Mics I'm Totally Spoilt For Choice.

noisedude said:
You're damn right, my new house had no room for a piano so for 12 MONTHS I've been deprived of my chief creative output ... hence why I've not once put up any mp3s here ... because writing music on guitar just isn't for me!
Bummer, maybe you should get some electronic keys to hold you over until you get a piano? Oh, and MP3 files suck... and not everyone has the space to post Wave files... so in the past I've mailed CD-R's to some people on this bbs instead.
Funnily enough I was looking at electric pianos today. There were a couple of Rolands that would fit in my house, unfortunately the cheapest one (F-30 I think) had the worst feel I've ever encountered on any electric, and the cheapest one I could bear to play (F-100?) was too expensive for me!!!
Harvey Gerst said:
Actually, it just gets worse. Not only did I play guitar with Jimi standing about as far away from me as you are from your monitor screen, but I had the gall to play the "Foxy Lady" chord in front of him - and I played it wrong!!!

Thinking about playing that chord in front of Jimi all these years later, I still feel stupid about it.

Somebody took a picture of me and Hendrix at the studio that day, and I had a blowup of that shot for a long time, but I gave it to one of my son's friends, then realized that I didn't take the picture, so somebody else has the negative. Still trying to find my son's friend so I can make a copy of it.
That is a great story. I got the DVD of Jimi on the Dick Cavett show, he was relaxed and down to earth, like a super nice guy. But it's hard for me to think about what happened without tearing up, it ignights my passion against drugs so much I start to sweat.
junplugged said:
That is a great story. I got the DVD of Jimi on the Dick Cavett show, he was relaxed and down to earth, like a super nice guy. But it's hard for me to think about what happened without tearing up, it ignights my passion against drugs so much I start to sweat.
Same here, he was "relaxed and down to earth" with me, too (probably because I was a left-handed guitar player, too, and obviously no threat to his guitar playing ability). :D

Saddest drug story I know:
I was talking to Janis Joplin about 6 hours or so before she died and I was going to meet her at Electra's studio the next morning to hear a sneak preview of her new Pearl album. The next morning, I get a wakeup call from Paul Rothchild telling me not to come because Janis is dead. It took him a long time to convince me she had died in the few short hours since I saw her last. That tore me up - still does every time I think about it. What a tragic waste of a great talent, and a wonderful human being.

Being old, with a good memory, can really be a bitch sometimes. All the friends I've lost over the years, and for stupid reasons. I just try not to think about it too much.
alanhyatt said:
This is not just about a pod, or fine instruments.
Your right... it's about John Mayes making a Wave file to show how nice his fine crafted guitars sound... and you saying it sounds no better than your pod. If I was John Mayes, I would make a new Wave file using a better mic and disassociate Mayes guitars with your cheap Chinese budget mics.
Are you still on this? Seriously, give it a rest Don. I'm sure another thread will pop up in a few days so you can vent on SP a little more. We all need to remember if it sounds good, it doesn't matter what gear you use. Some days, when I'm agonizing over what mic to use, I long for the days when I had 2 shitty mics, an ART Toob mic pre and a blackface ADAT.
DJL said:
Your right... it's about John Mayes making a Wave file to show how nice his fine crafted guitars sound... and you saying it sounds no better than your pod. If I was John Mayes, I would make a new Wave file using a better mic and disassociate Mayes guitars with your cheap Chinese budget mics.

I like them cheap chinese mics though. I think they sound nice. It does not matter if Alan Can do what he says neither here nor there for me. What I do know is I can get nice sounds out of them. I like them as well as the KM184's I had (they are different, but good) so as long as I can use them to make good sounds I don't care where they are made nor the claims of someone associated with them.
DJL said:
Your right... it's about John Mayes making a Wave file to show how nice his fine crafted guitars sound... and you saying it sounds no better than your pod. If I was John Mayes, I would make a new Wave file using a better mic and disassociate Mayes guitars with your cheap Chinese budget mics.

I posted the John Mayes clip because it was a wonderful clip that was done with the C4's. Since that time, I have complimented John's clip, his guitars, the player, and everything about it.

I tried to advise people not to run out and buy the TLA, C4's, or Digi002 who would assume by doing so, they would get the same recording John did. Yes, that gear is good, but in the hands of others and in a different room, the results will not be the same. It still takes skill to get that sound.

I never once said what DJL claims about about John's Clip. DJL is a liar and as usual is passing on false information, as he "always" does. Anything I said about a Pod was that I can duplicate a Strat sound, and many other electric sounds with it. All my posts are on this thread DJL.

I never said I can use a Pod to duplicate John's clip! You lie like a rug. I did say I can duplicate the quality of his acoustic clip with gear I have, but it will not be the same tune, or the same player. I have been doing this for 38 years.

Producing a quality recording is not a problem for me.

That statement is not an insult to John DJL, and John did not take any of my posts the way you seem to be.

So, get off it already..... :mad:
Hey, Bro - cool down; don't waste your adrenalin. This guy isn't worth the effort. You just don't get far in a debate with someone who's intellectually unarmed.
Treeline said:
Hey, Bro - cool down; don't waste your adrenalin. This guy isn't worth the effort. You just don't get far in a debate with someone who's intellectually unarmed.

You are right.... This is what he wants. To pull me in... :eek:
alanhyatt said:
I never once said what DJL claims about about John's Clip. DJL is a liar and as usual is passing on false information, as he "always" does. Anything I said about a Pod was that I can duplicate a Strat sound, and many other electric sounds with it. All my posts are on this thread DJL.

Talk about liars... this is what you said...

alanhyatt said:
What I said, and can't believe I have to say it again is that you do not need a TLA P2 to get the results or same results of the acoustic clip I first posted.
And you still haven't posted your emulated clip of the Mayes/C4 sound clip either.
DJL - I don't recall Alan saying he would post any "emulated" clip, just you demanding one. Do you always have one-sided conversations? This isn't the first time you've demanded something from Alan that he never promised.
I don't usually tread in the snake pit otherwise known as the Mic forum, but this conversation reminds me of a quote I once read...

It was some guitar mag interview with Zack Wylde where they were asking about his equipment, signal chain, etc. His response was (paraphrased): "You guys are making this too complicated... plug a Les Paul into a Marshall, if it doesn't sound good, you need more practice."

Mic the guitar, play the guitar, record the guitar. If it doesn't sound good, you need more practice. I think that's basically the point Alan is trying to make... it's not (all) about the equipment.

Anyway, thanks for the input Alan. I know you get flogged alot around here but all your posts I've read have been helpful and positive, IMO.

Harvey, thanks for the Hendrix story! I'd pay to hear more stories like that!

I agree... except, the reason why Alan didn't want to answer Vikki's question what were you using? was because he was afraid "sparyfe" might buy John's Mayes PA-3 preamp rather than a pod... lol. Plus Alan said What I said, and can't believe I have to say it again is that you do not need a TLA P2 to get the results or same results of the acoustic clip I first posted... so I told him to prove it, and post his emulated clip of the Mayes/C4 sound clip. I don't care if he post the clip or not... but I won't believe him until he does... and if he's going to be telling Han (and everyone here) he/they need to learn how to copy sounds with an emulator/pod rather than using the real instruments/gear... and then go on to telling everyone how good he is and etc... well, he should at least prove it, and post his emulated clip of the Mayes/C4 sound clip IMO... but I don't think he will because I don't think he can.