New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello! I'm Mr. Brock Lee, and I'm new to here. I've somewhat taught myself recording and mixing from a bunch of different online articles, but want to improve.
I finally found the website/forum I was looking for!

I've been searching for a place like this for a while now.

My name is Simon, from Canada. I'm 30. I've been playing guitar ( mostly electric ) for a few years already. It's still a hobby and I'm pretty sure it'll remain a hobby, but now I want to take things a little further by recording myself.

I was thinking about spending some additional money on this hobby by buying the proper equipment and software, but I wasn't sure what to get, what to do or where to go. Since I have no friends who share my passion, I could only refer to people on the internet. Most of the advice I got wasn't good enough for me. Then, a few hours ago, I found this forum. Seems like I got the holy grail of home recording knowledge. And I'm so glad it's still full of activity.

I don't think I'll be very active around here. There's a lot to read first. But I thought I should create an account nonetheless just to thank you guys for taking your time writing elaborate posts on home recording. There's a lot of information for me to digest here. Thank you.
I finally found the website/forum I was looking for!

I've been searching for a place like this for a while now.

My name is Simon, from Canada. I'm 30. I've been playing guitar ( mostly electric ) for a few years already. It's still a hobby and I'm pretty sure it'll remain a hobby, but now I want to take things a little further by recording myself.

I was thinking about spending some additional money on this hobby by buying the proper equipment and software, but I wasn't sure what to get, what to do or where to go. Since I have no friends who share my passion, I could only refer to people on the internet. Most of the advice I got wasn't good enough for me. Then, a few hours ago, I found this forum. Seems like I got the holy grail of home recording knowledge. And I'm so glad it's still full of activity.

I don't think I'll be very active around here. There's a lot to read first. But I thought I should create an account nonetheless just to thank you guys for taking your time writing elaborate posts on home recording. There's a lot of information for me to digest here. Thank you.

Welcome Simon,

There are many here who do exactly what you are doing. And quite a few that will take the time to help you out personally that have been doing it professionally for years.

Watch out tho, there are also pterodactyls and wombats. lol!

There is a bit of humor and attitude here as well with us members. Take what you need from the posts and join the community as it works for you. :)

I love that you mention reading. The young-ens tend to forget that step...
Hey there! My name is Justin. From central Illinois. I've been on here several times by searching for recording info on google. Figured I'd finally start a profile. It's really nice to get together with others that are into recording and exchange info. I'm still pretty new to the recording thing. I've been a musician playing covers and originals in bands for several years now. I have went solo recently due to my work schedule and figured I'd start recording stuff on my own. I'm currently using Cubase for my DAW, Phonic Helix 18 Universal mixer/interface, Rockville monitors. The monitors are cheap but I'm very impressed with them. Have a few friends that have had studios for a long time and the Rockvilles impressed them as well. Looking forward to talking with you guys and gals if any. I apologize in advance for any dumb questions or stuff that has been answered a million times. lol One thing I have ran into is the latency issue. Seems like everyone goes through it. It's a real pain in the rear!
Cheers for now.
Hey Justin! Welcome to the padded room hotel!
Trust me, there are no dumb questions...only ones that have already been answered dozens of times already. :)
Seriously, read the sticky's and don't be afraid to ask or answer (if you know) anything. Most here like to share information.
Check the MP3 clinic and leave some feedback for others. Maybe post up some stuff you want help's a fun place!
Hi everyone

My name is Matej and I´d love to introduce myslef

So I´m from Slovakia, 20 years old man
Live in UK (Luton)

I used to play in a rock/screamo band on an electric guitar.
Now I´m making electronic music as a drum and bass, trap, hip hop beats

I´m using Ableton, Massive, AKAI MAX49

I´m looking forward to buy some new stuido stuff but my knowledge is really low in this kind of thing so I´d love to someone help to choose the best studio stuff for me as a speakers, sound card, mic, etc. (This is what I need immediatly)
Aswell my mastering skills are really low so I´d love to someone help me find out some VTS plugins or some tutorials or some tips/tricks.

