Music I like, what do you like??

And...... seeing how today has been Turkey day......Flying Turkey Trot

Good call! REO put out a damn good live album before they got all commercial, rich & famous. Richraft wasn't necessarily a top tier guitar god, but he had his own style. Which I guess is saying something. When you heard it you knew it was him.
The above "She-La" made me think of the below Ah Leah, which made me think of the above The Rapper. Basically same guy, Donnie Iris, different timeline.

Those two songs...

The Rapper sounds like something maybe War would have done, Eric Burdon laying down a groovy vocal track. Ah Leah, I could have seen maybe done by The Tubes.

Funny thing, listening to The Rapper last night something occured to me. The chorus, that lick, and the cowbell, sounds an awful lot like Mississippi Queen by Mountain. Leslie West. Hm. I just looked, The Rapper released Jan 1970, Mississippi Queen, Feb 1970. Might be interesting to check wiki to see if upon release of the two if there was any finger pointing going on.
I played bass in a "wedding" band for awhile. We had a gal singing lead, she sang this song pretty darn good. I didn't know Cyndi Lauper did this?
Did she do it originally? Cyndi may be a little weird but damn she could sing. I see Roy Orbison did it also?
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I have to hand it to these guys. No one made an album like this before or since. What was PR thinking?
I like it, it didn't sell, that is for sure. Then again I have been told my taste in music is pretty bizarre.
I have to hand it to these guys. No one made an album like this before or since. What was PR thinking?
I like it, it didn't sell, that is for sure. Then again I have been told my taste in music is pretty bizarre.

It was the 60s, a time where you could experiment with anything, sometimes it got critical acclaim from the avant-garde press. (Number 9.. Number 9... Number 9) I'm sure it was a case of the drugs making it sound more cool than it turned out. Vanilla Fudge did some really nice reworks of other songs (Season of the Witch, Shotgun, Keep Me Hangin' On, Some Velvet Morning) In this case, the Beat didn't go on too well.

Speaking of the Fudge:

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DG, When I was a wee lad attending teen dances, I was at a local dance where a fellow from a local radio station tossed something like a half dozen albums out into the crowd. I managed to pull down a new album titled "Sailor" by a group called the Steve Miller Band. I took it home and put it on the Sony turntable and donned the headphones. VERY cool! My brother then bought Children of the Future, and I got Brave New World. Can't remember which one of us bought Your Saving Grace. We were both big Steve Miller fans.
It was the 60s, a time where you could experiment with anything, sometimes it got critical acclaim from the avant-garde press. (Number 9.. Number 9... Number 9) I'm sure it was a case of the drugs making it sound more cool than it turned out. Vanilla Fudge did some really nice reworks of other songs (Season of the Witch, Shotgun, Keep Me Hangin' On, Some Velvet Morning) In this case, the Beat didn't go on too well.

Speaking of the Fudge:

I bought it when it came out and still think it is a damn good album. I love the lounge jazz and the constant theme in various motifs woven throughout. It didn't do well, not because it wasn't any good but because it was way above the average listener and had nothing to do with drugs. I love their harmonies. My wife says it sounds like they are in hell trying to get out. The bass player on most of my recordings hates their harmonies and sometimes he reminded me of them when we played and sang. He could do Edith singing the All in the Family theme "Those were the Days" song to a T, it would crack me up.
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This thread is great. Surfin the earliest ones and turn on "Sky Pilot". Then I turn on LIve At Leeds, My Generation, both playing at the same time. Okay great, lets see what else we can add lol. Reminds me of the days when I would drop and listen to more than one composition at the same time.
Johnny. No need to say more.

We crawled out on the ceiling supports right above the stage, maybe 20, 30 feet above Johnny. I am yelling down, 'play mean town blues". He looked up a few times probably wondering up whats with these crazy guys? He did play Mean Town Blues" with Rich Derringer.