Pay $1300, or be a musician and learn to tune?

Yeah, it's about Gibson wanting to sell guitars...and they are as caught up in the **it's gotta be new!!!** as everybody else when it comes to hyping products.

Stradivarius didn't offer custom colors or "collector's editions."

Oooh. Good imagery. The custom shop relic strad in catalina blue. :D
Ummmm first off im pretty sure all electronic tuners tune to pretty much the same pitch and if they arent exactly thats why you ring out your notes with you other guitar players to make sure you match up before hand.
Ummmm first off im pretty sure all electronic tuners tune to pretty much the same pitch and if they arent exactly thats why you ring out your notes with you other guitar players to make sure you match up before hand.
Ummm not they don't..:D
Ummmm first off im pretty sure all electronic tuners tune to pretty much the same pitch and if they arent exactly thats why you ring out your notes with you other guitar players to make sure you match up before hand.

There is a fair amount of divergence in tuners. A band needs to use one and then tune to each other. Another thing: even when two tuners are superficially accurate, one may have a wider tolerance for "in-tune" than another, which makes being in tune with other amplified instruments a bit dodgy.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were the same (and ordinary) tolerance from Gibson Robot to Gibson Robot.

Think of it as Microsoft Vista: do you really have to be the first adopter, or is it better to wait awhile and then see how everyone else is doing? Me, I've got XP on two machines with no "upgrade" in sight.
Think of it as Microsoft Vista: do you really have to be the first adopter, or is it better to wait awhile and then see how everyone else is doing? Me, I've got XP on two machines with no "upgrade" in sight.

At least with XP and Vista, you know you'll eventually have to go to Vista since they will, somewhere down the road, stop supporting XP, and machines built at the time will no longer run XP properly. With these guitar tuner robots, I don't see 7 years from now a complete decline and subsequent disappearance of non-automated tuners. Guitars are guitars - there isn't much new under the sun these days, and I'm okay with that.
Ummmm first off im pretty sure all electronic tuners tune to pretty much the same pitch and if they arent exactly thats why you ring out your notes with you other guitar players to make sure you match up before hand.
as a piano tuner I can tell you for sure that the tuners git players use vary a LOT!
Now, my $1300 Peterson is pretty much dead on with a tuning fork ..... but that's $1300 for just the tuner which is specifically designed for piano tuners.
But the tuners we normally get for guitar can be surprisingly different from each other.
With these guitar tuner robots, I don't see 7 years from now a complete decline and subsequent disappearance of non-automated tuners. Guitars are guitars - there isn't much new under the sun these days, and I'm okay with that.

I'm a minimalist at heart. My #1 bass is a Fender Precision: passive electronics, no S1 switch or Jazz pickup, thank you; my #2 is another one (fretless) and my #3 is another one ('51 Reissue). My Les Paul is a plain gold-top Deluxe. I drive a Matrix without electric windows and with a manual transmission. In other words, it's really a philosophical difference with me. Just adding stuff to an instrument doesn't improve it. If you can't play the damn thing there ain't any features that will help.
Plus it's just something to break.
Guitars as they are will last indefinitely ...... that thing won't as far as the tuning thing goes. And what about when it inevitably gets out of calibration?
Waste of money .......
Plus it's just something to break.
Guitars as they are will last indefinitely ...... that thing won't as far as the tuning thing goes. And what about when it inevitably gets out of calibration?
Waste of money .......

Nothing to add!
if they really want to improve guitars, they should put a clock in them. that way musicians would be that much more likely to be on time. :eek::p:D:D:D
lol. It's same for every forum I've been on where these guitars are bashed. All negativity is no more than speculation. Let's bash Gibson and be cool.

If you wanna bash Gibson, bash em for their worthless quality checks, not this guitar. I'm sure when electric guitar first came to life, all the classic guitar players said "wow just toy for noobs who can't play real guitar".

Let's tune by ear without tuners. That'd make us look cooler I think!
Self tuning guitars have been around for years. They are just toys made for rich people.

It's true that that system has been in production for a while, and while most owners might be spoiled rich kids, Sonny Landreth has incorporated one very successfully into his show. He is a slide player (sometimes with John Hiatt) who uses a lot of different tuners and used to travel with 10 guitars and a tech constantly tuning them backstage. Now he just uses the one transperformance guitar with a backup in case he breaks a string. The gadget works surprisingly well; it can change from one custom tuning to another in about 5 seconds, faster than he could change guitars.

Apologies if I just repeated myself... ;^)
Yeah, Ggunn, I know a guy who uses something similar - it's a hipshot bridge; he flicks a few levers and he's in an open tuning. Less than 5 seconds, like you said.
All jokes aside I think it's actually pretty cool. I'd love to have one. Doesn't take a genius to tune a guitar, it just takes too long and it's a pain in the ass. It's especially cool that it supports more than one tuning. Hell, maybe even changing tuning in the middle of a song/performance would be cool.
It's true that that system has been in production for a while, and while most owners might be spoiled rich kids, Sonny Landreth has incorporated one very successfully into his show. .....................................................................
The gadget works surprisingly well; it can change from one custom tuning to another in about 5 seconds, faster than he could change guitars.

Apologies if I just repeated myself... ;^)


You must really like the guys playing cause thats twice in this thread and once in the one I quoted..Is he paying you???