My website........again......

I'm on Win2K with a firewire interface... I have 3 light

Hmmm, I have XP which supposively responds to firewire a little better then 2K. I used 2k before, and it was much worse. Maybe its the hardware... though I figured a P4 2Ghz would be good enough.

video editing packages I use... been a while since I used them though, so I'll have to look on the studio's comp to see the names.... as I recall, they all worked quite well and allowed me quite a few tools. I certainly didn't notice any dropped frames though.

If you get a chance, I'd appreciate it. No rush at all.

Before using the direct DV interface, I used a Hollywood A/V converter -- that unit dropped frames like you wouldn't believe when trying to work with DV -- so now I use it only if I need to transfer VHS to DV...

I did the same, except I used a USB/NTSC grabber. It was by far the pits. I could have used a USB webcam with better results!!!

Thanks for the reply, it was appreciated.

bwahahahahaha... how about "normally I *can* do that, but my main studio's toilet backed up... flooded the whole place... so now I'm working with my 'temp' set up."

Blame carpenter ants. And if they don't believe you, hand them a jar full :-)
Velvet Elvis said:
Wow... I've actually been selling my self short...

boy oh boy I'm gonna have to rethink my whole studio description now.

(or is it Elvii?)
Yep, I've been telling people that I can make great sounding demo type recordings on my 16 track reel to reel...."yeah, I can mix Sony 3348 tapes but my machine is at the bars right recordings sound like disney".
Velvet Elvis said:

I'm never gonna post pictures or comments from my studio with as much as you like to rip on people ;P

Velvet Elvis
Don't be a wussy...that bear can't get you though the screen...well...

Post your studio NOW!

I would post mine if it was still just my 4 track. In fact, if you don't post a pic I will dig up those pics and subject you to them.
Actually Jake...

There is a picture of my old control room on John Sayer's site... my new one is... ummm... "under construction" :)

Actually.. I'm starting in on a new album next week... yippeeee.

Velvet Elvis
don't take this the wrong way, but i don't think i am ever gong to post my site link on this site again. i'm not pissed at anyone, but it just seems like you people can never be satisfied, this or that has to be moved, blah, blah, blah.

You just have to remember that there are many people here who actually do run full production recording studios... and that it is ALWAYS in your best interest to be honest and straight forward with your customers.... if they pay you for services you can't provide... it just asks for trouble.

So... while it may seem like you are getting a lot of run around from people, a lot of the comments are good and you should make sure you consider very carefully what is said. Proper spelling etc on the site, as well as good layout and truthful advertising are just good old business sense.

Don't get too bent out of shape about how grumpy some of us are around here... years of tracking bad bands through countless hours of the night will sour even the happiest of men :)

Velvet Elvis
don't take this the wrong way, but i don't think i am ever gong to post my site link on this site again. i'm not pissed at anyone, but it just seems like you people can never be satisfied, this or that has to be moved, blah, blah, blah.

Get used to it.

A little newsflash for ya - there are people in this world who actually know more and have alot more experience with things than you.

You'd better learn that lesson real quick before moving on to college and getting a real job.
ZEKE SAYER said: just seems like you people can never be satisfied...
Yup. That about says it all. We're here, most of us, for that very reason. We always want things to be better, and are never satisfied with things that are "just OK".

Don't get discouraged.
brzilian said:
there are people in this world who actually know more and have alot more experience with things than you.

Who said i had the most experience?

Look, like i sad, i'm not mad at anyone, but most of the replys have been about the 5.1 thing and not about the website. I admit, that i'm starting to see what you guys are talking about that i maybe can produce SR, but not 5.1 Sr and i'm happy with that. I'm not bent out of shape neither. But i will ask that future replys be about the webpage and not about the 5.1 surround misteake.

Thank you.
don't take this the wrong way, but i don't think i am ever gong to post my site link on this site again. i'm not pissed at anyone, but it just seems like you people can never be satisfied, this or that has to be moved, blah, blah, blah.

While some of the comments/replies were candid and occasionally harsh, you did actively solicit people's feedback, and feedback is what you received. Since you live in the free world you can take the advice in whole, part or completely disregard.

