How much money do you have invested in your studio?

How much money do you have invested in your project studio?

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Let's not turn this thread into that. If you want to hammer him because you don't like his music, start a new thread with that topic. My response was based upon the fact that during the course of his life he's managed to find close to half a million dollars to invest in gear and instruments. That's something of which I freely admit to being jealous.

Edit: I just went to DigitMus's site to give a listen and I thought "If I Can't Have You" was pretty damn good. It has a strong 60s vibe which I like and the guitar work has a bit of Jerry Garcia flavor to it; I like that too. I tried to go to Haystacker99and's site but apparently he has no site. He simply decided to use his 10th post on the board to criticize someone else's music without putting any of his own out there. That might be okay if DigitMus invited people to go listen and offer feedback, but that's not the case. Pretty weak.

Can't give you any more rep yet, so let me just thank you publicly for that.
Can't give you any more rep yet, so let me just thank you publicly for that.

I got him for you! :D

Thank you both. As anyone knows from the Jordan thread, I have no problem criticizing someone's music and I have no problem with anyone criticizing mine, but that guy seemed like he was jealous of what the other guy had so he took a cheap shot at him.

On that topic, I have a friend, Steve, who lives out in Arizona. Every year or two, Steve flies to NY and stays at my place for a few days and we do some marathon recording sessions. Steve's a very good guitar player and a decent songwriter years of channeling Bob Dylan have made him a less than stellar singer (actually, I'm being too kind). We get the guitar parts done in one or two takes usually, but when I record his vocals there's no such thing as even a full take. We have to go through it line by line because he's extremely pitchy and his phrasing is usually pretty bad and uninteresting.

Anyway, we've been friends for 20 years and neither of us are thin-skinned about music, so the conversations during recording get pretty blunt. If a take is horrible, I tell him so. There have been times when we've recorded one single line 40-50 times in a row because he can't get the pitch right. By the time we're done, I've usually used every trick I know, but the vocals are 100% better than anything he could've done on his digital recorder at home.

My point is this: criticism can be blunt if it's useful. If I don't tell my buddy his vocals aren't good enough, he'll settle for less than what he's capable of. In the end, he's always thrilled with the outcome and that's what it's all about, right?

Related to that, a couple of weeks ago I got Melodyne Studio and I went back to one of the songs he recorded here, fixed the vocals, remixed it, mastered it, and sent it off to him. Blew him away. :D
Hey I was just saying,

haha my bad.... my last project was www.myspace .com /kylewarrpiano
spaced that out because I dont think I'm cool enough to post links. I have a very small home studio with little to no money invested called LOAF. Anything we have been fortunate enough to aquire has been given to us through local funding or small grants.
And even after you do that initial inventory, you keep remembering other things that you've overlooked. I initially forgot my piano. It all adds up:eek:
Wow, yeah, I had no idea, I never added it all up before.... I'm just under $10k. It's mostly budget gear too, ~$7500 of it includes a DAW+Cubase, one vocal mic, monitors, 5 guitars, 2 guitar amps, a POD, an entire PA, a rack of outboard stuff, a keyboard, 5 sets of cans, and a headphone amp. The only thing I didnt go cheap on is a v-drum kit for about ~$2500.
1 mic from Radio Shack = $9.95
My main recording rig is an 1984 IBM PC with the upgrade from 640K to 760K of RAM.

I guess my setup is worth around $10.95 or close to it.
With 50 repsonses to the poll, it appears the mean (middle amount) is somewhere between $7,501 and $10,000. I guess I went a little overboard in my studio. :D
With 50 repsonses to the poll, it appears the mean (middle amount) is somewhere between $7,501 and $10,000. I guess I went a little overboard in my studio. :D

Yeah me too but is it overboard or is it achievement? You say to-mah-to, I say to-may-to!
Goals should exceed your grasp.:D

With apologies to Robert Browning.

"Reach for the stars... that way, if you come up short, you can settle for the moon."
-no apologies necessary because I just made that shit up.
Just crossed the $20K barrier. Yikes. It doesn't help that junior moved to California and took half the studio with him. Buying duplicates is a b/tch. Mic locker split in half. Ouch. I see pain in my future.