Is Christianity a Shtick?

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I have chickens; AI "leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind" (IBM).

The New Testament contains 27 books written in Greek by 15 or 16 different authors between 50 C.E and 120 C.E. (
John A. T. Robinson, Dan Wallace, and William F. Albright dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD. (

"We have ancient narratives of Alexander’s life, written between 30 BCE and the third century CE—hundreds of years after his death. The earliest known account is by the Greek historian Diodorus, but we also have histories written by other historians, including Roman historians; these writers are called the Alexander historians. They interpreted written accounts from shortly after Alexander’s death, penned by those who fought alongside Alexander on his campaigns." ( Note that these are interpretations of earlier texts which are now lost.

Jesus was, is, and always will be a controversial figure. However, it would seem that people reading these writings so soon after Jesus' death (& assumed resurrection) would have strongly disputed these claims if they weren't true. But they did not. I would recommend the "Acts of the Apostles" as good reading on the subject.

Self-contained source.

Also from Wiki.

So. You satisfied? You are officially only 1% correct, and 99% irrational.
Dunno, depending on ancient texts seems like a dubious proposition. Even in this era when we've got all manner of media and technology, what if archaeologists were to depend on CNN, The View, WaPo, HuffPo, Wikipedia, Chinese state media etc. as sources? They'd have a very jumbled view of things.
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To answer the OP's question I am going to have to say based upon the definition of "shtick" the answer is no. Christianity is not a shtick...

Religions... made by mankind to explain how and why mankind was made.

I sat on a rock, chin in hand, looking up at the sky and asked the eternal divine question "how and why?"

I did not get an answer........but bigger n shit here we are.
To answer the OP's question I am going to have to say based upon the definition of "shtick" the answer is no. Christianity is not a shtick...
View attachment 130128

Religions... made by mankind to explain how and why mankind was made.

I sat on a rock, chin in hand, looking up at the sky and asked the eternal divine question "how and why?"

I did not get an answer........but bigger n shit here we are.
Seems like with a lot of preachers like Kevin Copeland, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jeremiah Wright it absolutely is schtick.

You're the best Christian ever. You're a true man of God, delivering His message to the masses. Here on

I admit I'm far from perfect.
So, is Christianity a shtick or not?


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

What evidence does Christianity demand that you reject?
98 percent of Jesus's fellow Jews could neither read nor write.
Correct. But all of them - except John - died for their beliefs.
And here I thought the amusing part was the guy started this thread based on misunderstanding and/or misconstruing what I said to begin with.
You said:
Now there's something else you could also make a lot of money with. Until the shtick wore off, of course.
Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus rose from the dead. So if that's a shtick, then Christianity is a shtick.
Dunno, depending on ancient texts seems like a dubious proposition. Even in this era when we've got all manner of media and technology, what if archaeologists were to depend on CNN, The View, WaPo, HuffPo, Wikipedia, Chinese state media etc. as sources? They'd have a very jumbled view of things.
Then let's go back to my original question, with a twist: do you believe that Alexander the Great existed as he is portrayed nowadays? Or Julius Caesar? Or Socrates? Or anyone else prior to 1900?
Seems like with a lot of preachers like Kevin Copeland, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jeremiah Wright it absolutely is schtick.

Megachurches are, unfortunately, total shtick nowadays. Though Billy Graham did have some stuff to say in the day.
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I have chickens; AI "leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind" (IBM).

The New Testament contains 27 books written in Greek by 15 or 16 different authors between 50 C.E and 120 C.E. (
John A. T. Robinson, Dan Wallace, and William F. Albright dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD. (

"We have ancient narratives of Alexander’s life, written between 30 BCE and the third century CE—hundreds of years after his death. The earliest known account is by the Greek historian Diodorus, but we also have histories written by other historians, including Roman historians; these writers are called the Alexander historians. They interpreted written accounts from shortly after Alexander’s death, penned by those who fought alongside Alexander on his campaigns." ( Note that these are interpretations of earlier texts which are now lost.

Jesus was, is, and always will be a controversial figure. However, it would seem that people reading these writings so soon after Jesus' death (& assumed resurrection) would have strongly disputed these claims if they weren't true. But they did not. I would recommend the "Acts of the Apostles" as good reading on the subject.

