Reaper....all other multi-track software is a rip!

Its features were strong enough for me to toss any other multitrack software a few days after Ford Van said that

It developed THAT fast

No kidding

Anyhow, its pretty uber about now, though I see there is a ways to go for midi
I'm in the middle of tracking two songs in Logic. One is almost finished and the other has only the drum tracks recorded.

What's the odds of me downloading and installing Reaper, then finishing what's left of the tracking, without having a catastrophic failure? I don't have the tracks backed up yet, nor will I. One of the folders is 5.92GB, and I don't have a DVD recorder yet.
ez_willis said:
I'm in the middle of tracking two songs in Logic. One is almost finished and the other has only the drum tracks recorded.

What's the odds of me downloading and installing Reaper, then finishing what's left of the tracking, without having a catastrophic failure? I don't have the tracks backed up yet, nor will I. One of the folders is 5.92GB, and I don't have a DVD recorder yet.
Why would you want to do that,willis?Why not finish your work then start a new project with Reaper.That's what I'm thinking of doing.
As far as the integrity of the data,you could make a copy of the project folder(if that's how Logic works)on the hard drive and keep it safe.
I just downloaded and used REAPER for about an hour or two,

To be honest I think it's pretty plain why it is not up there with the bigger programs. It's not a bad peice of software but it's got a long way to come.

I'd give it a 5/10 for the few hours I used it.
pipelineaudio said:
Its features were strong enough for me to toss any other multitrack software a few days after Ford Van said that

It developed THAT fast

No kidding

Anyhow, its pretty uber about now, though I see there is a ways to go for midi
Blimey. Just looked through the feature list and it looks like they've put in the features that actual users wanted ... and pretty much ignored the flashy pointless crap that so many of the others are full of.

I mean, no-one ever painted a Studer metallic blue and put flashing lights all over it, did they? And mixing consoles have NEVER looked anything except functional ... so why does so much processing power get wasted on pointless crap?
sowpunk said:
I just downloaded and used REAPER for about an hour or two,

To be honest I think it's pretty plain why it is not up there with the bigger programs. It's not a bad peice of software but it's got a long way to come.

I'd give it a 5/10 for the few hours I used it.

I see. So, what does it need? Please be specific. Oh, and don't bother listing ANYTHING midi related.
Ford Van said:
I see. So, what does it need? Please be specific. Oh, and don't bother listing ANYTHING midi related.
Hahahaha ... some of us NEED midi dood!

I'm downloading Reaper now and will take a look at it this week. I have high hopes!
sowpunk said:
I just downloaded and used REAPER for about an hour or two,

To be honest I think it's pretty plain why it is not up there with the bigger programs. It's not a bad peice of software but it's got a long way to come.

I'd give it a 5/10 for the few hours I used it.

what was the problem?
noisedude said:
Hahahaha ... some of us NEED midi dood!

I don't. None of it, and I'm using Logic for fucks sake.

I'm going to finish the project I'm working on and install it. I've never used any program other than Logic so this will be a good test to see how user~friendly it is for the home rec'er to figure out.

I'll be finished with the one song I'm working on today, probably. I'll post thoughts on Reaper as I'm working through the install and my first recording.
Ok, first impressions:

- It's definitely a Vegas knock-off ... but that's a GOOD thing because it has the dead easy routing and mixing facilities that I liked from that.

- The CPU use is incredibly low - I can't believe how tiny it is in memory either. It's dead quick to load too.

- It loaded all my plugins automatically and set itself up with audio outputs ... if only Vegas or Sonar had ever done that without needing to be asked!

- The mouse does pretty much what I expect it to, most of the time. It seems like Reaper already knows how I want to work, rather than me having to learn how IT works.

I'm going to use it for a couple of weeks, put some projects in and see how it handles things, and if I still like it as much as I do now I'll definitely pay the registration fee.

Winner! Thanks are also due for Aaron for continuing to push this project, as well as helping us no-hopers out with his expert advice!

"Ford Van-usman" can kiss my arse though :D
noisedude said:
- It's definitely a Vegas knock-off ... but that's a GOOD thing because it has the dead easy routing and mixing facilities that I liked from that.

Speaking of routing:

There were some MAJOR things that Vegas still didnt have after all these years which necessitated reaper.

