right?

Indeed. Everybody. Let's have a national referendum on it. The fascist side would get stomped.
I'm worried about fascists taking away rights and using big Government to force major life altering medical decisions upon women.

Of course, the rights will only be taken from poor women. Rich women have always, and will always, have access to abortions and the associated professional medical care.

Indeed. Everybody. Let's have a national referendum on it. The fascist side would get stomped.
I would watch what you say IBB, the fascists of this world have and are today over in Europe...........the left.......the socialists and communists.
I would watch what you say IBB, the fascists of this world have and are today over in Europe...........the left.......the socialists and communists.

Here in the United States, it's Trump supporters who clearly fit the definition of fascism:

Definition of fascism​

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation: "America first"

2. Often race: Virtually all white nationalists support Trump. Trump refused to say anything bad about David Duke (former KKK leader). Trump's biggest Republican supporters in the House actively campaign with white nationalists. Trump stated that a crowd of people chanting "Jews will not replace us!" had good people.

3. Centralized Autocratic Government: Trump tried to automatically install himself to a second term, and only failed due to incompetence. Trump also said "When somebody's the President of the United States, the authority is total, and that's the way it's got to be."

4. Severe economic regimentation: Trump supporters in Florida's Government are currently punishing Disney for expressing opinions. Trump issued all sorts of tariffs (taxes on Americans) as part of a trade war with America's allies.

5. Severe social regimentation: Trump supported Muslim bans. Supports white nationalism. Aligns himself with crowds chanting "jews will not replace us."

6. Forcible suppression of opposition: "Lock her up" was his campaign slogan relative to his political opponent.


Trump meets all criteria for the definition of fascism. So yes, Trump and his supporters are clearly fascists. There is no doubt about it what-so-ever.
Trump, Trump, Trump!!!!

Who mentioned him? :unsure: :unsure: Nobody but IBB.

Fascists have throughout history waged war on others to spread their self appointed supreme ideology. A lot of the times they commit mass murder and genocide but in any case cause huge misery, suffering and deaths. The trouble with these people is they can only see one side which is their own. They are at least bigoted and at most murderous. They believe that no one else can be anything but in agreement with them. They blame their faults and calamities on others and can never accept blame. Everybody who disagrees with them must be eradicated.
Trump, Trump, Trump!!!!

Who mentioned him? :unsure: :unsure: Nobody but IBB.

I wish Trump was irrelevant. Unfortunately, he is still the leader of the Republican Party, he is running for office again in 2024, and many of the people in this thread are Trump's dupes and would unwittingly throw away America's elections in favor of a Trump dictatorship.
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Fascists have throughout history waged war on others to spread their self appointed supreme ideology. A lot of the times they commit mass murder and genocide but in any case cause huge misery, suffering and deaths. The trouble with these people is they can only see one side which is their own. They are at least bigoted and at most murderous. They believe that no one else can be anything but in agreement with them. They blame their faults and calamities on others and can never accept blame. Everybody who disagrees with them must be eradicated.

Exactly. Case in point: More than half of Trump supporters now believe in QANON:

Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled as a pedophile or a pedophile supporter. These people are willing to act on those wildly baseless accusations.

You've seen how easily our resident Trump supporters - including the moderator - are willing to jump to threats of violence, and that was merely in reaction to classroom speech. What do you think they will be willing to do when Trump convinces the remaining 44% of the party that all Democrats are eating baby blood and raping children in an international pedophile ring?

Violence from these fascist conservatives is not a mere possibility. It is inevitable. January 6th was merely the first tremor.
I wish Trump was irrelevant. Unfortunately, he is still the leader of the Republican Party, he is running for office again in 2024, and many of the people in this thread are Trump's dupes and would unwittingly throw away America's elections in favor of a Trump dictatorship.
Ok I understand. I live in Europe and not American. What I see is Trump and possibly anybody else will walk to victory in America because what you have now is farce. They the so called Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.
Look at it this way;
If in a worst case scenario, abortion were to be outlawed, you could just give those kids to all the lgbtq couples incapable of producing offspring. ;)

Always look at the bright side........
If the mother doesn't want the baby then put it up for adoption.
That's why I laugh.
I know couples that have waited for years to adopt a new born.
The unwanted baby never showed up.
And yet we have half a million kids in foster care. Seems people only want the pretty little newborns.
Reproductive rights, my body my choice, women’s reproductive health.

They sound so nice, so harmless, so supportive of women don’t they?

Well, listen to the doctor’s testimony on what a second trimester abortion is really like.

Sounds to me more akin to hiring a hit man to kill your child.