Self-contained source.

Also from Wiki.

So. You satisfied? You are officially only 1% correct, and 99% irrational.
The Romans kept meticulous records and there are plenty of records of Herodotus, Pontious Pilate and others. No mention of JC.

The dates cited are for what are, for most part, Greek translations of testaments that were originally written in Aramaic. There are no Greek records of anyone named Jesus either.
Additionally, the actual dates of JC's "lifetime" is entirely conjecture, their is no direct evidence or records and most scholars agree that if he did exist at all, it could have been at any time in about a 300 year period of time where Jewish polity was experiencing another upheaval from divisions within their various factions.

You did know that the whole "saviour" thing is a Jewish political position, yes? And Christianity was pretty much a minor cult until the German emperor Constantine made it the "official" religion of the first Holy Roman Empire?

I suggest studying actual history instead of testaments.

However, I am not urging this, You are entitled to believe anything you wish to. Just don't expect others to buy in to your belief system.

You do you!
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The Romans kept meticulous records and there are plenty of records of Herodotus, Pontious Pilate and others. No mention of JC.
If I remember correctly, there is an existing fragment written by Pilate about Jesus.
The dates cited are for what are, for most part, Greek translations of testaments that were originally written in Aramaic. There are no Greek records of anyone named Jesus either.
Additionally, the actual dates of JC's "lifetime" is entirely conjecture, their is no direct evidence or records and most scholars agree that if he did exist at all, it could have been at any time in about a 300 year period of time where Jewish polity was experiencing another upheaval from divisions within their various factions.
Debate over DOBs is not uncommon, especially for people of that era. It doesn't disprove someone's existence.
You did know that the whole "saviour" thing is a Jewish political position, yes? And Christianity was pretty much a minor cult until the German emperor Constantine made it the "official" religion of the first Holy Roman Empire?
Christianity was a big enough force for Nero (who reigned starting in 54 AD) had them extensively persecuted.
I suggest studying actual history instead of testaments.
Do you have better sources to point out? Because so far, your line of thought is rather unimpressive.
brassplyer said:
Dunno, depending on ancient texts seems like a dubious proposition. Even in this era when we've got all manner of media and technology, what if archaeologists were to depend on CNN, The View, WaPo, HuffPo, Wikipedia, Chinese state media etc. as sources? They'd have a very jumbled view of things.
Then back to my original question: do you believe that Alexander the Great existed as he is portrayed nowadays? Or Julius Caesar? Or Socrates? Or anyone else prior to 1900?
Speaking as someone who hasn't made a study of AtG I doubt anyone from that far back is portrayed truly accurately. Not being there in the time, really experiencing the nuances of the fabric of the culture they were in, not being witness to private moments, whatever spin is put on whoever wrote accounts of someone complicates things too. If you mean Hollywood cinema portrayals, some portrayals of historic figures are probably better than others but are always suspect.

Someone like Hitler, yeah I think we have a pretty good idea what he was all about.

I'm skeptical as to the existence of Jesus - the character sounds like something someone concocted just like everything else in whichever version of whichever Bible you want to pick. Certainly the "divine" story line surrounding the purported figure of Jesus sounds absurd and I don't give it any credence whatsoever. The character might have been loosely based on various people and the authors wove a tale around this composite character.

But I really like Christmas trees and Christmas music! 🎄
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There is a god.
You are missing the forest for the trees. The Creation, for want of a better word, is the creator, it doesn't need a god. It has always been and will always be, naturally, in the Now. It will create anything it possibly can. There is no good or evil intent. There just Is. There is no such thing as time. There is only change in the Now. Once
again we miss the forest for the trees. We build a clock to measure change in the Now and call it time. You want to know why bad things happen to good people and
why babies are born with horrific birth defects? Because it is possible and the Creation will create anything it possibly can, naturally. Nothing supernatural
about it.
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There is a god.
You are missing the forest for the trees. The Creation, for want of a better word, is the creator, it doesn't need a god. It has always been and will always be, naturally, in the Now. It will create anything it possibly can. There is no good or evil intent. There just Is. There is no such thing as time. There is only change in the Now. Once
again we miss the forest for the trees. We build a clock to measure change in the Now and call it time. You want to know why bad things happen to good people and
why babies are born with horrific birth defects? Because it is possible and the Creation will create anything it possibly can, naturally. Nothing supernatural
about it.
Thank you.
There is a god.
Nothing supernatural
about it.

