Is Christianity a Shtick?

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Now I am serious about the black lady I’ve been seeing for a year or so off and on and have a dinner date with her tomorrow night
She wouldn’t appreciate that but in all honesty I get a partial race card mulligan because I am kind of in a relationship with her. That gives my cracker ass a little street cred right? I’d posts pics but google picture and all that
the lines between reality and your fantasy world have blurred for you to the point where you can't discern one from the other, racist rapist pedo groomer maga bigot tard
Let me address these allegations one t a time your honor:
• fantasy world blurring reality? Yeah I got nothin there so guilty as charged
• racist? That’s debatable because I am somewhat physically and somewhat less emotionally involved with a black woman…a gorgeously hot black woman I’ll add. So nah; have to deny that one
•rapist? Maybe there were a few “No! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Screams here and there but I’m pretty sure those were cases where “no” actually did mean “yes” despite what those Supreme Court twinks may rule. Innocent on this one
Pedo? Shit man, courts are gonna be backlogged for years if we go down that road…..not in an Epstein kinda way, but yeah, guilty as charges. On many, many many accounts but I think statute of limitations s may apply since it was consensual (except for see previous bullet point above)
Groomer? Well, as a fat bald black man I try to shave clean daily all of my beautiful body parts, so yeas. Guilty as alleged 💯 %
MAGA. I believe that to be an acronym. “Make Agriculture Grow Again”. Oh I’m totally down with that dope shit. Grow your own food and stop using and consuming plants grown with chemicals. So guilty again on this one
Bigot? I think inside I may be. Tomorrow ima drop this black bitch like address on prom night like an honest bald black bigot should. I don’t need that shit in my li….wait, this one gets complicated.
Tard? Ah shut you got me on that one, no contest
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