New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi everyone. Please bare with me.

I feel like I've had a complete breakdown of sorts.

I suck. Seriously.

I've played guitar for 14 years, in bands here and there, on and off, but have never approached home recording of any kind. I am a competent guitarist, inspired by John Petrucci of Dream Theater and Alex Lifeson of Rush, to which my style of playing/writing can be attributed to, though my tastes are very wide-ranging and I also write in a more ambient fashion, like Chroma Key etc. I have good guitar'ing gear, which I feel I only just recently justified owning i.e I was finally good enough (lol). Recently, I decided I wanted to record at home, get involved in the whole community, get to work and make recordings. I already owned a decent computer, so I done a little research and bought some pieces of budget kit; I am unemployed and my budget was shockingly low, but I sourced some okay gear, namely: 2 external HDDs (I had these anyway but I keep 'em going for backups etc), Line 6 TonePort UX2 interface, M-Audio AV40 monitors, an M-Audio Oxygen 8 MIDI keyboard, Ableton Live 8 software and a number of VSTs (EZDrummer etc)

I have attempted some Metal recordings, with limited success. I have watched countless YouTube videos on metal mixing etc and have been able to apply some pretty good tips but ultimately, when it comes to home recording, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I am doing.

I am so far out of my depth and it has discouraged me quite a lot, to the point where I haven't opened my DAW for a while and I find myself here seeking advice. I sit in front of my computer and I feel clueless. I have all the song ideas noted, guitar parts, bass, keys etc I have a vision and I try stick to it. I have the ingredients all there in front of me, I just have no idea how to cook. The songs cannot see the light of day due to my inability to mix/work and it makes me feel awful.

I love it all and I hate it at the same time. It's incredibly daunting but I hope to gain confidence and grow my skills.

Sorry for rambling, this has been quite a heavy post for what otherwise should have been a warm introduction lol...
Welcome 23. I think you'll find there's a lot of good information already here. Go through the stickies on each forum and see what you can learn. Pick a topic that you need help on and try to post specific questions. Don't be amazed if people mis-interpret, but rather go back and clarify and stick to your guns. When in doubt, POST AND AUDIO EXAMPLE. If we can hear the problem, it's a lot easier to help. If you say, "my guitar sounds lousy when I record it." that's not giving us much to go on. If you say, "my guitar sounds like THIS EXAMPLE. What should I do?" We have some specifics to work with. Everyone wins.
Happy Recording. :D
Hello all, just want to introduce myself to the forums.
Im a lifelong guitar player who has had a hankering to get into recording on my PC for years.
I recently got a older Tascam 144 interface, and installed the drivers(used the 2.03 set rel;eased for the newer 144mkII but it recognizes the unit and installed the correct drivers).
I guess Tascam doesn't advertise the fact the old units have new drivers for 64 bit machines, as they probably prefer to sell a new version of their interface. For myself I couldn't really see what the newer 144 mkII had that was better ?
Thankfully I found a post on some apple site where someone turned me onto the fact that the new drivers seem to be designed to work with the older interfaces, the picture that the setup program shows is of my older 144 machine not the newer mkII, so I am assuming someone meant for this to happen.
Anyhow it seems to be working far.
Im sure I will have many questions so I made an account here in anticipation of my confusion.
Be back soon I am sure.
hey, there! My name's Marcelo, I'm from Brasil and pretty much a newbie :D

I intend to learn how to configure my laptop in order to use a guitar thru a guitarlink behringer generic and record some songs of mine.

well, that's for starts, who knows what will be the goes two weeks from now.
hi. I'm new to this site. anyways .. i have an Edirol FA-66. its working fine. i was hoping to hook a total of 4 monitor speakers to its 4 outputs. only output 1 and 2 and sounding the speakers.. i reviewed the manual, and it wasn't too clear on whether or not 4 speakers sounding simultaneously is possible..
does anyone know how to hook 4 speakers up to the 4 outputs ?? thanks
hi. I'm new to this site. anyways .. i have an Edirol FA-66. its working fine. i was hoping to hook a total of 4 monitor speakers to its 4 outputs. only output 1 and 2 and sounding the speakers.. i reviewed the manual, and it wasn't too clear on whether or not 4 speakers sounding simultaneously is possible..
does anyone know how to hook 4 speakers up to the 4 outputs ?? thanks

Only outputs 1 &2 will be under the influence of the output level control and only these can be used with the Direct/Mixed Monitoring system.

OPs 3&4 will only sound if tracks are assigned to them AFAICS unless there is some form of software routing for the FA-66. To make full use of the four outputs I am pretty sure you will need some form of Monitor Controller or at least a small mixer (such is shown in the user manual).

Why do you want to drive 4 speakers at once?

hey, there! My name's Marcelo, I'm from Brasil and pretty much a newbie :D

I intend to learn how to configure my laptop in order to use a guitar thru a guitarlink behringer generic and record some songs of mine.

well, that's for starts, who knows what will be the goes two weeks from now.

Hi Marcello and welcome. IMHO, ditch the Behringer box and buy a proper Audio Interface. A good starter unit is the M-Audio M-Track (Mk1 if you can find it).

In two weeks you will be glad you did!

New here:Lorenzo from the Mojave Desert

Nice forum...I have been playing the guitar for 50+ years. Started writing in 1972 and currently have recorded 380-390 songs. I do all my artwork and layouts as well.I currently use the Roland Br-1180CD and the 16 track (BR-1600CD) version of the same for all my recordings. I use a cad E-200 mic for vocals.I own lots of gear rack and other over 26 guitars/basses and a set of drums and congas.A friend gave me a 1930 Oahu Islander lap steel which I have placed a GR-1 guitar synth pickup on. I also own 2 of the roland ready strats. The GR-1 is my favorite guitar synth great tracking and voices. I live and breath music. If you want to check out my stuff go to...

Thanks for a great forum for musicians
Hi y'all,

I'm Chris from the L.A. area. I discovered this place through the TalkBass forums and thought I'd sign up so I can increase my knowledge regarding the whole recording process. I mean, if I'm going to make music any sort of a career, I'll need to expand my knowledge base.

I currently have a little recording setup in our cramped bedroom (for right now), consisting of a SM-57, an Alesis MultiMix 8 USB that I bought used almost a decade ago that I plug into a PC running WinXP (it's not hooked to the internet, so I don't need to upgrade at the present) through the RCA out into the 1/8" mic in to my sound card. I use it for recording song ideas to work with bandmates on rather than recording demos at this time, but want to learn more about the production process and step up my game.

Thanks for having this resource for all us n00bs out there. It's good to have a place to go with any questions that I have.
Am i in the right place?

If you're here to learn about recording it, I think so. I've barely started looking in the forums, but with the "Search" function we can find the answer to just about any question we may have on here. If it's not there for some reason, we can always post a question in the proper forum. Welcome, Shezaan.
You are indeed in the right place. We have several members with some of the best ears I've seen on any forum. We have members who are acoustic engineers, mastering techs, great musicians, and even a copyright lawyer thrown into the mix. Several here operate studios. You will find people from all over the world with all kinds of skill sets. You're going to find positive and negative, but you'll get good information once you wade just a bit...and there's some really great mods (and others) that will keep the information real. :)