Beyond scientific understanding..... How this all came to be and why IMO is FAR beyond our pay grade thus can be defined as supernatural (beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.)

I am agreement with you that all we have is now and that time is an illusion but the how / why of all this? ....I'm clueless, as are we all.

With regards to AtG. Not really of any relevance in this conversation...There is no Church of the mighty AtG that billions of people around the world follow , donate money to and build huge mega buildings to house Sunday come to meetings. All the while as 100's of millions of people go hungry and homeless. Nobody has died defending or trying to propagate AtG's credo.... MIllions of innocents have died, their lands and possessions stolen all in the name of propagating Christianity. over the centuries in an effort share the word. The Christ that we allegedly ascribe to try to emulate and follow would be ashamed, be pissed off at the corruption and waste of money used to keep each and every Christian church's doors open. It wasn't about building big buildings to worship in, it was about loving God and your fellow man...We talk a good talk but we walk a crippled walk.
View attachment 130134

Beyond scientific understanding..... How this all came to be and why IMO is FAR beyond our pay grade thus can be defined as supernatural (beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.)

I am agreement with you that all we have is now and that time is an illusion but the how / why of all this? ....I'm clueless, as are we all.

With regards to AtG. Not really of any relevance in this conversation...There is no Church of the mighty AtG that billions of people around the world follow , donate money to and build huge mega buildings to house Sunday come to meetings. All the while as 100's of millions of people go hungry and homeless. Nobody has died defending or trying to propagate AtG's credo.... MIllions of innocents have died, their lands and possessions stolen all in the name of propagating Christianity. over the centuries in an effort share the word. The Christ that we allegedly ascribe to try to emulate and follow would be ashamed, be pissed off at the corruption and waste of money used to keep each and every Christian church's doors open. It wasn't about building big buildings to worship in, it was about loving God and your fellow man...We talk a good talk but we walk a crippled walk.
There is a god was in answer to the question "You misread my question. What does Christianity demand that you deny, not "blindly" believe."
It had nothing to do with the rest I stated.
There is no how this all came to be, it has always been, in the now. There need be no reason why or how, it just is. Language is a poor tool in this context.
it has always been,
LOL that is what the Nun told me when I asked her where did God come from...."God has always been and always will be"...Yeah but how does something come from nothing? That is the divine mystery Tom.......well that is a bullshit answer with zero evidence to support it...Kind of like when we used to ask why to our parents and they'd say "Because I said so." Very childish, stomp my feet and hands over my ears way of handling things.
LOL that is what the Nun told me when I asked her where did God come from...."God has always been and always will be"...Yeah but how does something come from nothing? That is the divine mystery Tom.......well that is a bullshit answer with zero evidence to support it...Kind of like when we used to ask why to our parents and they'd say "Because I said so." Very childish, stomp my feet and hands over my ears way of handling things.
When Moses asked the burning bush..Hey man what's your name the bush said "I am".

Popeye took it further thousands of years later saying I am's what I am's and that's all's that I am's.

Silly shit.
There is a god was in answer to the question "You misread my question. What does Christianity demand that you deny, not "blindly" believe."
It had nothing to do with the rest I stated.
There is no how this all came to be, it has always been, in the now. There need be no reason why or how, it just is. Language is a poor tool in this context.
The better question is, what do the Ten Commandments demand you to deny?

"Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"

Moses missed the perfect opportunity to interrupt the voice behind the burning bush, cut God off, and ask (perhaps in a Mel Brooks sounding voice) the obvious question. "Why not?"

Did the first commandment set the nine other commandments up for failure?

Give it some thought.
When you turn your computer on and run the program... Something from nothing. Simulation.
No man computers have our grimy little fingerprints all over them..They just didn't appear and the software that runs the programs is all man's a digital machine using electricity to power it...pull the you have nothing a brick
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