Had you had some maturity you'd simply reevalute what you put on the web initially and ask yourself if you'd do business with you based on what you put there?

If you think you would, my advice would be to get a day job, because as a recording engineer you're going to starve to death.
But i will ask that future replys be about the webpage and not about the 5.1 surround misteake.
And what about the atrocious spelling?!?!?! :eek:

You don't agree with us on how unprofessional spelling and grammatical errors make the site appear???
Blue Bear Sound said:
And what about the atrocious spelling?!?!?! :eek:

You don't agree with us on how unprofessional spelling and grammatical errors make the site appear???


Look at it this way BlueBear, he's one less competitor :-)


I will say that I looked at your site today... and it is WAY better than it was a week or so back (whenever you first posted here about it).

I think frederic has a good point... look at what you've posted and in light of other studios etc in your area (remember people will drive HOURS for a good quality studio) how does it compare? Are you promising exactly what you can do? Are your strengths acknowledged (without being too conceited sounding)? Does your studio LOOK professional (remember... the mood the place sets often changes how people feel about performance, engineer's abilities etc).

Designing a good professional web is key... but remember in the recording business the person at the other end is eventually going to show up AT the studio and expect to get exactly what was promised them. Equipment, talent, product... exactly as stated or better... or chances are that will be the last time you see the client (unless its in court).

I'm not even referring to the 5.1 claim... I'm just saying in general... sell what you are confident you can provide AND provide better than the comparable priced studios within 4 or 5 hours of your location and leave the rest of the hype out of it.

Just my $0.02.

Velvet Elvis
My .02

I WOULD NEVER tell a client the followign statements:

All we can do is promise you satisfaction.
_________________________________________________________________ Or you pay nothing!

We have a satisfaction rule that if the customer is not satisfied with their finished product, they don't have to pay us. It's that easy.

Just wait till you find Mr. Jerk-Off. The Guy that is never satisfied.
As a matter of fact, the ONLY time a client does not have to pay is for non-performance on my part.

Bryan Giles

Patrick's Den Recording Studios
Keg Records
Motor City Mobile Recording.
Don't give up Zeke, just keep on keepin' on. You're working hard and you need to revise and try again, that's just how life is. A cycle. You started early and are doing fine.

I hope your studio does very well.
don't take this the wrong way, but i don't think i am ever gong to post my site link on this site again. i'm not pissed at anyone, but it just seems like you people can never be satisfied, this or that has to be moved, blah, blah, blah.
A few of those blahs were really good advice but oh well.

You asked.

I see you'd rather be held to teenager standards and that's fine...maybe you can find a teen recording website. Try, or I'

But you still might want to work on your spelling or the 12 year old wannabe teens might tease you.

I tried Zeke, time and time again to give it to you straight. Instead of comprehending you chose to become offended and reject very realistic advice.
Don't ask next time.
I didn't disregard your advice. there Is a difference betweek telling it straight and just being harsh. And you was not harsh. I AM listening to your advice and taking it well.

giles117, No one seems to understand that thing. I did not say that if your not satisfied that you get to keep everything you've recorded. If your not satisfied, then you don't have to pay. but you don't get anything that you've done.

What fred said, that's just being harsh. I don't want to make foes, but he seemed like a pretty cool guy in my other thread, but i dunno now.
Once again I have no clear idea of what you are saying because of your horrid grammar.

Well you're not taking my advice too seriously if your first webpage reads "We're now mixing in 5.1 surround sound!".
Have you done any research on this yet? Do some homework man, find five studios that make the same claim and check out what their rooms are equipped to do.
I didn't disregard your advice. there Is a difference betweek telling it straight and just being harsh. And you was not harsh. I AM listening to your advice and taking it well.

What fred said, that's just being harsh. I don't want to make foes, but he seemed like a pretty cool guy in my other thread, but i dunno now. [/B]

My wife thinks i'm a cool guy :D

Look, I have a lot of experience in this area (marketing, presentation, image) and was just trying to help.