Introducing the Hot Carls

It's not politically correct. So what. I got a laugh out of the "ate a whole brisket" line.

Why in the hell do so many people think that music has to make it, sell, or take you some where?
this guy's song is making it up the soundclick charts probably because we all are interested.....errr...."curious" as to what this song is all about?? :)
On second listening, I think its pretty damn funny. :cool: It has to be done about 16000 times better though, but it has a definite Spinal tapian feel. Do it again, tighten it up. As I said, you have to NAIL it to pull it off or else it wont work. Cut the crap out at the end.

Frank Zappa has a song thats called "Why does it hurt when I pee". It works because the music is very serious and pseudo-classical. This would be hilarious with a badass band behind it.
DavidK said:
On second listening, I think its pretty damn funny. :cool: It has to be done about 16000 times better though, but it has a definite Spinal tapian feel. Do it again, tighten it up. As I said, you have to NAIL it to pull it off or else it wont work. Cut the crap out at the end.

Frank Zappa has a song thats called "Why does it hurt when I pee". It works because the music is very serious and pseudo-classical. This would be hilarious with a badass band behind it.
Ok so WHAT EXACTLY sucks in it? The mix? My guitar playing? The vocals I know but what else exactly?
myhatbroke said:
Ok so WHAT EXACTLY sucks in it? The mix? My guitar playing? The vocals I know but what else exactly?

1. It is not tight rhythmically

2. The vocals are sloppy

3. the structure is not thought out

4. It doesnt sound scripted or thought out

#4 is the biggie. It was done in haste. If you actually sit down and PLAN it, it could be pretty good. Write another verse, a better intro, a planned ending. Script this sucka out, the novelty song is a valid means of expression.

Watch Spinal Tap a few times, listen to the tunes. "Big Bottom" is very similiar to this, but it has a more cohevise stucture. I.E. they tried harder. ;)
Greg_L said:
Dude, you CANNOT seriously compare this shit to Spinal Tap. :eek:

I didnt, I said it had a certain Spinal tapian feel. It's just not done right, which is the point is was trying to make. It doesnt matter what the song is about if it is done properly.
myhatbroke said:
lol sure....what do you think on the new mix? I used the limiter.

i'll check it out when i get home Mr. Hat. i'm at work right now so i dunno if i want to turn up the Hot Carls at this moment.
Though I agree with what's been said about the lackluster performance and inappropriateness in general, I honestly would not be surprised if I heard this on the radio. It's just about the same thing I thought when I first heard "Fight for Your Right to Party" by the Beastie Boys. I couldn't believe how bad it was, and I couldn't believe (even more) that those guys had been signed and were on MTV.