I am black

Its interesting how this topic evokes so much emotion from people. I believe it stems from only a generation ago, that when someone claimed to be something they weren't, they were called out on it, or declared mentally unstable. Somehow (correct me if I'm wrong) but I vaguely remember a film with randall tex cobb where he believed he was black, and everybody in the film knew he was nuts and treated him as such.

Now, we seem to play along and agree when someone claims to be something they are not. The emperor has no clothes is no longer called out. Elizabeth Warren has been rewarded for the claim of being a Native American, a position at Harvard, in the government, and now a Senate seat.
Well, we're all from Africa originally, right? So I guess that makes all of us a little bit black.

And if this forum's anything to go by, we're all a little bit gay too.
Distinctly apolitical. It is a fact that many job applications ask you for your ethnic background or nationality. Why would they require that information if they didn't need it to make one decision or another? Reasonable people disagree as to whether your skin color ought to make a difference in determining if one is the (trigger warning) most qualified candidate for a particular job.

Jimi didn't opine that "it is horseshit that employers hire you or not hire you based at least in part on race, religion, age, political affiliation or marital status" or "liberals think that race is an important criteria in determining whether an applicant is best qualified for a job".

He's just pointing out what color the walls are painted. It would be no less remarkable to say that the post office requires you to affix postage to your mail, and there certainly isn't any reason for you to get all worked up, Keith.

After all, this thread is to celebrate Greg_L's blackness. This is Greg's day, man. Let him have it. :)
You were never elected a moderator so I ask you to kindly refrain from your biased observations.
You were never elected a moderator so I ask you to kindly refrain from your biased observations.

Did you think that the second half of your sentence somehow follows logically from the first? :laughings:

1) Moderators aren't elected
2) My observations above are a strict recitation of fact, here is a band-aid.