~~~~ Home Recording Challenge 3 ~~~~

Re: Re: I'm In....

Pedullist said:
I've seen lots of people responding to this thread who never posted anything...

It's gonna be interesting ;)
Mostly because we are hoping to be paired with somebody who has. :)

BTW I had an idea for the next challenge after this one...pick a common well known and public domain tune, like Dixie, and have everybody create their own unique variation of it.
I think jcmm might have something.......you really wouldn't want two total newbs getting paired, so you could have maybe two hats.....the newbs and a different hat for the experienced guys. use one of each for each pairing.

But whatever you do, it'll be fun! :D
Re: Re: Re: I'm In....

Innovations said:
BTW I had an idea for the next challenge after this one...pick a common well known and public domain tune, like Dixie, and have everybody create their own unique variation of it.

I was thinking along the same lines - only I was thinking Christmas Carols (or original Christmas songs)... might even be worth a compilation CD.

Problem is, it's mostly just the carols that are public domain, rather than the pop stuff like Winter Wonderland and Sleighride...

Re: Embarrassment!

kgirl72 said:
Hi guys...doesn't that emoticon smiley look more like a "tell it to the hand" face than an embarrassment face?


You can sing yo' ass off.


OH Yea...

I'd love to play BUT whoever gets me would have to understand that I'll be leaving earth for two weeks on the 15th of June, so I won't even know who I get paired with until July. If anyone has a problem with this just speak up and I'll understand.
Re: Re: Huh?

jcmm said:
....Since there is alot of people joining up with their tail between their legs maybe we should consider one thing.

The difference in skills, be they musical or mixing, as well as available equipment may put some teams at a disadvantage in terms of what they are able to accomplish. I know this is a fun learning experience but imagine SLuiCe and B.SABBATH paired, or a hack like myself and some newb (no offense intended!) or even 2 newbs who have little or no gear being paired.
I'm not sure how to do this but is it possible to break the pot of people into groups where one group has experience/equipment, and another group may have less experience/equipment, and pair one from each group to maintain balance for all.

Even the gear question deserves thought.
Maybe I'm taking this too far..........or maybe this would bring more people in??

Any ideas people??
If this were a competition I might be inclined to agree with you. I think that one of the things that is making this attractive is the 'odd couple' humor angle. Frankly the chances of two persons of equal talent and identical tastes being paired are just about nil.

BTW, what consitiutes 'original'? Since copyright laws allows for parodies, would a song parody be acceptable?
Hi Twist,

That piano was actually just my old trusty Roland midi keyboard that I bought in the early 80's when midi was first coming out! Do you think it sounds okay or horrible? I don't know how to listen for it really. But I just plugged it into my mixer, to my soundcard and then recorded as audio. I don't even know if I needed that mixer. Ha ha. Why not just add a whole bunch of extra crap into my signal, huh?

I have a Steinway old mid-sized upright in my living room, which was just bought as a gift by my ex-boyfriend. Must say, it was the best gift I've ever received! However, I need to get the acceptable mics/stands (or no stands if we do PZMs) to record it! Luckily my new boyfriend is a sound tech, and he said from now on, I get my audio equipment at COST. Gotta love that. I've had some good men in my life, that's for sure. Anyway, he had some ideas on how to record it for me.

Thing is, I don't know how to play. I play solely by ear. I can read music and all, but I don't try to. I took lessons twice, and quit in about a month both times, because I can make up crap that sounds better than what they're trying to get me to learn. Who needs to do that? It's depressing. I'll just keep faking it!

I don't truly know what key that was in even. Probably B flat, since I used all white keys! Most of my made up stuff is heavy on the black. Then, I really don't know what key I'm in. I do have a very rudimentary knowledge of theory. Rudimentary being the key word. As in, acquired in junior high school in choir.

Anyway, you didn't ask for all that, sorry. I just like hangin out with you guys. It beats staring out a window at work.


And thank you rustyfingers! This will give me some courage. For the future. I need some o' that!
kgirl72 said:
That piano was actually just my old trusty Roland midi keyboard that I bought in the early 80's when midi was first coming out! Do you think it sounds okay or horrible?

QUOI? Re:hmmmmmmmmm??????

je ne comprends pas, rusty fingers...

hmmmmmmm??????? Don't know what ya mean. Maybe about the midi coming out in the 80's? Actually, I have no idea when that happened. Thought I read that...

Otherwise, don't know what you are hmmmmmm-ing about.
Re: QUOI? Re:hmmmmmmmmm??????

kgirl72 said:
je ne comprends pas, rusty fingers...

hmmmmmmm??????? Don't know what ya mean. Maybe about the midi coming out in the 80's? Actually, I have no idea when that happened. Thought I read that...

Otherwise, don't know what you are hmmmmmm-ing about.

Which Roland keyboard were you playing that sounds like that?

I'm not being a "butweed" or anything but I've never heard anything that came out in the 80's (or 90s) that sounds like that.

BTW: You a Tull fan? :D

See Ya
kgirl72 said:
Hi Twist,

That piano was actually just my old trusty Roland midi keyboard that I bought in the early 80's when midi was first coming out! Do you think it sounds okay or horrible?

I thought it sounded good!

Roland E-10

I think is what it was. It was an "intelligent synthesizer".

Yeah, I bought it in the 80's, not sure the exact year. It cost a shitload, though. It was listed just under $1300 all said, if I remember correctly. I don't know what they go for these days, but I convinced my dad to buy that one instead of the dinky little Yamaha plastic things. I am still to this day not sure how I got him to fork over an extra grand for a keyboard! Cause what he was looking at was VERY cheap. I saw the bigger boards with all the buttons, and I said, Dad, I would much rather have that!

I got it, but I would love a new one. Like I said, I don't record midi, but it is useful to have for other reasons in my book. I record it as audio.

Glad you guys think it sounds good. Like I said, I don't really know what to listen for. I'll check on the model number, but I'm pretty sure that's it. Can't find much literature on them, that's for sure.

buttweed...that's funny. My daughter, who likes buttwad, and butthead, as words, says butweed isn't very funny. She suggests buttdweeb.

Hee hee.
Just glancing through the posts I think I need to reiterate...


2 newbs can have just as much fun as two more experienced people making a song.

And if neither of you can sing, make a friggin' instrumental. Just make some music we can listen to. Let's not lose sight of the purpose of this thing...please. You start talking about advantages and disadvantages and you're not going to learn a goddam thing.
Sorry if I caused that Sluice...

but I don't really think I did. You never know, though. I'm just a little chicken shit, that's all.

I'll shut up anyway. Just let me know who I am to be peared with.

I'd be happy to collaborate with any fellow 388 owners :cool:

Just so long as they have endless patience :D