My website........again......

BB: Thanks for your reply also, but in your older replys, i got the idea that you wanted my studio to look more "Pro" insted of "down to earth" Which is really what my studio is.
I think Blueballs just wanted your website to match your studio. I don't think he wanted to change your actual studio at all.
Re: Mixmkr <----- the "Robin Hood" of

as mixmkr pulls an arrow out of his quiver, and points it towards what looks like a fat, chubby little bear riding on the back of a jackass as it leaves of the woods. (actually aiming for the ass of an ass sitting on an ass)

"No...don't shoot", yells one of the "uniformed", barbian, 14 yr old cultists. "It's ONLY a Boo Boo."

Mixmkr smiles, but still knows his job has been completed. The woods are free for another day from pompous dickheads.

The smaller studios in the woods go on to please their customers and music was good.

Meanwhile, the big, bad studio in the kingdom, still illusioned by their Mackie board, still has no credits, customers, nor examples of something that they can be proud of. Only snippits of things stolen from the woods.
HangDawg said:
...affordable cd and tape work done by our partner company Diskmakers(c).
What's the "(c)" for? I think it should probably be a "®" (registered trademark) symbol, which you put in HTML using &reg;
the mutli-image: mixer/recorder, desk set-up, drum.
the image as a whole for the drums is light. Like it was copied by a crappy scanner. And I don't think drums are what I think of when I think of a studio, I'd stick to the neat 'rack, and console' images. And leave the musical instruments- drums, guitars, keys, etc... to the equipment pages and what not. And I'd use a "blur" effect on the trim of that image so it meshes with the page better. Like it kind of sinks into it or is rising from it.

"If your looking for the best deal, you've come to the right place."
It's "you're" as in "you are" "if you are looking..."
your is a possession, you own it. It's YOUR studio equipment, etc.

"many other musical gene Projects and can "
you mean't genre, and projects should be all lower case.

" and We're the only studio in our area that offers preminum extras such as Digi Paks(c), Full color Cd printing,"

"we're" should be all lower case. And if you're going to capitalize any part of the abbreviation CD. It should be both the C and the D. I noticed other mentions of "CD" where it's all lower case.. Keep it common, make it all uniform.

also, for the links. Rid them of the purple underline. Personally I'd rid ALL links of underlines. But at least change that purple underline. It doesn't fit at all, and it's almost so dark on the black it truly might as well not be there.

and change the title of the page from:
"Phat man index"
to say:
"Phatman Studios"
"Phatman Studios - Enter our world"
since every other mention of the studio name on your site is layed out as: "Phatman" and not "Phat man"

But the page is looking much better, keep it up!
Thanks. I got morst of the grammer and spelling errors cleared i think, but i'm still going to run it through the yahoo! spell check. I just haven't had the time to upload it yet. And about the "Index" thing, my web page design software says that it's best to name it that bacuse of some tech. thing.


You should name the FILE index.htm (or index.html) because that way you only have to type the name of the server in the browser, rather than the server name and the filename (i.e. vs. The TITLE of the HTML page (what is between the <title></title> tags) is whats shows up in the title bar of the browser (right now it shows up as "Home Recording dot com BBS - Reply to Topic")

I find is annoying when the <title> of a webpage is index.html, or newpage.html. The title should be a description of what's on the page and is not related to the name of the file on the web server.

Thanks. I got morst of the grammer and spelling errors cleared i think, but i'm still going to run it through the yahoo! spell check. I just haven't had the time to upload it yet. And about the "Index" thing, my web page design software says that it's best to name it that bacuse of some tech. thing.