I´ve got my soundcloud account but I´m uploading there just little piece of my work (that means not every track, not finished track), usually something that i know i´m not gonna work on anymore.
If you want to hear some of my music just text me. I´d love to hear some feedback from skilled musicians.

Thanks for reading this and I hope that I´ll find someone to help me sort my problems out!
Hello - Philly Duffy here.

Been playing music/writing/recording on and off for about 20 years. Currently play lead guitar in an original rock band called Motor City Maniacs, you can check out my you tube channel below.

I'm here to get advice and help others where i can.

Hello, every one! I am a musician and composer from near Winnipeg. I make pop ballads and disco. Very glad to be here.

I purchased Corg Krome 73 a couple of months ago. Learning how to handle it.

Have a question to the folks who has experience with Corg's sequencer.

Have been struggling with creating cue lists in sequencer mode. I line up songs in a cue list but can not convert them into one song. Only the first song plays and it doesn't flow into other songs.

And also: I am looking for an English lyrics writer for cooperation. Anyone here in Central Canada?

Thank you. All the best
Hi there!
My name is Mike. I have been on this forum for a couple of weeks, but realized I failed to introduce myself here in this thread.
I've been playing around with home recording since the late 80's, starting with the old Tascam cassette based stuff. Rock, mostly. Recently concentrating on Country Gospel and....wait for it....still some good old rock, but Christian Rock based original music, and with a bit of a Country twist this time.
I've been using Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 since, you guessed it, 2004, running from an external mixer into my existing computer sound card. Got pretty decent recordings, despite that. I've been dabbling in Reaper for a bit recently.
Stepped up to a Lexicon Alpha interface last Saturday. Big difference. Installed the Cubase LE 5 software that came with that interface, and am at present busily learning that DAW.
Good to be here, and grateful for the help some of you have already given me.
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Welcome Mike. I started with Cakewalk as well, and my last version was 2004. Then I switched to Reason. Now I'm looking at Reaper, and already doing my drums there...but I'm learning slowly (and kind of reticent to give up my investment in Reason.)
Cubase is a good DAW. Not going to knock it. But when you get ready to upgrade, it gets expensive, like all the rest.
Reaper is $60 for a lifetime license and upgrades. Also has some of the best stock plugs on the market.
Hello there, my name is Julian. I'm from Argentina and I work as a graphic designer but music is my life.
I have a band called Domingo Negro Domingo Negro
And a solo project called Interprete Desconocido Music | interpretedesconocido

I'm introducing myself here because I'm actually setting up my first home studio and getting involved / inlove with analogue gears and equipment, and I really need some help. I think I've found the perfect place to learn a lot of stuff.

So, I'm glad to be here now!
Saludos :3
Hi my name is Abtin
I live in Tehran- Iran
been trying to make music several years
I know many things and i have talents but I'm confuse and Depressed
so i delete most of my works and i hate myself many times
but I am trying to be better and hope to do some goods

I'm a video production graduate from 2011 that did apparently pretty well in audio class and wants to try getting back into the game. :) I'm hoping to do youtube videos, but need some refreshers for when I'm going to start!
Hi all, I'm Naomi. Just joined this forum yesterday to get help on my new condenser mic. I'm new to recording music but I'm having fun so far!
Hi my name is Abtin
I live in Tehran- Iran
been trying to make music several years
I know many things and i have talents but I'm confuse and Depressed
so i delete most of my works and i hate myself many times
but I am trying to be better and hope to do some goods

hello Abtin, I think that it's pretty normal to hate your own creations. I think that, somehow, this sensation keeps you in a state of constant change and makes you produce more stuff. However, try not to be so hard with yourself and enjoy the process.
My advice is that you should not delete your projects... just give them time to breathe, store them for a while in the darkness, and maybe you can surprise yourself in a future.
