Lets hear and see your drums!

Here is a simple recording of my kit but would like some feedback and suggestions on improving the sound.

tilinmyowngrave said:
Thats one sexy kit!!!!!!!!!! What drums? What cymbals?

Thanks! She gives good...um...heads. :eek:

Anyway, it's a natural Premier Artist Birch w/ 10, 12, 14 toms (also have a 16" rack tom for it). The 22x18 kick on this kit just wallops ass, and for a 1400.00 kit it's made me a happy little camper. I use either a 13" maple Pork Pie or a mid-60's Ludwig super-sensitive snare.

Cymbals are Paiste Sigs (22" full ride, 15" thin crash, 16" thin crash). I have a nice china and use Zild. Quick Beat hats.

I love my kit...and she loves me, but unfortunately I find myself wanking guitar most of the time these days. I still record most of my own drum tracks though and do studio work for others. I'll post some up.
Just try to top this...


(I have real 100% wood sticks, too.)


  • My Killer Kit.jpg
    My Killer Kit.jpg
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innobidova said:
Are you using microphone clips on the toms? If so, please tell me about them!

Yeah, they're just the Onstage mic clips from Guitar Center. I bought 4 of them and they're not bad. (I have a CAD mount for my last floor tom.) Good enough to hold up a 57. They don't really transmit any sound either.

I think you can get similar ones on eBay.
I don"t have a picture Of my crapy $300 drum kit right now but I do have a recording of my drums Playing allong with some Bass Guitar that I recorded with 6 Mics which cost me in Total under $100 so as you might expect they Probably aren"t very Good Mics at all but I wouldn"t know if they were any good or not as I am new to this recording game (3 weeks).....

I think the Kit actually Sounds pretty Good accept For the Crash Cymbals as they are Pretty Crappy Cymbals and I am useing a Cheapo Shure C606 Mic hanging overhead to Mic them so I didn"t expect the Cymbals to sound very good....

If anyone wants to download a 2.5mb MP3 file (In a Zip Archive) and take a Listen and tell me what they think I would be very Interested to know what tips you have for Improveing my sound (Becides Learning to Play Drums...lol)....


(Wait 45 seconds and click off the add and the Download link is underneath)

This is a work in progress of mine. Pretty raw sounding tracks. Can't really get a fix on whether I'm diggin it though.

how do you get a good deep sound from your kick? I have a Samson mic kit that came with a kick mic, but I'm having trouble trying to get a good sound deep sound. I added a piece of mattress foam inside the kick and loosened the head a little, but I'm still trying to get it to sound good. Any idea's?
Sub bass. That is where you use a speaker as a mic. Also have both sides off the drum tuned just slightly above the wrinkley stage, and put a towel or small pillow in.
pandamonk said:
Sub bass. That is where you use a speaker as a mic. Also have both sides off the drum tuned just slightly above the wrinkley stage, and put a towel or small pillow in.

That's riiiiiggghhht!!!! ;)

You can take an 8" woofer and connect an XLR cable to it. (reverse the phase of the speaker) and blend it with the main kick mic. Then mount it an inch or two off the front head.