Post Your Analog Recordings Here...

ok! So I've finally got something to share.

I just finished an album of songs recorded entirely on the 388.

here's how it went:
>mics: (1) variable pattern chinese tube mic modded w/ peluso capsule (2) Rode NT2A (3) Beyer Dynamic small diaphragm omni
>on the way in: Preamp/COmpressor/EQ: two Belari RP503s modded w/ different op-amps /tubes.
>reverb effects loop are the effects from an old Roland VS890 I had (its good for something!) - mostly i use the plate emulations, perhaps overly thick sometimes...)
> I'm using some more compression with Bellari LA120 & RNC 1773 on individual tracks.
>mixed to computer through EMU 1616m recorded into cubase using Ozone for mastering.

so enough babble, here's the link::D - any feedback appreciated.

I'm still not back home but I made a link of the entire album with artwork for friends and thought to post it here as well - the link should be good for some days, but it won't last forever....

til later,
My band and I have been recording some of our songs these past two weeks. I'm going to be setting up a new soundclick site with some new tunes soon. One we did today is an interlude type Pink Floyd (The Wall) type of thing. I'm looking fowared to feedback on it. I'll post soon.

I've been meaning to give this a go for a while with a live recording - track on the digital portastudios then mix to 1/4" and dub off to cassette off the 1/4" tape. I mixed it at 7 1/2 ips to an old 10 1/2 -1/4" reel that had already had at least 10 passes of stuff on it quite hot to see if I could get it to go a bit lo-fi, lose the high transients, compress and distort up a bit. The chrome C60's cassettes I've used are the oddest ones I've ever sourced, they can't take anything over 0db level before they really distort and the calibration and bias level knobs had to be set at their extremes to sound anything half decent - odd. Dolby C and HXPro on. This mp3 has come off the cassette not the 1/4" mix down tape.

But, I was quite happy with the result. It's a lot more mellow than the original digital source and I was looking for a very old school sound anyway - everyone in the same room, real amps, mikes not di's, middly not creamy, no seperation, humming, rattling, banging, chatter and all that. I didn't take a whole lot of time on the mix given that there were 14 tunes and it was all "one-two-ready-play" one take stuff anyway. It's not as good as it could have been with more effort on levels, balance, eq, compression and no edits. It was an experiment to make sure the methods and all the technology was going to work for a much more considered effort to come next week.

So this is one track off our regular Thursday night jam recorded in Burgler's basement Thursday week ago. An original from the second set. Yours truly on drums and good musicians on everything else. Of the 16 tunes that got played that night 14 were, ah, 'savable?' Maybe that's the word for 16 one take jams. So they've gone onto cassette and cd for those who were there.

Unravelling Pillbillies - Crack Pot House - Need Your Lovin' :)


Are you kidding? This is GREAT!! That's what I call music, live and full of character, warts and all... The artwork is the icing. Beautiful!:)

Geoff, do you cut out your own inserts for the cassette tape covers or do you buy these?
Thanks Daniel. I do have pre-made J Cards for the cassettes which I use if I'm block or lino cut printing but if I'm using the laser printer I have a template set up in MS Publisher then I print them both sides to 100gsm white paper and cut them with a craft knife. The actual sticky cassette tape labels are Avery die cut ones and printed off another MS Publisher template that I have. I get them from the same company that I get the tapes from.


I've been meaning to give this a go for a while with a live recording - track on the digital portastudios then mix to 1/4" and dub off to cassette off the 1/4" tape. I mixed it at 7 1/2 ips to an old 10 1/2 -1/4" reel that had already had at least 10 passes of stuff on it quite hot to see if I could get it to go a bit lo-fi, lose the high transients, compress and distort up a bit. The chrome C60's cassettes I've used are the oddest ones I've ever sourced, they can't take anything over 0db level before they really distort and the calibration and bias level knobs had to be set at their extremes to sound anything half decent - odd. Dolby C and HXPro on. This mp3 has come off the cassette not the 1/4" mix down tape.

But, I was quite happy with the result. It's a lot more mellow than the original digital source and I was looking for a very old school sound anyway - everyone in the same room, real amps, mikes not di's, middly not creamy, no seperation, humming, rattling, banging, chatter and all that. I didn't take a whole lot of time on the mix given that there were 14 tunes and it was all "one-two-ready-play" one take stuff anyway. It's not as good as it could have been with more effort on levels, balance, eq, compression and no edits. It was an experiment to make sure the methods and all the technology was going to work for a much more considered effort to come next week.

So this is one track off our regular Thursday night jam recorded in Burgler's basement Thursday week ago. An original from the second set. Yours truly on drums and good musicians on everything else. Of the 16 tunes that got played that night 14 were, ah, 'savable?' Maybe that's the word for 16 one take jams. So they've gone onto cassette and cd for those who were there.

Very cool stuff. This might the best yet.
Ok, my turn :)

"Wurly Groove" was recorded using a Wurlitzer 200A and Minimoog synthesizer, with Logic 9 drums. The instruments were recorded through a Neotek Series 1E console and into Logic 9. What I then did just now as sort of a tape test, was pass the digital track to my Tascam 38 and back to digital for mp3. I think it definitely warmed it up a bit, but even I can tell the difference a nice console makes! So it's not a true analog recording, and it's not even a completed track, but I thought I'd show off something that went to tape...
Here's another one (better analog example) -

"Analog Sequence" which was recorded using all analog synthesizers through the Neotek Series 1E console. It was recorded into Logic Pro using a Tascam US-428 and then bounced to tape (Tascam 38), then back to Logic for processing to mp3. Even though this is technically a digital bounce to tape, like the last one, this one is recorded using all analog instruments.

Sequence: Sequential Circuits Pro One
Chords: Rhodes Chroma
Sweep: Korg Mono/Poly
Solo: Moog Minimoog
Strings: Multivox MX-202
Heavy Chords: Oberheim OB-Xa
Bass: Moog Taurus 1
That sounds pretty good. I'd be intrested to hear a side by side compairson with just the digital track, then the final track using the 38.

Here is my latest, after taking a three-month break from music.

All analog - strictly. This is right off the mixdown tape, with a little compression added. I'd like to shave off some upper mids 'cause that shaker gets a little fatiguing after a while.

Enjoy! :)