The biggest one for me being routing. Pre vegas 4 had sends following channel pan, post had dual mono send

NEITHER had an easy way to actually pan a send OR go mono out of vegas

Reaper was pushed to shatter the entire paradigm. Sends can have their own pan, follow channel, dual mono, AND a phase switch per send.

EVERY track is a send

EVERY track is a recieve

EVERY track is a buss

Even hardware can be sent to

ALL hardware can be sent to

Or not!

The routing is a patchbay with gain phase and pan

In fact, click view then matrix!

Other MAJOR vegas issues have been resolved as well, such as the INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING one tempo per project thing. REAPER has either tempo switching or tempo envelopes

TWO editors can be opened from REAPER , unlike Vegas' one even though acid allowed two...ugh

Consolidate: Vegas edit limit is gone with 3 clicks!

So much more, but the thing is, its supposed to seem simple, and all the top stuff is exposed to make it intuitive...when you REALLY wanna get out the soldering iron reaper does have some deep features, such as the ability to code your own fx from inside reaper, in realtime, while listening to your work

Check out the included fx, they were meant to be mindblowing and what audio engineers had been asking for for so long
WOW! don't know how the hell I missed it. I'm no where near current with regards to my DAW software. I think I've found my new app. Thanks everyone.
pipelineaudio said:
what was the problem?

I guess it just felt a bit... shareware :confused:

I know it's free and all that, but I hate progams that give you that Window's 95 feel.

You can tell it's not designed by a professional company. Not by the coding but by the interface. And that's an easy problem to fix. I've had some programming experience so I know what I'm talking about :)

I'll give it a further go but I think I'll be sticking to Cubase.

Ford Van said:
I see. So, what does it need? Please be specific. Oh, and don't bother listing ANYTHING midi related.

Well for starters I can't record in loop mode properly, and some times, I can't hear the first note of my beat patterns.

That may just take some practice but after reading around it seems like a pretty common thing.


I'll be sticking to Cubase. The point of my post was to say that "All other multi-track software" is not a rip. Especially when you're recording a ska band lol.
so besides the looping issue, the problem is someone painted the wrong pictures for you?

Gotta love this line :

"You can tell it's not designed by a professional company. Not by the coding but by the interface. And that's an easy problem to fix. I've had some programming experience so I know what I'm talking about"

The interface is exactly how we want it:

ONE mouse tool, not 4 million like cubendo

Top level functionality, no need to dig thru windows for common tasks

Speed, speed speed speed

I will look into your looping problem
sowpunk said:
I guess it just felt a bit... shareware :confused:

I know it's free and all that, but I hate progams that give you that Window's 95 feel.

You can tell it's not designed by a professional company. Not by the coding but by the interface. And that's an easy problem to fix. I've had some programming experience so I know what I'm talking about :)

I'll give it a further go but I think I'll be sticking to Cubase.

Well for starters I can't record in loop mode properly, and some times, I can't hear the first note of my beat patterns.

That may just take some practice but after reading around it seems like a pretty common thing.


I'll be sticking to Cubase. The point of my post was to say that "All other multi-track software" is not a rip. Especially when you're recording a ska band lol.
I record ska and I don't see the connection :confused:

As for looking like Windows 95 ... no, it looks like Vegas. But even without coding skins and stuff you can use one of the colour theme presets. I mean, what looks Windows 95 about this?


Having said all this ... I can't stand Cubase anyway. One million clicks to do a simple task and months of use to master the features. Sonar came much more easily to me but my favourite was Vegas.
Cubase always has seemed pretty easy/intuitive to me. . . .

To each his own.

That said, Reaper is idiot-proof when it comes to installing -> recording a track. Definately user-friendly.
Personally, I like the mouse OPTIONS form Cubase. If you are using "a milion" clicks to do something in Cubase than you just do not know what you are doing. That being said, I have no porblems with Reaper, just wanted to make sure that the Cubase and Nuendo bashers are doing so out of experience and not just lack of it.....
xstatic said:
Personally, I like the mouse OPTIONS form Cubase. If you are using "a milion" clicks to do something in Cubase than you just do not know what you are doing. That being said, I have no porblems with Reaper, just wanted to make sure that the Cubase and Nuendo bashers are doing so out of experience and not just lack of it.....
A combination of both. I've been using Cubase for years but there's always something more important to do than learn all the crap in it ... I guess I'm just more of a musician than an engineer?