Music I like, what do you like??

I had forgotten how good these guys were. Them and many others of the era. The guitar work, the arrangements definitely require good (excellent) musicians.

Personally, I think the grunge movement did some real damage to overall musicianship. It pioneered an anti- guitar genre, and made intricate guitar work un- cool.

Now granted, there was a lot of good music that came out in that period, I’ll admit that. Some good tune writing.
But overall, it seems to have lowered the bar on guitar playing.

Don’t believe me? Learn that April Wine song note for note.

Eh, that’s just some of my thoughts. Free for the (not) asking. :D
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May have previously posted. But so what. JB is worth reposting

Saw him do this live for the first time in LA at the Universal Amphitheater. My mind was blown!

Sir Jeff Beck R.I.P.

This is better visually than musically.
I mean, who doesn't love four scantily clad Filipina girls shakin' their asses for the camera? :P
(It gets better after the first minute)

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Here’s one of Jackson’s best songs. A masterpiece in my opinion.

This version has CSN. You can’t ask for better background vocalists than them.

Paul Collins Beat. They were just The Beat in the US, but in Europe they had to go by The Paul Collins Beat because of the English band called The Beat. Paul still has a band and plays. This early 80's stuff was great and included some really cool guitar playing by Larry Whitman. Saw them in 1980 & 1987 and spoke with Paul a couple years ago.
