Reaper....all other multi-track software is a rip!

trying to figure out editing functions that are missed... The ONLY thing I use an external editor for anymore is for autotune. With the release of waves tune and its ability to accurately stick with the project, its no longer an issue. That being said, REAPER has integrated with it any two editors of your choice. The only normally desired function I can think of which isnt handled by reaper internally is a pencil tool, but if enough people ask for it, it wil probably show up.

What editing functions are people missing that they arent finding?
i agree with pipeline here. and by the way, reaper is pretty tite. haha. as for now though, i'll stick with vegas (already shelled out the cash for it, and plus video...haha).
shackrock said:
i agree with pipeline here. and by the way, reaper is pretty tite. haha. as for now though, i'll stick with vegas (already shelled out the cash for it, and plus video...haha).
As a home recording enthusiast, it's pretty obvious to me that not supporting this application is like pissing on your own shoes!

I also shelled out the bux for Vegas (Reaper wasn't around at the time)
and for the stuff I do it's pretty much identical to Reaper, but I bought a Reaper license just because this product rocks and people should support those that aren't being greedy.
drstawl said:
I bought a Reaper license just because this product rocks and people should support those that aren't being greedy.

Hey Doc, I rock and I'm not greedy. What do you say about kicking some cash down my way?
I downloaded it and created a quick track. I'm really impressed by the intuitive nature of it and the really simple way of applying effects.
When I rendered the file to a wav, media player wouldn't play it - said some codecs are missing. How do I fix this ?

If I can fix it I reckon I'll definitely buy it.
ez_willis said:
Hey Doc, I rock and I'm not greedy. What do you say about kicking some cash down my way?
What do you bring to the table besides Angry Midgets and Conniving Mormons? :confused:
lasagne said:
I downloaded it and created a quick track. I'm really impressed by the intuitive nature of it and the really simple way of applying effects.
When I rendered the file to a wav, media player wouldn't play it - said some codecs are missing. How do I fix this ?

If I can fix it I reckon I'll definitely buy it.

there's nothing to fix.

Media player can only play certain types of wave files. When you go to render in reaper, chose "16 bit stereo 44.1khz" for the wave file type.

If you rendewred to 24 bit or something, yeah, its not going to work *usually*

If you would rather render to an mp3 instead, unzip this into your c:\program files\reaper directory
I'm really diggin' Reaper so far... its amazing how much more efficient it is compared to n-Track (can't compare it to fancier high end software tho). I can really pile on the plug-ins without having to render the tracks. Also it works MUCH MUCH better with my mackie Onyx 1220.
anyone used this with a firepod? If so how does it do. I was going to upgrade my cubase from the LE version that comes with the firepod but instead I might just try reaper as it sounds like it will be cool to mess around with. If I am a first time MIDI used should I avoid this right now. I am basically spending all of sunday messing around with MIDI.
Lexus507 said:
anyone used this with a firepod? If so how does it do. I was going to upgrade my cubase from the LE version that comes with the firepod but instead I might just try reaper as it sounds like it will be cool to mess around with. If I am a first time MIDI used should I avoid this right now. I am basically spending all of sunday messing around with MIDI.

I installed it and it recognized my FirePod without any problems. I think it took me literally about 3 minutes from the time I downloaded the instal file until I record-armed a stereo track with 2 inputs from my firepod. Pretty impressive how intuitive it was - I didn't record any audio, though, but all the settings were just right. I even changed the latency on the firepod from inside reaper in that time.
BJW said:
I installed it and it recognized my FirePod without any problems. I think it took me literally about 3 minutes from the time I downloaded the instal file until I record-armed a stereo track with 2 inputs from my firepod. Pretty impressive how intuitive it was - I didn't record any audio, though, but all the settings were just right. I even changed the latency on the firepod from inside reaper in that time.
Sounds awesome! I will have to try it out.
Don't forget about energyXT either. I have switched over to using that almost exclusivley. Looking forward to the release of XT2.
Im reccomending firepods now. MANY companies have been outright lame in their dealings with REAPER, forcing Justin to code up his own solutions to thier problems instead of recieving an SDK or even a hint of help. The funnest was probably mackie, who just outright told us MCU owners to go pound wind. Justin got it running himself though just fine a few days later

RME, Propellerheads, and Waves have been similarly lame, but Justin has coded a way around that as well

Universal Audio has at least responded to an email. Sort of...

I contrast this with Frontier and their Tranzport!
Nothing but first class treatment all the way!

And Presonus...WOW! What a great bunch of guys. They take all the time you need on emails or phone to get you all set up. There's a bit of a maytag situation over there though. The products worked so effortlessly for me, that all I could ask them were a series of "what if's". Even in an old POS computer the Firepod did 3msec with plugs and low CPU
Last time I read about Reaper, Ford Van told me it was a baby and wouldn't last.

Something must've changed for him to be so convinced.

Maybe I'll take another look! Or maybe I should concentrate in not sucking so bad. :mad:
Just installed this on an older PIIIm 1.06 Ghz laptop to record stereo piano tracks since I didn't have my Cubase LE disc on hand (that'll learn me to remember to pack EVERYTHING before heading out to record :) ). Anywho, after futzing with the Firebox latency settings and getting pissed that everything was clicking and popping, a quick reboot after install got Reaper to load the proper driver with my Firebox :-) One click and I was off and running. Very intuitive, and simple to use for a guy like me who, so far, really has no need for MIDI. Everything's right there in front of you and easy, reminded me of the old Cool Edit Pro.

I likey.
noisedude said:
Last time I read about Reaper, Ford Van told me it was a baby and wouldn't last.

Something must've changed for him to be so convinced.

Maybe I'll take another look! Or maybe I should concentrate in not sucking so bad. :mad:

That is SO entirely not true! I have NOT badmouthed REAPER ever!!! I might have said it wasn't ready for the big time (what, 8 months ago? It surely wasn't then...), but I have believed that the product would develope just fine from the first time pipelineaudio turned me on to it.
Ford Van said:
That is SO entirely not true! I have NOT badmouthed REAPER ever!!! I might have said it wasn't ready for the big time (what, 8 months ago? It surely wasn't then...), but I have believed that the product would develope just fine from the first time pipelineaudio turned me on to it.
You pretty much said the guy would run out of steam when he realised how many problems he'd run into in trying to develop it ... you said something about him going back to making MP3 players or whatever ... maybe you were drunk or something but this was WAY after Aaron and Jake were creaming themselves over it at RP. This doesn't count as badmouthing it, so keep your grundies on.

I thought you had a good point ... one guy can only do so much with nothing but good intentions ... but if you're saying that Reaper is starting to mature and that it's a good piece of software, then I'm saying that's good enough for me now. If he's charging a nominal amount so he can afford to spend time on it, then so much the better. Vegas was my favourite piece of software until I became so involved with MIDI and VSTi stuff.

And yeah, it probably was about 8 months ago. :D The last time I spoke to you about it.
