i offer free mastering try it now!

I' la m. americana ed ha inglese molto difettoso, ma i miei nonni provengono da Abruzzi Italia.

Buona fortuna con la vostra padronanza. Soggiorno con esso. Renda esso il suono molto buon, ma non ad alto.

When you guys write in Italian, could you give the rest of us a brief translation of what's being said ?
Merci beaucoup (thank you very much).
Why did you ask if he minds?:(
It's called "courtesy". It's also called leaving him an escape clause if he wanted to use it
What difference does it make how he does PQ coding other than pointing out he doesn't know what it is? Wavelab does it by default or didn't you know this?:confused:
I know it and you know it, but I didn't see Wavelab in his equipment list, or anything else that does actual mastering tasks.
I'm sorry but this ticks me off. It's like a gang bashing the new kid on the block. If he answers all your questions does he graduate and it's ok for him to offer free mastering?

I'm sorry this is just wrong, it's plain rude.:spank:
I'm sorry too, NYM, but frankly it ticks me off as something I find rude for someone to offer a service they are not only not equipped to handle - either knowledge or technology wise - but that they don't even know what it is. And I am freakin' tired of the constant trend among newbs to forgo any knowledge of mixing because they believe that any hack with Pro Tools and a copy of Waves can "faux master" them out of a hole. And it pisses me off even more when someone otherwise as smart as you is willing to just fiddle away as the whole thing just burns down around us.

Three points: first this is a non-regulated racket, and therefore needs to be self-regulated. Unlike the financial mortagae sector, I'm just trying to exercise a little self-regulation to save the whole home recording sector from crashing and burning in a similar way.

Second, Fala is a new kid on the block, sure. But if he's going to act like a big boy, he should expect to get treated like one.

Third, if he has a complete misunderstanding of what mastering actually *is* - which he DOES - he needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Like Miro said, if he came on here saying he wanted to practice fucking around with someone else's 2mixes as a way to learn his gear, I might have been easier than I was. But instead he came on here, using someone else's website as his cover, pretending to do something he can't do and offering it as a "service".

BTW, he charges for his "service" if he actually tries mastering an album (which is actually closer to what real mastering actually is). So it's only fair to ask someone like that just what his service entails - i.e. what we're getting for our money, because there is zero way to tell that from what he is offering for free.

If that pisses you or anyone else off, NYM, I'm sorry. But this disease of faux mastering has become epidemic on the InterThing and in home recording, and IMHO to be fought back against and fought back against hard. And Fala has the fever. I'm not being an asshole, I'm just trying to stand up for what's right in the only way that anybody ever seems to hear.

hihi he said of its grandfathers "nonni" in Italy and left Italy 50 years ago and then of the earthquake in Abruzzo enough speak Italian :)
When you guys write in Italian, could you give the rest of us a brief translation of what's being said ?
Merci beaucoup (thank you very much).

Which, BTW, Waltzy, is why my Italian is so defective ;). I don't actually speak Italian. I was just trying to help Fala understand since he came to a BBS run in a language he understands almost as badly as he understands mastering. And frankly, your encouraging him down the wrong path certainly doesn't help.

Who is in hack soft?? every time i go from my friend Alle in your studio for the mastering .... and he is free for me for 1 tracks
Where I come from courtesy is letting someone answer a question when you ask it. You asked your questions regardless of his answer to the first question.
And the rest just Wow
It's a "free" country anyone can offer free mastering and many do, free and cheap are not much of a differentiator.

Knowledge is one thing that separates the "men from the boys" (which is where I believe G. was coming from) another is the quality of work done.

I understand fala wanting to offer a free trial to demonstrate the later but would suggest that he only supply a section of the song, alternate between mastered and unmastered version, or insert ocassional silence in sections of a demo master rather than giving away his work. There are some who will take advantage of this to get free mastering for singles. Giving away work tends to cheapen what we do.

Anyway much success on your efforts, BTW my grandparents were from Bari and Sicily.
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no mastering house if you send me a mix ...i posted 3 full (not a demo or silence) different version of tracks master 1. gentle 2. moderate 3. aggressive and sent a zip with 3 file and goodluck :) sorry but the translator working bad in italian
"Mastering" has become a big buzzword even at the most novice levels of recording.
You find it tossed about like so much magic dust, by people who really have NO idea what it actually means when it comes to the skill and equipment needed to truly be able to do *mastering* so that you are actually *improving* the product.

I did my own "mastering"...and when I say that, I try to always remember to put quotes around the word because I don't ever want to imply that what I do is of the caliber of a true mastering house.
Could I offer it as a service and call it *mastering* ...sure, but I know that I would only be kidding myself and maybe even taking advantage of those who have NO clue what it really means to master.
Oh don't get me wrong...I am confident that with my overall audio experience I would certainly be able to do at least justice to a product...mainly because I am an anal type and would NOT assume that a few presets in a software app are going to do it for me... ;) so I WOULD spend the extra time making sure I'm actually doing the best I could and to improve the mix.
That's how I did my own "mastering"...and was generally happy with my results.

The point here is that technology has given novices and young guys who are just starting to dabble with audio...all kinds of power...power that they don't really understand since they have little or no audio foundation. So for many of them *mastering* is just a preset on some DAW plugin...and it’s mostly understood that it’s about making stuff LOUD and then thinking that's what really makes it better and *mastered*.

So I get where Glen is coming from.
Also…just 'cuz someone offers a FREE service, it doesn't create any credibility for that service...and with the current buzz about mastering, it's too easy for people to misunderstand what they are supposed to get from it, and/or what they are doing when they think they are *mastering*.
As was pointed out...audio engineering is unregulated, anyone can claim anything...and these days, a lot of novices claim all kinds of stuff.
Lots of folks claim they are a producer just ‘cuz they have an opinion about music.
Almost everyone who is a musician claims to have a studio these days...even if it's just a laptop on their kitchen counter.
And likewise, a lot of people think they are *mastering*...because that's what’s written on the box that the plug-ins CD came in.

Fala seems like a good guy, and I don't think he's trying to scam people, so I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way, but he's just a little misguided about what he thinks *mastering* really is, and even with the language barrier it's pretty clear that he's flying by the seat of his pants...
...so there really should be some credibility check when it's being offered as a service...free or for $$$.

But I see this discussion and what some are calling "bashing" as a really GOOD thing for Fala...and I bet he ends up learning from this, and maybe one day becoming a bonafied mastering engineer with a real service to offer! So I wish him good luck.
I wish when I was 24 I had all this inexpensive audio power to tap into! :)
I didn't bash the guy...I just made the comment that he apparently feels mastering is just about making it LOUD and flat-topped. :)

Here's the thing..."mastering" is a technical art form, so even when you offer it for free, it still shouldn't deviate from what is considered true quality *mastering*.
If it does...then it's not *mastering*, it's just some plugs strung together that make the music LOUD and flat-topped. :rolleyes:

Know what I mean....? ;)

That's not bashing...that's honest reality.

If he said he was learning how to master, and was looking for music to practice on, for free...that would be different.
Point being..."free" doesn't really sweeten the deal if it ain't the real deal. :D

I wasn't having a go at you miroslav...there was just a general vibe of 'let's kill this guy for having the audacity to think he's a mastering technician.'

Your post is on the money in the scheme of things...he did make my song loud and flat topped...